
Campus riot prevention emergency plan

author:Resource recommendations

 In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the work conference on school safety, further do a good job in school safety rectification, protect the health of students, promote the smooth development of all work in the school, prevent the occurrence of safety accidents, and effectively reduce and control the harm of safety accidents, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the superior and relevant laws and regulations, starting from the actual situation of our school, this plan is specially formulated.    1. Establish emergency response organizations and responsibilities

  Establish a campus leading group for emergency work to prevent violence, with on-site riot prevention, communication and liaison, evacuation guidance, and on-site rescue under it, responsible for prevention and handling.


  Deputy Team Leader:

  On-site riot control team:

  Communication Contact Group:

  Evacuation Guidance Group: Teachers of each class

On-site ambulance team:

After the outbreak of violence, the group leader immediately led the team to the scene to forcibly stop the perpetrators, and if necessary, they could carry out legitimate defensive acts.

  After the violence of the duty occurred, the team leader immediately organized personnel to evacuate the students who had not been abused at the scene according to the requirements of the commander-in-chief, and cleverly evacuated to a safe area. After the violent incident occurred in the duty, the team leader quickly organized personnel to go to the scene according to the requirements of the commander-in-chief to understand the situation, and at the same time reported to the "110" and the higher education bureau to convey the accident situation and ensure smooth communication. After the occurrence of campus violence, the team of the headquarters, under the leadership of the team leader, quickly rushed to the scene to treat the injured, and the seriously injured should immediately contact the "120" and send them to the hospital for treatment.

  2. Emergency treatment

  Once a vicious injury accident occurs on campus, the safety of the life of teachers and students is above all else, and stability overrides everything as the principle of disposal, and generally should be handled in accordance with the following procedures:

  1. Rational response. Once a vicious injury accident occurs, the faculty and staff present or discover the situation must first immediately send a distress signal to the school duty leader and the public security department, and at the same time, they must be brave and resourceful to deal with the lawbreakers, skillfully cover the rapid evacuation of students, do everything possible to reduce or reduce student casualties, and wait for help.

  2. Decisive disposal. Duty leaders, security guards, duty personnel and riot prevention team personnel, and every faculty member on the scene must stand up in the face of danger, not be afraid of danger, take all measures, and do their best to prevent crime and protect the safety of students' lives.

  3. Control the scene. Leaders must deal with and report to the public security department and the education department at the same time, and summon the teachers and staff of the school to the scene to support and control the scene through preset alarms.

  4. Emergency rescue. School leaders at the scene should actively cooperate with the public security department to cover the orderly evacuation of students and subdue the perpetrators. For emergencies that cause injuries to teachers and students, it is necessary to quickly organize elite forces to carry out rescue, rescue the injured, and quickly contact the hospital to send the injured teachers and students to the hospital for treatment.

  5. Maintain stability. The school's emergency leading group assists the public security department in investigating and collecting evidence for the accident. Retain first-hand information (original records), protect the scene or retain the sample, do not characterize the accident without authorization, and write out the accident report, respectively, and submit it to the relevant leaders and departments; convene student meetings, report the incident, and carry out safety education; convene parents' meetings, report the incident, stabilize parents' emotions, and if necessary, do a good job of collusion with the leaders of the parents' unit; calmly face media interviews, have a special person responsible for reception, without consent, teachers and students are not allowed to accept interviews; all teachers in the school must stick to their respective posts, without permission, Misleading information must not be released without authorization, and work together to do a good job in maintaining campus stability and order.

  3. Safeguard Measures

  1. Strengthen riot prevention education. Through the holding of special lectures, the holding of special class meetings, watching billboards and video materials, distributing letters to parents and other forms and channels, so that teachers and students know the basic common sense and emergency measures to prevent violence, master the safety precautions of the "relevant common sense" and the basic methods of distress and escape.

  2. Investigate contradictions and disputes. Each class teacher should take the initiative to thoroughly and meticulously investigate the situation of the students in the class involved in contradictions and disputes, and should assist in the mediation and resolution of the contradictions involving students and teachers, and focus on prevention and control, and at the same time report to the school so that the school can take further prevention and control measures. Promptly investigate conflicts and disputes that may arise between teachers, between parents, between teachers and parents, and between teachers, students, and social personnel, and promptly and properly resolve them. School staff often contact and communicate with the local police station and the community to understand and grasp the public security situation and unsafe factors around the school, and take preventive measures as soon as possible.

  3. Check for potential safety hazards. Mobilized by the whole people and fully participated. All departments, classes and personnel within the scope of each function have the responsibility to guard the soil, supervise the whole time and space, find problems, eliminate them in a timely manner, eliminate difficulties, and immediately report to the school for unified rectification. The general affairs department often checks the safety hazards on the campus one by one, focusing on: technical defense, material defense facilities, school buildings, walls, order inside and outside the school gate, safe passages, etc. Leave no dead ends, no gaps.

  4. Inspection to the post. On administrative duty days, the duty patrol system should be strictly implemented, and teachers on duty should arrive at their posts on time and stick to their posts, especially during students' morning and noon school days and recess activities; the teaching office should strictly implement the patrol system; the school campus safety inspection team should strictly implement the regular inspection system, and take the initiative to inquire and properly handle abnormal situations.

  5. Organize evacuation drills. Organize a student anti-evil escape evacuation drill once every semester to effectively improve the self-defense and self-isolation awareness and escape skills of teachers and students. In the event of an accident it is beneficial to minimize the negative impact.