
Oscar for Best Picture for nearly 10 years

author:Akisei Doyle

90th Edition 2018: The Shape of Water

Director: Guillermo del Toro

Genre: Fantasy, Drama, Romance

Starring: Sally Hawkins, Michael Shannon, Doug Jones, Octavia Spencer

Runtime: 123 min Release date: December 8, 2017 (USA), March 16, 2018 (China)

Languages: English, American Sign Language, Russian

Synopsis: In 1963, during the Cold War in the United States, the mute Alyssa (Sally Hawkins) works in a government laboratory as a cleaning lady there. When she was young, a serious illness took away Alyssa's voice, and she has lived a life of silence until now. One day, a high-alert alarm rings in the lab, and a mysterious jar filled with water is brought in, and Alyssa is shocked to find that the jar contains a half-man, half-fish, strange creature (Doug Jones). The team of scientists wanted to extract a substance that could be used to make biological weapons from the monster, but in Alyssa's eyes, it was just a lonely creature like herself, and because she could not bear the torture of the monster in the laboratory, Alyssa began to sneak a look at the monster. Over time, feelings developed between Elsa and the monster

Oscar for Best Picture for nearly 10 years

89th Edition 2017: Moonlight Boy

Director: Barry Jenkins

Type: plot, same-sex

Starring: Mahershala Ali, Naomi Harris, Andre Holland, Ganel Mona

Runtime: 110 minutes Release date: 2016-10-21 (USA) Language: English

Synopsis: The childhood Chiron (Alex Hyperbot) is called "Little" by others because of his short stature. He grew up in a single-parent family, where his mother (Naomi Harris) ignored him and often yelled at him with drug seizures; at school, the introverted and shy Chiron was bullied. By chance, he becomes friends with local drug dealer Juan (Mahsala Ali). Juan taught him to swim, told him about his past, and gave him the paternal love he lacked, but at the same time continued to sell drugs to Chiron's mother. All this makes Chiron need to face up to the contradictions of human nature at a young age.

As a teenager, his mother's drug addiction became more and more serious, and she even had to rely on Chiron to pay, which made him miserable. After getting close to fellow boy Kevin (André Holland), Chiron (Ashton Sanders) gradually becomes aware of his homosexual tendencies. However, Kevin was coerced by a group of "homophobic" gangsters to fight Against Chiron, which made Chiron grief-stricken, and finally could not resist with violent resistance and ran away.

As an adult, Chiron (Travent Roz) has a strong body and becomes a drug lord on the streets of Atlanta. But he is difficult to let go of the past. With an unexpected phone call, he returns to his hometown of Miami to release his former suspicions with his mother, and the meeting with "first love" Kevin is still tense. At the end of the story, he no longer cares about the eyes of others and begins to accept everything about himself

Oscar for Best Picture for nearly 10 years

88th Edition 2016: "Spotlight"

Director: Thomas McCarthy

Genre: biography, plot, history

Starring Michael Keaton, Rachel McAdams, Mark Ruffalo, Stanley Tuzi

Runtime: 128 min Release date: November 6, 2015 Dialogue language: English

Synopsis: Robbie (Michael Keaton) is the editor of the Spotlight column, a column for the Boston Globe, with an independent investigative team that includes Sacha Peffer (Rachel McAdams) and Mike Rezeendez (Mark Ruffalo). When Marty Baron (Levi Schreiber) takes over as editor-in-chief of The Globe, he begins assigning Robbie and his team to follow a long-hidden case, a Catholic priest sexually harassing children in the parish. Although at first they thought it was a small task, they soon discovered that there was a series of incidents behind it, involving hundreds of victims, and the church had privately compensated the victims and sent people to cover up these crimes. As the investigation deepened, they uncovered more evidence of the conspiracy, and the atrocities were being staged not only by the clergy, but also outside of Boston and around the world, and Robbie and his team were hampered by local officials. Forces within and outside the church are pressuring them to abandon the case, thus fully embodying the vicious circle of abuse of power.

Oscar for Best Picture for nearly 10 years

87th Edition 2015: Birdman

Director: Alessandro Gonzalez Iñárritu

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Starring Michael Keaton, Emma Stone, Naomi Watts, Edward Norton

Runtime: 119 minutes Release date: October 17, 2014 (USA) Dialogue language: English

Synopsis: The protagonist is a former actor (Michael Keaton) who once became popular with a successful superhero role, but his family and career plummeted. In order to regain his former glory, he plans to save his career by staging a stage play on Broadway, but the arrogant male protagonist (Edward Norton) who works with him threatens to destroy everything. His daughter (Emma Stone) is also troubled, having just come out of the rehab and started working as her father's assistant.

Oscar for Best Picture for nearly 10 years

86th Session 2014: Twelve Years of Slavery

Director: Steve McQueen

Type: Drama

Cast: Chevat Edgarfort, Michael Fassbinder, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Dano, Paul Giamati, Lupita Nyong'o, Sarah Paulson, Brad Pitt, Alpha Ward, Scott McNelly

Runtime: 134 minutes Release date: November 01, 2013 Language: English

Synopsis: In 1841, Solomon Northop (Chevat Edgarfort) is a carpenter and violinist who lives with his wife and children in Saratoga Springs, New York. Later, two white men (scott McNeely and Tyrone Killham, respectively) trick Solomon into selling him as a slave in Washington on the pretext of giving him a chance to perform in a circus accompaniment. During this time, he met Mr. Ford, a well-meaning farmer, John Tivads, a selfish carpenter, Epps, who believed that slaves were used to abuse creeds, Pattesie, who was raped many times by Epps, and Bass, a like-minded Canadian carpenter. After 12 years of slavery, Solomon was finally rescued and regained the right to return home and the freedom to live. And the people he met were miserable and helpless.

Oscar for Best Picture for nearly 10 years

85th Edition 2013: Escape from Tehran

Director: Ben Affleck

Starring: Ben Affleck, John Goodman

Runtime: 120 minutes Release date: October 12, 2012 Language: English

Synopsis: On November 4, 1979, when the Iranian Revolution reached its peak, militants stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and took 52 hostages. At the same time, 6 Americans took advantage of the chaos to escape and hide in the Canadian Embassy in Iraq, but given the situation at that time, it was only a matter of time before they were found or even executed. In order to rescue the six trapped people, the CIA appoints a secret agent, Tony Mendez (Ben Affleck), who is proficient in disguise skills, to lead the hostage rescue. He then devised an incredible plan to disguise himself as a filmmaker, and the trapped 6 hostages lied about being with mendez's crew, and the film they were working on was called Argo.

Oscar for Best Picture for nearly 10 years

84th Edition 2012: The Artist

Director: Michael Hazanavicius

Starring: Jean Dujardin, Bergenis Bejo, Puppy Ugi

Length: 100 min Release date: May 15, 2011 (French)

Film Description: In 1927, Hollywood's popular silent film superstar George Valentin, full of talent and no one knew, met peppy Miller by chance. Peppy loves acting and is determined to do a career in the show business circle, but there is no chance, until she gets george's promotion under the fate of fate, and finally transforms from a lonely and unknown small supporting role into a new idol for thousands of people. The two people who were getting closer and closer were pulled farther and farther away by fate...

With the rise of sound films, silent films are gradually eliminated and forgotten, and george, despite his beliefs, is still invincible to the ruthless giants of the times and the audience who like to pursue freshness. Later, during the Great Depression, George and Peppy's status was reversed, and fame, money, and self-esteem became obstacles on their love road. Frustrated, George becomes devastated, butPeppy remains steadfast, hoping to help him make a comeback. A pair of lovers who are intertwined with love and righteousness eventually become dependents.

Oscar for Best Picture for nearly 10 years

83rd Edition, 2011: The King's Speech

Director: Tom Hopper

Type: Drama

Starring: Colin Fiss, Jeffrey Rush, Helena Bonham Carter

Runtime: 118 minutes Release date: December 10, 2010

Synopsis: The Duke of Yorkshire (Colin Feith) is unable to speak in public due to stuttering, which makes him lose his ugly face at large ceremonies one after another. The virtuous wife Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter) searches for a famous doctor everywhere to help her husband, but the traditional methods always do not work. By chance, she arrives at the residence of the language therapist Reiner Logue (Jeffrey Rush), who is said to have done something different. Although the Duke was not interested in Logue's strange moves, the first diagnosis was not happy. However, the Duke found himself fluent in reading Shakespeare aloud while listening to music. This made him begin to trust Logue, cooperate with the treatment, and slowly overcome the psychological obstacles. George V died, and Edward VIII succeeded to the throne, but abdicated in order to marry the widow Mrs. Simpson. Albert was commissioned to become George VI. His biggest challenge was how to deliver inspirational speeches before World War II.

Oscar for Best Picture for nearly 10 years

82nd 2010: Bomb Disposal Unit

Director: Catherine Bigelow

Genre: Drama, Action, War

Starring: Jeremy Rayner, Anthony McKay, Brian Gragty, Ralph Vannes

Runtime: 130 minutes Release date: September 4, 2008 Language: English, Arabic

Synopsis: After the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Sergeant Williams James (Jeremy Rayner) is transferred to the Army's Outlaw Company Bomb Disposal Unit to replace his colleague who had just died in a mission in Baghdad. The other two members of the bomb disposal team, non-commissioned officer Samborn (Anthony McKay) in charge of liaison, and Irving (Brian Geratti), a special forces officer in charge of cover, are quite disgusted with the aggressive Williams. But during the bomb disposal operation at the United Nations building, Williams, who resisted the order to forcibly defuse the bomb, was praised by Colonel Red (David Morse).

During a warehouse bomb disposal mission, Williams believes that the little Iraqi boy who was used as a corpse bomb is Beckham (Christopher Say), a DVD seller he met at the barracks who sells pirated DVDs. Beckham Jr.'s death made Williams even more crazy, and he left the barracks without permission and entered the city alone to investigate

Oscar for Best Picture for nearly 10 years

81st Edition 2009: Slumdog Millionaires

Director: Danny Boyle

Type: Love

Starring: Dave Patel, Freida Pinto, Yani Kapu, Sharuba Shukla

Runtime: 120 minutes Release date: August 30, 2008 Language: English, Hindi

Synopsis: Jamal Malik, an 18-year-old poor boy, can win india's most popular TV game show, "Millionaire", by answering the last question correctly, and win a prize of twenty million rubles to become a millionaire. Seeing that he could become a millionaire with only one question left, the unwilling host of the program decided that he was cheating, took advantage of the suspension of the program, and notified the police to arrest the poor boy on the charge of fraud.

The police, the host, and other viewers, like the audience, wondered why the uneducated orphans could answer all the questions. Jamal's personal experience is his trick to clearing the level.

Born in the slums of Mumbai, his mother died as a child due to a religious conflict, and since then he and his brother have been begging for a living in the streets with little cleverness, wandering around, accompanied by a little orphan girl who is in his care.

Born poor, life is turbulent, but he still has a pure and kind heart, but the brother will stop at nothing to get power and wealth, the brothers gradually disagree, a betrayal forced the three to part ways, and the poor boy lost two small unsuspecting female companions. When he meets his brother and his female companion again, the female companion has become the woman of the gang boss, and the brother works for him. For the sake of the love in his heart, he decided to do whatever it took to help his female companion get out of the sea of suffering.

Oscar for Best Picture for nearly 10 years