
Akira Yamaoka on the soundtrack of "Wild Dogs": The sense of dislocation creates a sense of uneasiness and horror

At this year's TGA, the creator of "Silent Hill" Keiichiro Furyama, unveiled his studio's first game, "Wild Dogs: Slitterhead", and the composer Koji Yamaoka, one of the hallmarks of the "Silent Hill" series, also collaborated with Keiichiro Furyama again, and Akira Yamaoka himself described how he was involved in the production of "Wild Dogs: Split Heads".

Akira Yamaoka on the soundtrack of "Wild Dogs": The sense of dislocation creates a sense of uneasiness and horror

Ko yamaoka said that when he was drinking with Keichiro Furyama, he heard that he planned to make a new horror game that included the keywords "nineties", "city", "Asia", and then when he officially heard about "Wild Dogs: Split Heads", it seemed that these keywords were all connected. He has produced several versions of the track for the promotional film, some of which are very suitable for the artistic setting and the sense of the times, but it seems very "boring". It is better to look for misplaced contradictions than perfect matches, which are more fresh and attractive, just like the Japanese "strange をてらう".

Akira Yamaoka on the soundtrack of "Wild Dogs": The sense of dislocation creates a sense of uneasiness and horror
Akira Yamaoka on the soundtrack of "Wild Dogs": The sense of dislocation creates a sense of uneasiness and horror
Akira Yamaoka on the soundtrack of "Wild Dogs": The sense of dislocation creates a sense of uneasiness and horror

"Wild Dogs: Split Heads" has not yet made specific content public, but judging from the game title "Wild Dog", the subtitle "Slitterhead", and the monster with the split head, the inspiration for this game is likely to come from the "Wild Dog" monster in the novel "Chat Zai Zhiyi".

Akira Yamaoka on the soundtrack of "Wild Dogs": The sense of dislocation creates a sense of uneasiness and horror

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