
Records of the Crimes of the Japanese Invasion of China __(Serial)

author:The history of war

1 Jinan "May 3rd" Massacre (published)

2 Atrocities of the Japanese army in Shanghai during the "128" period (published)

3 Fushun Pingdingshan Massacre (published)

4 Under the Five Family Massacre (published)

5 Tulongshan Massacre (published)

6 Bloody And Tearful "Group Tribes" (published)

7. Dalian "Anti-Japanese Arson Regiment" massacre

After the "9.18" incident, the Kuomintang Nanjing government, pursuing a policy of non-resistance, fell into the hands of Japanese imperialism. The people of our northeast, under the iron hooves of the Japanese Kou, have suffered all the ravages and sufferings. Yang Jingyu, Deng Tiemei, Miao Kexiu, and other outstanding sons and daughters of the Chinese nation successively lit anti-Japanese beacons in the Andong (present-day Donggang) area; The broad masses of patriotic intellectuals, unwilling to be slaves to the subjugated country, have given propaganda to the masses in various forms to resist Japan and save the country. Japanese imperialism, in order to safeguard its fascist reactionary rule, adopted high-pressure means to carry out a brutal sweep of our anti-Japanese armed forces on the one hand, and on the other hand, to arrest patriotic intellectuals on a large scale and carry out bloody suppression, thus creating the "Anton Education Incident" that shocked the whole country.

   The "Andong Education Incident" occurred in the winter of 1936 and continued in the spring of 1937, when the Japanese Kou, under the pretext of "eliminating the Eastern Frontier Road Salvation Congress", led by the Andong Gendarmerie, began on November 12, 1936 (the 29th day of the ninth lunar month) and went to January 7 of the following year (november 25 of the lunar calendar) in Andong, Fengcheng, Xiuyan, Kuandian, Zhuanghe, Huanren, Tonghua, Linjiang, Changbai and other counties, and wantonly searched for the heads of provincial and county education departments (bureaus), the presidents, the principals of middle and primary schools, the director of education, the director of education, and some business circles. There are more than 300 people in the financial circles. At that time, Anton was a provincial capital, and the vast majority of those arrested served in the education sector, so people used to call it the "Anton Education Incident".

 After the September 18 incident, the northeastern patriots Gao Chongmin, Yan Baohang, Du Chongyuan, Che Xiangchen, and Lu Guangji, who were exiled in Beiping (present-day Beijing), established the "Northeast People's Anti-Japanese Salvation Congress" (referred to as the Salvation Congress), and gradually expanded this organization to all parts of the northeast. It is said that Li Xianting, the former principal of Anton Linke Middle School, accepted the instructions of the Peking Salvation Congress and returned to Anton in 1932. He and Qin Youde, then president of the Andong Provincial Education Association and principal of Linke Middle School, expressed his feelings, and Qin actively approved of it, and raised funds for the Salvation Congress through the business community in the name of the Hakodate earthquake relief in Japan. On December 20, 1935, the Andong Provincial Department of Education held an appraisal meeting for middle school teachers. At Linke Middle School, Qin Youde secretly persuaded all walks of life to organize branches with the education community as the center. In addition to Fusong County, branches have been organized in Andong Province.

  In 1936, the Salvation Congress was secretive and betrayed by traitors. Huanren had a Gai Hongzhou, his brother's name was Gai Weixin, he used to work in Zhang Xueliang's arsenal, and if there was anything difficult to do in the township, he often asked For Gai Hongzhou, and some local gentry also valued him. After the "9.18" incident, Zhang Xueliang retired into Guannei, and Gai Hongzhou's value also declined, often being coldly received by some gentlemen, so Gai was dissatisfied. When he learned that the county gentleman Jin Juting had economic ties with the National Salvation Congress, he wrote a black letter to inform, handed the letter to the gendarmes to translate, and asked him to forward it to the gendarmerie captain Sand Ben. After the translator read the letter, he did not give the letter directly to ShaBen, but first showed it to Jin Juting, hoping to blackmail it. But King saw the translator's intentions and refused to admit it for fear that he would continue to blackmail him. The translator changed his face and handed the letter to Sand Ben, and Jin Juting and the others were arrested and detained by the gendarmerie. After torture to extract a confession, Kim confessed. The Japanese gendarmerie team then rounded up more than 100 people in Huanren. One of them, Li Dahua, was a former school student in the Andong County Education Bureau, and under severe punishment, Li confessed to people who were in contact with the Andong County Education Bureau, so the incident spread to Andong.

 On the night of November 12, 1936 (the 29th day of the ninth lunar calendar), the Japanese gendarmerie of Andong County suddenly surrounded the residence of Deng Shiren, the director of the county education bureau, and the fierce god viciously broke into the room, the muzzle of the gun was directly into Deng's chest, and he rummaged through the boxes and cabinets, and the pieces of paper refused to let go. From more than 3 o'clock in the morning to nearly 6 o'clock, he found nothing and kidnapped Deng. Also arrested was Zhang Zhenfan, the president of the Education Council of Andong County and the principal of Jintang Primary School; Yu Xueli, vice president of the Andong County Education Association and principal of Xin'an Street Primary School, and Shan Rongdao, principal of Andong County No. 4 Primary School, took their books, together with desk drawers, back to the gendarmerie team during the search, and attached seals to the large roll cabinets that could not be taken away. That night, Qin Youde, the principal of Linke Middle School in Andong Province, was also arrested. The Qin family lived in a two-entry courtyard, and at about 1 a.m. in the middle of the night, Qin's homebell rang, and Qin and his wife went to open the door together. Qin's wife asked, "Who?" The accent of the outer answer is unknown. When Qin's wife opened the door, Qin took the opportunity to hide behind the gate, the enemy went straight to the inner courtyard, Qin temporarily escaped, hiding in the home of a person surnamed Jiang in Dongkanzi (later transferred to the basement of the British building by his friend Kong Zhaoyi. Soon after, Qin was secretly reported to the gendarmerie by the traitor Qin Youjun, and was later arrested and imprisoned.) The enemy did not catch Qin Youde, so he arrested Qin's wife and son together and searched Qin's office at the Lin School. During this time, there was a white terror everywhere, and the cars of the gendarmerie and the police station ran rampant, and sometimes the enemy drove the cars into the school yard and arrested them by name; Sometimes they are taken away after work; Some were intercepted on the road and warned family members and colleagues not to speak up. Among the first to be arrested by the Japanese were Ma Rentian, principal of Manshang Primary School, Chu Yongkang, director of education affairs of Andong County No. 1 Primary School, Li Qingshan, director of academic affairs of The Provincial Linke Middle School, Hou Zelin, director of training, Sun Wenshi, director of the Department of Education of Andong Province, Sun Langxuan, director of the Andong Provincial Department of Education, Sun Langxuan, director of the Andong General Chamber of Commerce, Song Ziyun, director of the library, Sun Derun, director of the lecture center, and Liu Guoan, director of the Academic Affairs Unit of the Education Bureau. On November 15, the Japanese gendarmerie inspected the books of Shangli Elementary School, arrested the school's principal Liu Jingfang in the afternoon, and then began a second arrest. On the afternoon of November 16, two Japanese gendarmes and an interpreter took a car to Andong County No. 2 Elementary School and asked the principal, Chi Xueyu, "Are you the principal?" Late to say "make up the numbers". The interpreter said, "The gendarmerie asked you to do something," and he took Chi away. When the car arrived at the Anton Provincial Police Department, it was escorted to a basement. Okada, a Japanese gendarme, patted Chi on the shoulder and said in a half-baked Chinese dialect, "Your friend is big." "At a later look, there were more than 30 principals of schools, clerks of the Education Bureau, and so on. On December 3, chen renxuan, a teacher at Jintang Primary School, Zhang Renfeng, a teacher at Chaoyang Primary School, and Tong Jin, a teacher at Linke Middle School, continued to be arrested. Soon after, chun yu xiliang, president of the Central Bank's Andong branch, was arrested.

  At the same time, the Japanese also hunted down in various counties. On the night of December 14, Xiuyan Garrison Captain Fujii led his troops out of the nest and arrested Guan Yinghua and Zhao Shuwei, principals of boys' and girls' and girls' middle schools, Cao Fuying, director of education, Xie Zhonghou, director of education, Kong Zhaolun, Kou Shaozhun, and Jiang Dunyou of the Education Bureau, Guan Guisheng, chairman of the Education Bureau, Xia Yusheng, director of the Internal Affairs Bureau, Yu Ruiting, president of agricultural affairs, Wang Fengwu, president of commerce, and Li Naichen, director of the Finance Bureau.

  The Japanese arrested in Kuandian were: Cong Shuchun, president of the Kuandian County Education Council and principal of the county teacher middle school; Wu Fengzhen, principal of the vocational middle school; Zou Shaonan, principal of the county girls' middle school; Luan Jixian, director of the county finance bureau; Yang Chunhua, director of the county internal affairs bureau; Li Mingsan, chairman of the commerce; Wang Guanwu, chairman of the Wanzi president; Lü Wuchen, chairman of the agricultural affairs council; Xu Jingbo and Ma Rujiu, vice presidents of the commerce association; Li Shiying, president of the Kuandian branch of the central bank; and Tang Yinjie, mayor of the county town. Vocational middle school teacher Li Ji and others.

  Arrested in Fengcheng County were: He Panlin, director of the Education Bureau; Li Yunlin, principal of the middle school; Yuan Zhongyi, director of the academic affairs of the girls' middle school; Guan Zirong, principal of the first primary school; Zuo Xiuhai, principal of the vocational middle school; Jiang Zhenchang, principal of the third primary school; Ma Qinggui, principal of the fourth primary school; Li Shaoyan, principal of the fifth primary school; Zhao Jiqing, director of the third primary school; and Bai Baoshan, president of the commercial school.

  According to incomplete statistics, 97 people were arrested by the Japanese Kou, 21 people in Kuandian, 19 people in Fengcheng, 14 people in Xiuyan, 115 people in Huanren, 26 people in Tonghua, 14 people in Zhuanghe, 3 people in Ji'an, and 1 person each in Linjiang and Changbai, for a total of 311 people.

The japanese and kosovars arrested on charges of "ideological prisoners" and "state criminals" were all interrogated by the gendarmerie "by surprise" and tortured to extract confessions. On the afternoon of November 17, Liu Jingfang was interrogated and asked what he had done, and Liu said: "Teaching, I have not done anything else." At this time, the enemy ordered the thugs to tie Liu's head, hands, and feet to a bench and pour cold water into his nose with a kettle; Liu did not confess and was beaten to death. On the morning of the 18th, he continued to torture Liu, tying Liu's hands behind his back and hanging them up and beating them, but Liu still did not open his mouth. The enemy pressed another lever on Liu's calf and began. Go up two people to press, then increase to 4 people, 6 people, 8 people. Just listening to the "click", Liu Painfully fainted past. When he woke up, his leg was broken. During the interrogation of Chi Xueyu, without speaking, 7 Japanese gendarmes hung him up, beat him from the upper body to the lower body with iron rods and bamboo plates, and shouted while hitting: "Your talk", until the beating was too late to move, before putting him down and kicking him into the corner, and then interrogating another person. The Jackal-like Japanese Kou used all kinds of torture during interrogation, pouring cold water, pressing bars, pricking nails with bamboo tips, and scalding his whole body with a red-hot stove hook. Some people also beat people to the point of blurring flesh and blood and throw them into the wolfhound pen to feed the wolfhounds, which is really inhumane and exterminates humanity.

  Under severe torture, many people showed the heroic courage of great patriotism of "suffering from imprisonment and unswervingly saving the country." After Chu Yongkang, the director of education at the First Primary School in Andong County, was arrested, he used his finger to draw "I don't know" on the blanket to show the victims, and actively prepared to fight the enemy. When Deng Shiren was interrogated on November 14, Deng Ning died, and the Japanese gendarmes used floor brushes to put Deng's head into a water pot to pour cold water, and poured Deng to death alive. After Cao Fuying was arrested, he took the opportunity of the child's delivery of food and quietly asked the child to tell his family: "First, we must be determined, and second, we must be assured." When Cao was pulled back to the original classroom to let Cao attend class, and the enemy took pictures to collect evidence, Cao also issued a solemn appeal to the students to "improperly destroy the country and slaves". Cao was interrogated day and night by the Japanese devils, beaten and bruised, and never defected. When Yu Ruiting was interrogated, he not only did not confess, but also angrily scolded the enemy for "singing the royal way, which is really domineering," and was beaten to death by the enemy. Guan Yinghua was severely tortured and beaten by the enemy, filled his chest with righteous indignation, and he took advantage of the enemy's lack of preparation, grabbed the knife on the case, and cut it straight at the enemy, and became a hero on the spot.

  In the face of the heroic sons and daughters of China, after the enemy's brutal means failed, they changed new tricks in a vain attempt to soften the victims, and this hand was recognized by everyone. Wang Fengzhang was poured cold water by the Japanese 4 times in a row, and when he did not ask for a meridian, a translator came to Wang and said: "The Japanese also know that there is not necessarily a national policy, but this is Japan's national policy, if you don't admit it, beat you up and break your leg and break your arm, it is a cripple to go out, you might as well admit it lightly, put on a few years of imprisonment, and do something", but Wang Fengzhang has a number in mind, no matter how the enemy uses clever words, he has never been deceived. When the enemy 5 owed to interrogate Lin Gui's family, Rikou did not show up, and asked two interpreters to lead Lin to the guest room of an inn on the street, with cigarettes, apples, and tea on the table. As soon as Lin entered, the enemy treated lin as a guest, saying that lin had suffered these days, and said, "We see that you are a good person and want to try to save you." Lin asked, "What method can you use to rescue me?" The translator said, "You will tell us who is in the Salvation Congress, how much money you have raised, and where you have saved it, and you will let you go home tonight and become your female headmaster as usual." Lin said, "I don't think about life or death, I'm at your disposal." The two guys saw that they couldn't reach their goal, and they took Lin back.

  In order to force a confession, the inhumane Japanese Kou could do anything that harmed nature and reason. When Rikou poured chili noodles for Qin Youde's son, he let his grandmother, who was in her 90s, watch from the sidelines; He also beat Qin's 8-year-old daughter every day, asking east and west. 8-year-old, what can she know? The child was beaten so badly that he was nearly blind. The 90-year-old Mother Qin, under the torture of the enemy, was physically and mentally tortured and unyielding. When Wang Gongsheng was tortured, his ignorant child Wang Mingding could not bear to see his father devastated, so he persuaded his father to confess, and his father said sharply: "How happy is the eldest husband born, and why is he afraid of death?" Righteous and loyal, he was beaten to death by The Japanese.

  Under the severe torture of the Japanese Kou, some people also crossed the confession written by the enemy and admitted that they had taken education donations, but they did not know that it was for the Salvation Congress. Sun Langxuan, president of the Anton Chamber of Commerce, said under the torture of the enemy: "The money donated by various businesses was transferred to the Salvation Congress by me, and they did not know about it below. "He bears it alone.

On a gloomy midnight day in late 1936, pedestrians disappeared from the streets. In the ice and snow, the city's electric lights were suddenly all extinguished, and the Japanese Kou gendarmes, as if facing a great enemy, loaded with live ammunition and swung bayonets, tied up 52 victims of Anton, and the two of them were escorted to the railway station. Covered in his head, loaded into a stuffy tank truck bound for Fengtian (present-day Shenyang), arrived at Fengtian North Railway Station, was taken to a car, and sent to Fengtian Army Prison.

  When I arrived at Fengtian Prison, I was shackled and held 3 to 5 people in one room. At first, nothing was asked, two meals a day. High-grain rice porridge in the morning, high-grain dried rice in the evening, half a bowl of vegetable soup.

  Six or seven days later, the Army Military Justice Division held a hearing. A Japanese devil, a translator, a arraignment, mainly asked what organization was participating and how many people there were. Once, when arraigned Song Anton, Judge Rikou asked, "When did you join the Salvation Congress?" Song replied: "Did not participate." The judge asked, "Then why did you admit to participating in the Anton Gendarmerie and also detain you?" Song said: "Back to the judge's words, under severe punishment I have to admit it." Even the judge has to admit it under severe punishment. The judge couldn't say anything, so he had to send Song Andong back to prison. During the interrogation of Chi Xueyu, the judge asked, "Who is the head of the Salvation Congress?" Late answer: "I didn't participate in the Salvation Congress, I don't know who the head is." The judge asked, "How did you say that you participated in the Anton Gendarmerie?" Chi said, "That's really unbearable to fight, to tell lies." The judge had no choice but to call for delay.

  Although Nikko did not ask anything. However, he continued to do it according to their established national policy.

  At dinner on December 26 of the lunar calendar, a guard announced: "Tomorrow the sentence of Andong County will be pronounced." After Shan Rongdao listened, he knew that he was bound to die, so he said to the guards: "Please do a convenience, give me some paper, write a letter, and ask someone from home to collect the body." The guards gave him more than ten pieces of paper, and he wrote letters. Li Qinye also wrote a letter to the guards, gave some money to the guards, and asked the guards to mail the letter away.

 At dinner on December 26 of the lunar calendar, a guard announced: "Tomorrow the sentence of Andong County will be pronounced." After Shan Rongdao listened, he knew that he was bound to die, so he said to the guards: "Please do a convenience, give me some paper, write a letter, and ask someone from home to collect the body." The guards gave him more than ten pieces of paper, and he wrote letters. Li Qinye also wrote a letter to the guards, gave some money to the guards, and asked the guards to mail the letter away.

  The next morning, the courtyard of the Army prison was covered with heavily armed military police. A section chief of the Military Justice Department went outside the cell and shouted, "Let's get things straightened out." After a while, Wanshouzi, Lin Yunting, Wang Fengzhang, and 19 other people were released from prison and escorted to the court. The courtroom was a large room with more than 20 Japanese officers on the stage, and only one Chinese. The chief of military justice announced that Wanshouzi and 19 others were sentenced to 5 years' imprisonment, suspended, and released on the spot. Wan Waitang was shackled, led out of the courtroom, stood in the prison courtyard, and then called out to Liu Jingfang, Zhong Shurui and 14 other people, and announced that they were sentenced to 13 years and 4 months in prison. The third group of 19 people, including Chi Xueyu, Yu Xueli, Hou Zelin and Jing Baihu, announced that they were sentenced to 15 years in prison. In the last batch, the military police pointed their guns at the victims, escorted them to court, and declared Sun Wenshi, Qin Youde, Zhang Zhenfan, and 11 others capitalized. After the verdict was pronounced, the bailiffs pushed the victims one by one onto the execution cart. Sun Langxuan scolded the Japanese devils, "Your end is here!" When he was about to be sentenced, Sun Wenshi had a calm attitude and shouted: "Long live the Chinese nation!" Be righteous.

  On the morning of december 28 of the lunar calendar, the day after Qin Youde's heroic righteousness, a telegram from an unknown person was sent to the Qin family, saying: "Qin Youde is dead" (the Qin family still does not know who sent the telegram). At more than 9 o'clock in the morning, Wang Fengzhang, who was still alive in Hukou, returned to Qin's house and said that Qin had killed the devils on the banks of the Hun River in Shenyang in the afternoon of the 27th. Then, The Anton Japanese Gendarmerie gave the county office a list of the dead, told the families to go to Fengtian to collect the corpses, and told the families not to cry. When the families of the victims heard this, they could not cry. When they rushed to the Jiang Gong Ancestral Hall in Daxiguan, Shenyang, their relatives had no faces, their blood was blurred, and they were packed in a coffin with several rotten wooden planks and nails, on which were written the names of the deceased. The family members could not cry, but only sobbed with hatred. When the family members asked for clothes, every piece was covered in blood, and they couldn't bear to look at them one by one. However, the Chinese nation cannot be conquered, and the broad masses of the people are on the side of the victims. Some passers-by, seeing that the families of the deceased were grief-stricken and afraid that the Japanese would harm their relatives again, helped them to a secluded place and advised them to return early, so as not to cause any further wrong. When the coffins of the victims passed, the pedestrians sighed and cast sympathetic glances at the families of the victims. In particular, when Qin Youde's coffin was transported to the railway station, when passing through the Great West Gate and the South Market, it encountered two road sacrifices, which made the family deeply comforted and inspired. But to this day, the family does not know who is setting the way.

The 10 to 20 years in prison sentenced illegally at the Fengtian Military Law Department were quickly transferred to Fushun Prison, where about 80 people were transferred. 21 people in Andong County. Fearing that these people would plot again, they all brought four or five pounds or even eight or nine pounds of leg shackles, and they carried them on them day and night. The 21 people in Andong County began to be locked up in a large room, sitting on wooden boards all day long, not allowed to tilt their heads and tilt their heads, let alone speak and read books and newspapers. Not only do you need to report defecation, but you also have to report coughing, spitting, and turning over at night when you go to bed. Sometimes, when someone gives out a rude breath, the guard shouts, "What do you think in your heart, do you want to run?" Fierce and vicious, like a wolf like a tiger. The food in the prison is very poor. Three meals a day, all with musty high-grain rice porridge, cabbage and radish, do not wash clean on the pot, neither hygienic, nor full. In the spring of 1937, a fever broke out in the prison, and 15 of the victims in the "Anton Education Incident" alone died. Before some of them could lose their breath, the enemy covered them with quilts to urge them to die, and then snatched away valuable clothes. Prison guards often blackmail victims and ask them to ask their families for money to use. Some people have no money in their homes, so they have no choice but to give their clothes to the guards in order to loosen up the guards.

  In prison, the victims do not succumb to the obscenity of the enemy. When food was too late to eat, the victims joined forces to make demands to the prison authorities to allow their families to send thin seeds (that is, food), and after the struggle, the authorities had to agree, which could not be counted as one of the reasons why some people were able to get out of prison alive. Usually, the victims are considerate of each other and take care of each other. A year later, the victims were allowed to work in the factory, but the shackles were still carried on the legs day and night, some legs were worn out, the legs were swollen, and purple spots appeared in the flesh, and the victims asked for some medicines and food from home to help get through the difficulties. Liu Changde, a clerk in the Andong County Education Bureau, had a swollen leg, and Chi Xueyu rubbed him for treatment, and Liu Jingfang carried him to work. The victims loved each other and insisted on living, and they had to see for themselves the end of the Japanese Kou.

  All reactionaries are counter-revolutionaries who use sticks and carrots, and the Japanese are no exception. On the one hand, we have adopted cruel means of suppressing people with patriotic ideas, and on the other hand, we have hypocritically engaged in "commutation of sentences." The first was a visit to Japan by a puppet puppet, with a quarter reduction in sentence, and then three more times in celebration of the Japanese era in 2600 and the successful bombing of Pearl Harbor in the United States by the Japanese army, each with a quarter of the remaining sentence. In this way, most of them were released from prison around 1943. Some of them were already dying when they were released from prison, such as Ma Qinggui, the principal of Fengcheng No. 4 Primary School, who died after he was released from prison. Some have mental disorders, some shave their hair as monks, and only after they are restored are they vulgar. When they entered Fushun Prison, there were more than 80 people, and only thirty or forty people came out alive.

Source: Anti-Japanese War Memorial Network, Dandong City Party History Research Office published information.

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