
Is freshly squeezed juice a concentrated nutrient? Actually, it's not as healthy as you think

author:Yi Zhen Fang

When it comes to milk tea and cola, everyone knows that it is unhealthy, so there are many people who love to drink drinking sweet soup in order to maintain health, and turn to freshly squeezed juice.

Do you think it's safe to abandon milk tea and carbonated drinks and drink freshly squeezed juice? Facts tell us that freshly squeezed juices are also very hurtful.

Is freshly squeezed juice a concentrated nutrient? Actually, it's not as healthy as you think

Fruit has always been known as the healthiest food, and eating some fruit every day is good for the body. Therefore, it is taken for granted that the concentrated essence of fruit, fruit juice, is naturally also very healthy. Therefore, it is not a burden to drink physically and mentally.

Although this perception is widespread, it has always been wrong. In fact, juice is not much better than cola!

Freshly squeezed juice is a glass of sugar water

Many people tend to equate fruits and juices, and when drinking juices, all that comes to mind is vitamin C, dietary fiber, and water, and it seems that the sugar and calories in them are ignored.

In fact, after the fruit is squeezed, its advantages are gone. The resulting juice is mostly sugar and water.

As for the nutrients, as early as when the fruit was squeezed, he took the whole family to the old trot.

Is freshly squeezed juice a concentrated nutrient? Actually, it's not as healthy as you think

The most praised ingredient of fruit is dietary fiber and minerals, vitamin C, dietary fiber and minerals just happen to be in the pomace, many people will throw it away, which is equivalent to throwing away the dietary fiber and minerals of the fruit.

As for vitamin C, because after being squeezed into juice, antioxidants and important vitamin C are exposed to the air and destroyed, and the original nutritional effect is gone.

Therefore, it can be said that the juice concentrates not the essence of the fruit, but the sugar.

Also, squeezing a glass of juice often requires 2-3 fruits, so drinking a glass of juice tends to absorb more calories than eating one fruit.

Even compared to the famous unhealthy drink Coke, juice is not much stronger.

Because, 350 ml of Coca-Cola contains 40 grams of sugar, while the same volume of apple juice contains 39 grams of sugar.

The sugar content of the two is basically the same!

Sugar from freshly squeezed juices is more easily absorbed

Drinking fruit juice will not only make people consume a lot of sugar quickly, but these sugars will also be absorbed faster.

Because the fructose in the fruit is present in the fruit cells, when eating the fruit, the sugar in the cells needs to be digested and decomposed to be absorbed. And the juice does not need to be chewed, and it is all free sugar,

Is freshly squeezed juice a concentrated nutrient? Actually, it's not as healthy as you think

We should understand that consuming too much sugar is not good for the body.

The human body consumes a lot of sugar and enters the blood, which will cause a great burden on the pancreatic system, resulting in the pancreas can not secrete insulin, once insulin deficiency, it will induce diabetes, which is very dangerous. While drinking too much, calories and sugar are also prone to exceeding the standard and cause obesity.

Drinking juice removes dietary crude fiber and may also be detrimental to blood sugar control in people with high blood sugar. For diabetic patients, it is not suitable to drink a lot of juice, and taking too much sugar is not conducive to sugar control.

It seems that the best drink is boiled water!

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