
Ancient Qiwen, wake up the world and nourish the heart!

"The High Man's Self-Aria"

The door of the hut does not need to be closed, and the study hall is temporarily idle.

Guests come from children's newspapers, only in the mountains and between the water.

Lazy like an elderly car in front of the door, there are mountains that can collect water and fish.

Right and wrong do not enter the ear of the East Wind, flowers fall and blossom only read.

After returning from fishing, the boat is not tied, and the moonset of Emura is sleeping.

Even if the wind blows overnight, it is only at the shallow water of the reeds.

Ancient Qiwen, wake up the world and nourish the heart!

"Luo Zhuangyuan's Awakening Poem"


The rich never asked for it, and several people rode cranes to Yangzhou.

Instead of ten things and nine dreams, it is better to have three peaces and two full rest.

When you can enjoy yourself, you can enjoy yourself, and when you don't ask for anything, you can have no worries.

Now see through the cycle theory, smile and lean on the railing and nod darkly.


Ge Dun has been with him for many years, and there are thousands of idle and non-idle.

A family full of warmth and resentment, half a lifetime of merit and a hundred wrongs.

Like Jane Goldfish, the bamboo stick is leisurely.

Someone asked me about my practice, the clouds in the green mountains and the moon in the sky.

Ancient Qiwen, wake up the world and nourish the heart!

"AnN Poverty"

Yellow cabbage leaves, white salt stir-fried, as long as the belly is full.

If you are greedy because of your taste, you must lean more and increase your troubles.

Broken head, priceless treasure, make up and make up for the year.

The box is full of cages for people to hide, and He Zeng wears them piece by piece until he is old.

Hardwood bed with soft grass. Sit back and sleep.

The brocade embroidered mattress did not sleep, and it was too late to turn over and over.

Old houses, as long as they are swept, repaired in time will not fall.

Recently, there have been many good buildings, half of which are rubble and grass.

Ancient Qiwen, wake up the world and nourish the heart!

"Drinking Under the Flowers"

Ninety spring light throws a shuttle, drinking wine and singing in front of the flowers.

How many days can the flowers bloom on the branches, and how much can life be in the world?

Yesterday's flowers are better than this's, and today's flowers are autumn grass.

The former flower people are last year's body, and this year's people are older than last year.

Today's flower blossoms and another branch, tomorrow to see who it is?

Will the flowers bloom today next year? Who knows today and next year?

The weather is unpredictable and windy, and the personnel is difficult and discordant.

When the time comes, the personnel are uneven, and mo put the spring light into the water.

Although good flowers are not often planted, teenagers are easy to grow old and do not come back.

Life does not get drunk before the flower, and the flower laughs at life.

Ancient Qiwen, wake up the world and nourish the heart!

"Shao Yaofu's Song of Raising Hearts"

Get years, prolong years, rejoice, and rejoice.

All things multiply and divide are always in heaven, so why worry about the intestines?

Rest assured wide, mo amount narrow, ancient and modern rise and fall like an eyebrow column.

Jingu's prosperous eyes are dusty, and Huaiyin's cause is bloody.

The chrysanthemums on the side of the tao diving hedge are yellow, and the reeds by fanli lake are white.

Lintong will be bold, and Danyang County will be absolutely loud.

When the stubborn iron has brilliance, the gold is transported back without color.

Get away with it and learn from the sages, and come here to know the taste of farewell.

Rough clothes and light food are enough to be homely, and they are raised to be clumsy.

Ancient Qiwen, wake up the world and nourish the heart!

"Song of Dissatisfaction"

Running all day long only for hunger, to have food and clothing;

Food and clothing are generally sufficient, and there is a lack of a beautiful wife in the room;

Married and beautiful concubines, and had no land to base;

Set up thousands of acres of fertile land, because there is no official position for fear of being deceived;

Three products and four products are still too small, and one product and two products are still low;

One day when the dynasty is the prime minister, and then want the emperor to do it again;

Do not do enough kings, but also put immortality;

I don't wake up before I wake up, and I regret the long lid of a coffin!

"Contentment Song"

Life is a blessing, but man is not satisfied;

Thinking about the burdens on your shoulders, walking is a blessing;

Thinking about the pain of walking, riding a donkey is a blessing;

Thinking about hunger and cold, full of warmth is bliss;

Thinking about the suffering of disease, health is bliss;

Thinking about sleeping in the open, hiding your head is a blessing;

Thinking of desolation and suffering, peace is bliss;

Thinking of the unembered suffering, the domestic helper is a blessing;

When can life be, don't be dissatisfied!

"Awakening Song"

South to north to west, east, see the floating life is always empty.

The sky is empty, the earth is empty, and life is in it.

The sun is also empty, the moon is also empty, what is the work of coming and going.

The fields are also empty, the land is also empty, and how many masters have been exchanged.

Gold is also empty, silver is also empty, and after death, He zeng was in his hands.

The wife is also empty, the air is also empty, and they do not meet on the Huangquan Road.

The emptiness of the Great Tibetan Sutra is the color, and the middle color of the Prajnaparamita Sutra is emptiness,

Walking west to twilight and east, life is exactly a flower picking bee.

After harvesting a hundred flowers into nectar, it was a hard time to end up empty.

Late at night, listen to the three more drums, turn over and don't feel five more from.

When you think about it from the beginning, it is Nan Ke's dream.

"Tang Yin One Year Song"

360 days a year, spring, summer, autumn, winter each 90.

Winter is the hardest thing to do in summer, and cold is as hot as a knife.

Spring, autumn and 9 are mild, the weather is mild and windy.

A year of careful calculation is less, and it is difficult to meet the beautiful scenery.

If the beautiful scenery is encountered, it needs to be appreciated and enjoyed.

Not burning high candles to illuminate the bottle is also a virtual birth in the world.

The ancients believed in the attainment of the master, and advised people to swim at night with candles.

Spring supper a moment of thousands of gold prices, I said a thousand gold can not buy back.

"Lamenting the World"

South to north is west to east, and it is always empty to see the floating life.

The sky is empty and the earth is empty, and life is insignificant in it.

The earth was originally defenseless, and life was empty.

The sun is also empty, the moon is empty, and there is no trace of coming and going.

The sun, moon, morning and dusk are always moving, and people die for a thousand years without a trace.

Mountains are also empty and watery, and the changes with fate are endless.

The green mountains and rivers are still there, and people will not meet each other once they die.

Tian also came and went empty, and how many masters were exchanged.

How many poor people are rich in the world, and how many rich people are poor.

Gold is also empty silver and empty, and after death, He zeng was in his hands.

Wan Liang could not take the gold, and was imprisoned for him for the rest of his life.

Life is empty and dead is empty, and life and death are like a dream.

Born like a hundred flowers in spring, dead like yellow leaves falling in the autumn wind.

Husbands and wives are also empty, and the limit is to the west and east.

Husband and wife were originally the same forest bird, and they did not meet after death.

Men are also empty and women are empty, and they do not meet on the Huangquan Road.

Gui Zi Zi Sun Xiu covetousness, people fall into the cage because of infatuation.

The children and grandchildren of the pastoral estate suffered and bore their own guilt.

Empty hands come and go, and in the end there is always an empty.

Illusion of emptiness is realized, emptiness is color is emptiness.

In the middle of the night, I listened to three more drums, turned over and did not feel five more bells.

Thinking carefully from the beginning, it was Nan Ke's dream.

Ancient Qiwen, wake up the world and nourish the heart!

"Okay Song"

The world knows that the gods and immortals are good, but the name of merit cannot be forgotten.

Where will the past and the present meet? A pile of grass was gone.

The world knows that the gods and immortals are good, and only gold and silver cannot forget!

In the end, there was only hatred and not much, and when he stayed for a long time, his eyes were closed.

The world knows that the gods and immortals are good, and only the wife can't forget it!

On the day of the king's birthday, he said that he was gracious, and the king died and went with the people.

The world knows that the gods and immortals are good, and only the children and grandchildren can't forget it!

Obsessed parents Gu Laiduo, filial piety to their children and grandchildren who have seen?