
Natural fragments

author:On a sunny summer morning

Natural fragments

Nature has been telling people one thing, and that is constant change. First tender light green, then deep turquoise, then thick dark green, then slow light yellow, then brilliant golden yellow, then bitter brown, then nothing withered and broken and dry branches.

In addition to the withered and dilapidated and dry branches, there are all kinds of garbage confetti running around the ground, and rotten leaves of various shapes and colors.

It turns out that nature is not clean and pure.

Natural fragments


In the morning, the sun was still showing half of his face, and it seemed to be shy from time to time, and by noon, the clouds coming from the west were getting thicker and thicker, and before three o'clock, the room was already dark and could not read the words on the book. It's definitely going to snow today, but I'm not sure if it's going to rain in a minute, or I'm going to wait until midnight.

Because the wind seemed to be flirting with the clouds, and it was also flirting with the people who were watching the clouds. From time to time, he blew the thick clouds thin and scattered, and then blew thick and thick, sometimes blowing a breath, not knowing from which direction to come from, not knowing which direction to go, and sometimes, stopping again, as if to rest for a while, and then, going crazy again.

Natural fragments

The great force of wind began to blow slowly from the north in the afternoon, when it was not cold, but in the evening, the wind from the north seemed to bring cold Siberian air. As the sun sets, the clouds in the sky begin to churn up without fear.

Night, finally, is coming. But the snow did not fall.

Natural fragments

Snow, perhaps it fell quietly in the middle of the night. Because after dawn, people saw that the thick snow outside the window covered all the colors of the earth.

Everywhere there was white, and apart from that, there was no other color, and it seemed to be very pure.

What do the falling snowflakes and snow in the sky tell us?

It tells us that behind all the bustling beauty of this world, pure and beautiful, there is no such thing as dirty, dirty and suffocating ugliness.

Natural fragments

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