
Watch Song Shi 31 with you: Zhao Kuangyin Yellow Robe Plus Body This play is only performed once

author:Ning Caichen

Text | Ning Caichen

1, this is a play

A good drama, at the beginning of the release, the theater will tirelessly put it every day, such as the recent fire of "Chosin Lake", released for 7 days, as of the morning of October 6, the box office has exceeded 2.6 billion.

And more than 1,000 years ago, in the first month of 960 AD, directed by the famous politician, amateur director, screenwriter Zhao Pu; Famous general, future emperor, amateur actor Zhao Kuangyin starred; Military master, half immortal, amateur actor Miao Xun; politician, future emperor, amateur actor Zhao Kuangyi; future general, privy envoy, amateur actor Chu Zhaofu; future general, amateur actor Li Chuyun and other good plays, no rehearsal, no editing, no special effects, directly staged in Chen Qiao, southeast of Kaifeng.

This is a military exercise for ordinary generals and soldiers, and the performance of these amateur actors makes most of the actors in later generations sigh and look back, and the performance is too realistic.

And this drama, only one performance, expired and not waiting!

Watch Song Shi 31 with you: Zhao Kuangyin Yellow Robe Plus Body This play is only performed once

"Chen Qiao Incident", everyone is very familiar with the plot, the middle school history textbook said: Because the emperor is young, the young general can not see hope, meritorious heart, in the army to Chen Qiao, Zhao Pu and others will Zhao Kuangyin drunk, and then put a yellow robe on him, wait for him to wake up, has the yellow robe plus body, can not change.

Well, with the mind of a middle school student, you can accept it to this extent.

Behind this incident, it has long exceeded the acceptance range of middle school students. "Chen Qiao Incident" is a long-planned and well-prepared action for the throne.

The most direct evidence, in the Liao Shi Muzong Benji, is that there is no record of the Khitan use of troops against the Later Zhou in the early 960s.

However, don't pay attention to the Khitans, amateur director Zhao Pu is a master at playing politics, not only fierce, but also thick-skinned. Although the Khitan and The Northern Han Dynasty were confused afterwards, they did not know that they had launched a war against the Song at the beginning of the year.

However, the history books of the Later Zhou and Northern Song Dynasties swore that the Khitan and the Northern Han Dynasty jointly attacked us, and Emperor Taizu led the troops to resist and marched to Chenqiao, and the generals and soldiers were indignant, feeling that in the face of a strong enemy, there was no future for following the little emperor, and unanimously supported Emperor Taizu as emperor, and were willing to continue to advance.

There was no way, so many generals, soldiers surrounded, Emperor Taizu was forced by the situation, can only obey.

You see, even how to finish the back, and said that it was not planned for a long time.

However, after all, this play is not rehearsed, no rehearsal, directly staged, and asked for once, there are still many flaws, although the flaws are not hidden.

2, this scene is flawed

In fact, at the beginning of the play, there were major mistakes. Originally, I thought of moving out the wooden sign of "point inspection to do tianzi" half a year ago to pave the way for the back and preheat it. As a result, this preheating was overheated, causing the city to be full of wind and rain, and Zhao Kuangyin almost hit the wall in a hurry. Fortunately, he was bold in finding the boss and went directly to hantong to resolve the crisis.

Next, Zhao Kuangyin was about to leave, and the minister sent him off. The Hanlin scholar Chengzhi Tao Yu's attitude toward Zhao Kuangyin was particularly flattering, and Yuan Wen's "Comments on urns" of the Southern Song Dynasty recorded that during the banquet, Tao Yu actually performed a great salute to Zhao Kuangyin on his knees. What is this for, they are all court officials, even if your officials are older than me, you can arch your hands and make a gesture when you meet, is it necessary to bow down? Did this man not know the prophet?

There is only one possibility, this time many people know about it, not only Zhao Kuangyin's people, but also many people in the middle. Unfortunately, Prime Minister Fan Zhi and Ma Bujun deputy commander Han Tong did not know.

The army set off, and the day before, the general Murong Yanzhao had already set out as a vanguard, and Murong Yanzhao did not take the Chen Bridge at all, and went directly north to Dingzhou and Zhenzhou. Then, why did Zhao Kuangyin's army have to take a detour to Chen Bridge? Is it to stay here at night? Then you also choose a farther place, Chen Qiao, 40 miles away from Kaifeng, the rapid march will be done for more than an hour, the Khitan invasion, you lead the army not to hurry to rush the road, this is to prepare for a day march 40 miles?

I am afraid that Chen Qiao was chosen not for the sake of marching, but for the sake of returning to the army, if you turn around and go to Kaifeng, 40 miles, an hour to get it done.

In addition, Zhao Kuangyin had previously made great achievements in battle, and this march brought a group of family generals, Zhao Pu, a scholar, what to do with it? When a staff officer? Boss Zhao is a first-class good at fighting, and he needs such a staff officer who rides for half a day and is tired enough to choke? When Zhao Kuangyin became emperor, Zhao Pu was sitting in the rear, and he only formulated strategies, not specific implementation.

Zhao Pu did not care, he was the shogunate of Zhao Kuangyin, and he also said the past in the army. What about Zhao Kuangyi? This 21-year-old boy, who has no merit, has been rewarded by the emperor with his brother before, and has an official and a half-position, will he fight? Also in the military?

And even if he could fight, the battlefield was very dangerous after all, and this time it was not the Southern Tang, it was the Khitan who was known for its ferocity. Zhao family brothers, is it necessary to go to the two at once? What if there is a three-long and two-short Zhao family? The only explanation is that this war is not to worry, there is no danger.

After this time, Zhao Kuangyin fought a war, and his younger brother never followed him again, and like Zhao Pu, he sat in the rear.

Everything shows that this is a script that has already been written, and what everyone in the script does and how to act is just a big play that has been rehearsed.

The protagonist Zhao Kuangyin, acting in such a play is familiar with him, the last time Guo Wei acted, Zhao Kuangyin participated in the whole process, and he felt it at close range, and every detail had an impression.

3. The big drama begins filming

The next day the army set out, this time different from the last time Guo Wei, Guo Wei that time, because the soldiers had robbed Kaifeng City once before, they already had a sense of guilt and fear. Guo Wei deliberately marched very slowly, giving the generals the opportunity to idle and think wildly, expanding this sense of guilt and fear and creating a float in people's hearts.

This time, everyone followed the general on the expedition well, no one made a mistake before, you just marched slowly, and you would not make any movement.

No hurry, anyway, most of the ancients have no culture, no culture on the superstition, this trick has been used badly, but there have always been people believe, such as in the middle of the night there is a fox chirping: "Great Chu Xing, Chen ShengWang."

The first actor zhao pu arranged was a god-level figure named Miao Xun. This person studied under Chen Zhuo's ancestors, was good at astronomical astrology, and was known for his strategy.

Legend has it that this person saw Zhao Kuangyin in his early years, saw that Zhao Kuangyin had the appearance of an emperor, and asked Zhao Kuangyin to defect to Guo Wei. Before Zhao Kuangyin attacked Qingliu Pass, he listened to Miao Xun's advice, took the road by surprise in the middle of the night, killed from behind Qingliu Pass, and finally captured Emperor Fuhui alive.

After this man helped Zhao Kuangyin to obtain the throne, he retired from the rapids, and later returned to his hometown to establish education and cultivate talents, while solving problems for his neighbors and helping the poor, and was deeply loved by the people. Later, his deeds spread more and more gods, and the folk also compiled a song and ballad: In the first month of the first month, Liu Bowen walked into the city of Nanjing, played the board to calculate Miao Guangyi, the monk Xu Maogong, the divine machine calculated Zhuge Liang, and the beheading of the god Jiang Taigong...

In this song, Miao Xun and Liu Bowen, Xu Maogong, Zhuge Liang, and Jiang Ziya are placed in the same position.

Miao Da Immortal appeared, on the marching road, Miao Da Immortal suddenly stopped leaving, looked up at the sky, and could see into the mind. The soldiers who passed by him all whispered, What is the Miao Great Immortal looking at? I don't know, everyone looked up at the sky and didn't find anything unusual. Let's go, don't stop and be scolded by the leader, we can't compare with the Miao Great Immortal, and wait to come back and inquire.

In this way, the Miao Great Immortal looked at the old man for half a day, and he was not afraid of neck pain. Zhao Pu, hurry up and arrange for someone to appear, and you can't let Mr. Miao keep basking in the sun like this.

The second actor on the scene is Chu Zhaofu, who is both literate and martial, has both wisdom and courage, and is highly respected. These two people came together and spoke words that were the crystallization of wisdom, the existence of truth!

Chu Zhaofu asked Miao Xun, "What is sir looking at?"

Miao Xun was very surprised, pointed to the sky and said, "There are two suns in the sky, you can't see it"?

Chu Zhaofu was shocked and said let me take a good look, and then also looked up at the sky: "Ah, there are really two suns, one up and one down, rubbing against each other, the two suns seem to be fighting."

Miao Xun nodded and said, "This is called one day and one day, this is going to be a new heavenly son."

The two asked and answered, sang and harmonized, there was no laughter at all, and once, the director did not have to shout: "Click"

Too realistic, too graphic. Soon, the surrounding soldiers passed on ten, ten to a hundred, and the whole barracks spread: "One day and one day, a new son of heaven will be born."

What, to produce a new Son of Heaven, who is the new Son of Heaven?

You fool, who else can there be, yesterday the whole Kaifeng City was spreading, point inspection to do the Son of Heaven!

yes? Yes, well, I see the line, follow that 6-year-old little broken child anyway, there is no future, if the great general becomes the son of heaven, can't we also be promoted to get rich?

At this time, the third actor appeared, Li Chuyun, this person was Zhao Kuangyin's inner guard, the official position was small, just suitable for mingling with the middle and lower-class soldiers. He walked around the barracks and casually chatted with a few small leaders: "What are you waiting for?" The general has become the son of heaven, that is to discuss the merits and rewards, and now that the opportunity for meritorious service has come, it is not hurried, and everyone else has rushed to the front when it is too late."

As a result, a bunch of people poured into Zhao Pu's room, and the marshal's military account was not accessible to anyone, but Zhao Pu, a military division's account room, could still enter. Everyone rushed in and shouted in unison: "The six armies have no master, may lieutenant Strategy be the son of heaven"!

When Zhao Pu heard this, he righteously said, "If the lieutenant is bold and loyal, he will not forgive you for such words and deeds."

What's wrong? Patting a horse's ass on a horse's hoof? A basin of cold water poured down, and everyone slipped where they came from.

But, going back and thinking about it, it's not right. If you didn't say this just now, whoever loves who is the son of the day, at most, there is no credit. Now run to the military tent and shout, May the lieutenant be the son of heaven, this is fucking a capital crime!

If the lieutenant can't be the son of heaven today, someone will poke this thing out afterwards, and none of the people who shouted just now will want to run.

No, you still have to go to Zhao Pu, this time, everyone is not so polite, the matter is already related to their own heads.

Rushing to Zhao Pu's tent, he said directly: "There are people in the army who gather people to plot things, and exterminate the clan according to military regulations." It's not a matter of our heads now, it's about the whole family. If the lieutenant does not have a son today, will he want our family to be destroyed tomorrow?"

Zhao Pu did not dare to be as tough as the first time, saying: "This is a major matter, the overall planning and planning, now that the foreign enemy is pressing the situation, it is better to retreat from the enemy first and talk later."

The soldier shouted, "No, the Lord is weak, I am waiting to break the enemy, who can know?" It is better to set up a point to check yesterday's son first, and then go on a northern expedition, and we must try our best to retreat from the enemy."

At this time, the fourth actor appeared, Zhao Kuangyin's younger brother Zhao Kuangyi, he said to everyone: "Although the king with a different surname is because of the Mandate of Heaven, what is more important is the human heart." Since everyone wants it, if you promise to ensure that the soldiers and soldiers are strictly required, that there will be no robbery of the family, and that the people of the capital will be stable, and that things will become successful, everyone will be able to get rich and noble together."

Righteous words, justified, and there is no reason to refuse. Everybody says okay, listen to you, you say how to do it.

Therefore, Zhao Kuangyi asked everyone not to speak out, and whispered, if you want to do this, this way, this way, everything will come to fruition.

4. Perfect ending

After speaking, everyone dispersed, and Zhao Kuangyi and Zhao Pu carried the wine bottle into Zhao Kuangyin's tent. Then, Zhao Kuangyin was drunk by the two of them.

Nonsense, don't say that there are military rules in the army, Zhao Kuangyin has always ruled the army strictly, when he was in Chuzhou, the old father went to the city in the middle of the night, and did not open the door, because after the time to open the door, he had to wait until dawn the next day to open the door, which, as the commander of the three armed forces, would be drunk?

Even if you throw away the military rules, Zhao Boss marched south to fight in the north, and from a young age, he and his father played with the big head soldiers in the forbidden army, Zhao Pu and Zhao Kuangyi, two students, can get him drunk, and the reverse is appropriate.

Anyway, it was Zhao Kuangyin who was drunk. The next day, Before Boss Zhao woke up, he opened his eyes in confusion and saw a bunch of people standing in front of him, still wearing dragon robes on his body.

The acting school is the acting school, and it is hard to lie down at the table and pretend to be drunk for a night. If it is normal, it is normal to fall asleep on your stomach, and you can fall asleep when you are tired standing. However, this thought of waking up the next day was the emperor, and Boss Zhao could fall asleep on the table?

Long night, ah, can not toss and turn, it is estimated that all night in the heart of the thought, the next morning open their eyes, see the yellow robe on the body and the people in front of them, the first reaction should be what kind of, is the most appropriate.

In fact, by this time, everyone's fate has been tied together, even if they know that it is acting, no one will take the initiative to pierce it. Hurry, hurry up and settle this matter, the stone in everyone's heart will land well.

If anyone really doubted, the yellow robe in front of him could not be said. This yellow robe was well-made, far more than the last time, everyone pulled a yellow flag draped over Guo Wei's body.

Where did this robe come from? Was it sewn by Zhao Pu one night? Isn't this ridiculous, obviously it was prepared in advance, Director Zhao, there are flaws Oh, pay attention next time.

However, this play has been repeated, what flaws are not flawed, no one pays attention, everyone is most concerned about the final result.

Elder Zhao was wrapped in yellow robes and was surrounded out of the tent, and the horses outside were ready, just waiting for an order to kill back to Kaifeng.

Boss Zhao got on the horse to go out, a person squeezed out, Zhao Lao'er acted addicted, the play has ended, and the director Zhao Pu had to add an improvisational play.

Elder Zhao looked calm and his voice was loud, and said to Elder Zhao, "Please take the robbery as a warning!"!

Many people have heard, what a good person, at this time, the heart is still thinking of the people. Elder Zhao suddenly realized, and asked the soldiers: "Ru and others covet wealth and wealth, establish me as the Son of Heaven, I have orders, Ru and others can call out"?

Everyone got off their horses and bowed down: "Obey your orders"!

Zhao Kuangyin ordered: "Empress Dowager, Lord, I am in the north of the country; The ministers of the imperial court are all shoulder to shoulder with me. Ru and others shall not be allowed to offend the palace, invade the courtiers and the treasury of the prisoners. With life there is a thick (lai four sounds), and the offender is killed."

All the soldiers!

Well, this big drama is finally finished, and the real knife and real gun are left below, and the real talent is really learned. Fan Qian, Han Tong, Wei Renfu, and I Zhao Kuangyin are back.

【Original article, please indicate the source, author】

References: Zizhi Tongjian, History of Song, History of the Five Dynasties, Biography of Su Dongpo, Record of Taizu, Eighteen Emperors of the Song Dynasty, If This Is the History of Song, etc.

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