
The vitality of Chengdu's consumer market was released

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The vitality of Chengdu's consumer market was released

Authentic food and good consumption environment have left a good impression on Chengdu for foreign tourists

■ Chengdu was selected as one of the first batch of cities in the country to be a one-quarter hour convenience life circle pilot list

■ Chunxi Road Dacifang Block and Chengdu Music Workshop are planned to be selected as the first batch of national night culture and tourism consumption agglomeration areas

In the first three quarters, Chengdu achieved a total retail sales of social consumer goods of 669.21 billion yuan, an increase of 17.6% year-on-year, an average growth of 5.9% in two years; retail sales of consumer goods above designated size increased by 17.1%, and an average growth of 7.3% in two years... The figures convey not only the infinite vitality of Chengdu's consumer market, but also the achievements of Chengdu's efforts in promoting new consumption and creating new scenes, which has played a role in promoting Chengdu to build an international consumption center city.

The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce said that in the fourth quarter, it will continue to strengthen the leading role of head enterprises and major projects, optimize the supply of innovation to stimulate the vitality of new consumption, and stimulate the economy.

Expand the new supply of consumption in the city

New consumer experience scenarios are emerging in an endless stream

Recently, the official website of the Ministry of Commerce announced the pilot list of the first batch of cities in the country to facilitate the people's life circle in a quarter of an hour, and officially identified 30 pilot cities (districts) in the country, all of which are the only cities selected in Sichuan Province; soon after, Chengdu Chunxi Road Dacifang Block and Chengdu Chengdu Music Workshop are planned to be selected as the first batch of national night culture and tourism consumption agglomeration areas list... Citizens have the will and ability to consume, and cities have the obligation to create a better environment for consumption. A set of statistics from the Municipal Bureau of Commerce is very eye-catching - at present, Chengdu's commercial and trade industry carrying capacity, market radiation has jumped rapidly, the city has more than 30,000 square meters of shopping malls 183, Grade A, super Grade A commercial office buildings 46, the existing large-scale comprehensive trading market group 9, the city-level business circle 5, the national demonstration pedestrian street 1, 63 characteristic commercial blocks, more than 100 innovative consumption demonstration scenes; gathered IFS, Taikoo Li and other national single-building, single-store sales champions more than 50.

On the basis of strong resilience, Chengdu has more "energy" to release. According to the relevant person in charge of the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Commerce, we are currently concentrating on building high-energy business circles such as Chunxi Road Business Circle, Jiaozi Park Business Circle, Rongbei Commercial Circle, etc., building a new consumer industry ecology throughout the territory, the dislocation development of 16 new consumer industry functional areas, and actively promoting the comprehensive development of TOD and EOD, implanting park consumption scenarios, and promoting the integration of the three circles of "business circle, rail circle and life circle" to lead a healthy and upward, elegant quality life.

Cultivate urban characteristic consumer brands

Innovative first stores and specialty small shops are emerging

It can be seen that in addition to maintaining a high growth in the number of first stores, various tailor-made urban versions of the first store have emerged, showing a perfect integration of international brands and local culture. In May this year, the first Chinese Li Ning city theme store in Chengdu was the Concept Store of China Li Ning Kuan Narrow Alley. This shop combines Characteristic Elements such as Sichuan Folk Customs and Kuanzhai Ancient Style. In order to fit the urban culture of Chengdu, the concept store space C, dedicated to the atrium outdoor tea break area, has become a daily open tea leisure space of the store, and the tense sports trend performance is integrated into the "bashi" attitude of the Chengdu people.

In addition to the first store of urban customization, the characteristic small shops full of Chengdu flavor are full of Chengdu flavor, and they tell the story of Chengdu all the time, becoming another life force of urban characteristic consumer brands. On October 22, the "Small Shop Carving City Imprint" - "Looking for the Most In Chengdu Living Space" Chengdu Characteristic Small Shop Selection Activity was officially launched, and the city's hot characteristic small shops were launched. "Not only to have a long operating time, unique business content, good service quality, but more importantly, to have a good reputation, one of the purposes of selecting featured small shops is to make more small shops that are really worth recommending be known by more people." As mentioned by the relevant person in charge of the event organizer at last year's selection event, the characteristic theme stores spawned by Local Brands in Chengdu through continuous innovation are engraved with the city mark that belongs to Chengdu.

Reporter Meng Hao Li Yanling Photography Hu Datian

Stories of Frontline Visitors and Strivers

Constantly trying to catch up with the times with good tastes and new ways

Wenshu Monastery Street is located in Qingyang District, Chengdu, along the street after a few minutes of walking is Wenshu Monastery, along the street food is not a minority, such a geographical location is doomed to it will not be easily let go, of which located at No. 19 Wenshu Monastery Street Dragon Copyist Wenshu Shop can naturally be said to be the street's unyielding "façade" responsibility - the famous long-established food, very Sichuan characteristics of the decoration style, so that this "old-fashioned" store reputation.

"From morning to now, you are the fourth batch of 'guests'." On the 22nd, when the reporter walked into the store with the introduction of Hu Jiafeng, chairman of Chengdu Catering Company in Sichuan Province, rattan chairs, wood carved dining tables, bowls of tea with oil-paper umbrellas with pendants on top, the decoration decoration of the entire Wenshu store carried the charm of the old Chengdu architectural characteristics, and it revealed the history from the inside out, so that people could clearly feel the thickness of the "time-honored" cuisine. "From the inspection of catering enterprises in Shunde, Guangdong Province, to inviting senior Sichuan cuisine masters to communicate about employee skills training, to preparing for the time-honored display at the opening site of the Chengdu International Food Festival, there are many things but I am happy."

In the past two years, with the support of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce and other government departments, Chengdu's long-established catering enterprises have actively embraced digitalization, constantly trying to catch up with the times with good taste and new ways, and running wildly towards the goal of "national cuisine". "For example, in the process of upgrading the storefront, we will integrate the elements and logos of today's youth, cooperate with cross-border and financial enterprises to launch promotional activities, and fully open up the online platform sales channels, the purpose is to make the elderly feel nostalgic, let the young people feel fashionable, let the foreigners feel that this is very 'Chinese', and create a better development space for the 'old brand'."

"The biggest advantage of the long-established enterprise is the brand 'reputation' accumulated by long-term development, and this intangible asset needs to be more 'grounded' in order to realize, so we often participate in the government's external promotion and various food festivals, such as the Chengdu International Food Festival, dragon copyist, Zhong Shui dumplings, Lai Tangyuan, Rat Dong camphor tea duck and other long-established brands selected as 'Chengdu Famous Dishes' will be displayed on the spot, so that more citizens can experience the taste of Chengdu famous dishes, let the citizens taste more, see more, understand more, and then increase more exposure." During the conversation, Hu Jiafeng had received three or four phone calls.

The reporter learned that the online expansion of enterprises is not so simple as imagined, and enterprises must not only carry out corresponding personnel training, but also formulate online promotion and drainage programs. As a catering company in Chengdu, Hu Jiafeng said, "The digital upgrade has greatly increased sales. In the fourth quarter, as the peak season of catering consumption, the next step is to carry out cross-border linkage with multiple industries such as finance and tourism, and borrow from each other to drive store consumption. ”

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Rongbei Business District

A few days ago, the Chengdu Municipal People's Government website has announced the "Interim Measures for the Management of Chengdu Rongbei Business Circle" (hereinafter referred to as the "Interim Measures"), according to the content of the announcement, the Chengdu Rongbei Business Circle Development Service Bureau will be established to perform the duties of statutory bodies, responsible for cooperating with relevant departments to undertake the urban design and planning of the Rongbei Business District, and also take the lead in coordinating and supervising the land consolidation projects of the key industrialization projects of the Rongbei Business Circle, as well as the construction of key infrastructure.

Jinniu District related news shows that Chengdu Rongbei business district planning total area of 18.28 square kilometers, its planning scope fully breaks the boundaries of administrative divisions - of which Jinniu District 12.51 square kilometers, Chenghua District 5.77 square kilometers, the business circle to "the international leading hub type urban business circle" as the overall goal, the initial formation of Chengdu Station as the core, with Renmin North Road as the axis, Jinjiang, Shahe, Xiaoshahe three rivers around the linkage of central park, lotus pond, five stones, shuangshui mill four major functional groups of "one core, one axis, one ring and four pieces "Spatial layout, is committed to building a new first-line creative design pioneer in the economic demonstration circle of the two cities in Chongqing, a commanding height of future commerce in the north of the city, a golden land for the people's poetic habitat, and a new landmark for citizens' spiritual culture."

In the overall map of Chengdu's "14th Five-Year Plan", the Rongbei commercial district is highly expected and will become an important measure to improve the functional quality of the northern region and promote the coordinated development of the city. It is worth noting that Jinniu District hopes to rely on the railway hub of Chengdu Station and the 100-billion-level consumer market of Lotus Pond, and plan to build Chengdu Rongbei Business Circle from a high starting point, and build it into the "first commercial gateway in Chengdu-Chongqing region". It is reported that at present, the project planning work is hiring professional institutions for planning, and the business circle plan will be open to the public after it is approved by the municipal department.

Reporter Meng Hao

Original title: Chengdu consumer market vitality released