
Who is responsible for the Lakers' 3-game losing streak! Jordan Jr. averaged 16.7 points per game, while Rondo lost 17.3 points

In the past 3 games, the Lakers' performance can be described as very sluggish, with a 18-point defeat to the Timberwolves on the road, and also losing to the Bulls by 5 points on the road. After returning to home, the team still did not adjust to the form, and when facing the Suns, the team once again lost 18 points. In the past three games, the team has suffered three consecutive defeats, averaging 13.7 points per game, and the performance can be described as very low. So the question is, which players have had a sluggish performance in the last 3 games that led to the team's eventual defeat? Let's take a look at the plus-minus aspects of which players have been sluggish in the past three games.

Who is responsible for the Lakers' 3-game losing streak! Jordan Jr. averaged 16.7 points per game, while Rondo lost 17.3 points

From the performance point of view, I believe that many fans will say that it is Jordan Jr., in fact, we analyze it from the positive and negative values, and the situation is indeed the case. Jordan Jr. has not played much time in the past three games, but his team has been in the stage of losing points on the field.

Who is responsible for the Lakers' 3-game losing streak! Jordan Jr. averaged 16.7 points per game, while Rondo lost 17.3 points

In the game against the Timberwolves, Jordan Jr. played 10 minutes and the team lost 17 points, while against the Bulls, Jordan Jr. lost 7 points. Facing the Suns, Jordan Jr. lost 26 points after playing only 15 minutes.

The data shows that jordan Jr. has lost a total of 50 points and lost an average of 16.7 points per game when he appeared on the court in the past three games, which is very undesirable. It is worth mentioning that this is still the data calculated by Jordan Jr., who averaged 15.1 minutes per game, and if the coaching staff of the team allows Jordan Jr. to get more opportunities to play, then this data may increase even more significantly.

Who is responsible for the Lakers' 3-game losing streak! Jordan Jr. averaged 16.7 points per game, while Rondo lost 17.3 points

Although Jordan Jr. has averaged -16.7 per game in the last 3 games, this is not the lowest for the Lakers, and the data shows that in the past 3 games, the lowest plus-minus for the Lakers is Rondo, the veteran who has helped the Lakers win the championship.

In the championship season, Rondo's performance is very good, and he is often able to play very well on the bench to help the team. However, this season, his form has dropped significantly, and he has helped the team very little in the game.

Who is responsible for the Lakers' 3-game losing streak! Jordan Jr. averaged 16.7 points per game, while Rondo lost 17.3 points

In the past 3 games, Rondo's plus-minus is -19, -7 and -26, and in the past 3 games, Rondo has lost a total of 52 points on the field, more than Jordan Jr., averaging 17.3 points per game. Averaging 4.7 assists per game, he made 3.7 turnovers and performed poorly. It can be said that the Lakers have lost in the past 3 games, and Rondo also needs to bear some responsibility.

Who is responsible for the Lakers' 3-game losing streak! Jordan Jr. averaged 16.7 points per game, while Rondo lost 17.3 points

Of course, in addition to the players, the coaching staff also needs to take part of the responsibility, because Jordan Jr. and Rondo can appear in the game, which is also arranged by them. Jordan Jr. lacks defense, while Rondo's current state has declined significantly, with many personal mistakes and a weak presence on the defensive end. Knowing that the effect was not ideal, they also insisted on using it, and the team coaching staff had great problems in terms of substitution adjustments.

Who is responsible for the Lakers' 3-game losing streak! Jordan Jr. averaged 16.7 points per game, while Rondo lost 17.3 points

In the author's opinion, the Lakers want to achieve more victories in the next game, the team still needs to use Jordan Jr. and Rondo less, because when on the court, these two players can not give the team a lot of help, on the contrary, a lot of their defense and mistakes, which led to the team has been losing points. And the coaching staff in terms of substitutions, they need to be more flexible, for example, when Jordan Jr. is not doing well in the game, they can let Howard play, so that they may be able to get a good effect.

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