
These "superheroes" and couples are unknown behind the screen

author:Fengtian spicy and hot

Brad. Pete and Angelina. Julie

The 2005 high-energy action comedy film Mr. and Mrs. Smith is a classic in many ways, and it's not just a credit to director Doug. Li Man has many details to deal with. During the long filming period, there were many rumors about the two superstars. Now we know that two years after the film was made, they really got together, and then Juliet filed for divorce on the grounds of irreconcilable disagreements. But there are also rumors that it is Marion. Goliath breaks into the romantic world of the two. Possibly, Julie will also quote her predecessor Jennifer. Aniston's words "Juliet did not do anything disgraceful. ”

These "superheroes" and couples are unknown behind the screen

Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield

Although the fit between Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is not as good as the original, the a lot of praise in the film gives the effect of the contrast between Spider-Man actor Andrew Garfield and reality (Andrew is 30 years old and has a bit of an advanced understanding of a high school student character) and playing the idol Spider-Man lover Gwen. Emma Stone's hoarse voice.

In the film, after Pete's fingers brush the moment of Gwen's death, this praise seems a little dim in the absence of Emma Stone. And (for many reasons) Garfield shut down his Weibo comments. They were very clever in avoiding the paparazzi's heels, Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone

It looks like it's really going to grow old. But in the fall of 2015, the couple broke up — but there were also rumors of seeing them on the street together again. I guess this is just the desire of fans not to want the screen couple to separate. Just like if Peter. Parker was also able to hold some more Gwen. Staceys was fine.

These "superheroes" and couples are unknown behind the screen

Alisika Vikander and Michael Fassbinder

Director Derek Syanfrans is well known for his moontime fame, having hooked up Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes during his time directing Beyond the Pines, and now he's co-starring in Eliseca Vikander and Michael Fassbinder in Lights Between the Oceans.

The same magic was cast. The filming location is an isolated and remote trail, where the actors live, and inevitably fall in love. Fassbinder admits that "of course these things affect your work"

The relationship between the couple appears in every scene in the movie, but you don't necessarily know the relationship between them. Ericssica Vikander and Michael Fassbinder tried not to expose their private lives to the public, and even the 2016 Oscars didn't walk the red carpet together (Michael Fassbinder was nominated, while Ericssica Vikander won multiple awards). But given how common it is to break up under the spotlight, how wise it is to choose to separate work from life. As Vikander said in an interview with Vanity Fair, "The pressure for rumors is really great. For paparazzi, finding headlines is very tempting. Because I don't want to be retained or withdrawn, or lose myself. "But half of the current Hollywood celebrity couples, having reservations, may be the key to their ability to maintain a relationship."

These "superheroes" and couples are unknown behind the screen

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart

Stewart is an experienced young actor who played Bella Scott in the Twilight Series. She wasn't a star yet; Pattinson, her, and our Edward had all starred in Harry Potter, but that wasn't a special thing, as almost all British actors under 20 and over 50 had starred in the series. In "Twilight", they played the role of youth idol vampire, but there are endless scandals in reality. Stewart was caught stealing with Rupert Sanders, director of Snow White and the Huntsman. Rupert Sanders, who was still in the middle of his marriage at the time, is believed to have been the initiator of this four-corner relationship. Now the shiny seemingly eternal couple has also come to an end.

These "superheroes" and couples are unknown behind the screen

Megrion and Russell Crowe

Back in the filming of The Evidence of Life by Megarine and Russell Crowe (changed from William Scott). A story that Prochner originally published at Vanity Fair) was rumored that the bad boy Russell Crowe seduced Megryan, who was still Dennis Quaid's wife at the time, and even used the same excuse bill Clinton used against Monica Lewinsky : " Because Brother had the ability " . This led directly to the decline in Megryan's professional reputation, at least at the time when she was still an "American sweetheart". Now the actress is working as a director to restart her career.

These "superheroes" and couples are unknown behind the screen

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez

What is your favorite work of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez as on-screen couples? It's Martin. Bryce's "Mandarin Duck Kidnapper"? In the film, they are sent by the gang boss to kidnap a mentally handicapped young man. Or in the "Jenny from the Block" MV, Affleck, in a towel-tuned robe, plays a patriarch who spanks Jennifer's ass with his hand? Both Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez have mentioned the embarrassment that has ensued over the years. Maybe they still feel like they haven't had enough. In 2015, Ben Affleck made headlines again when he broke up with his wife Jennifer Cannes, and he met Verde in the 2003 Daredevil series. Perhaps, just calling Jennifer is embarrassing enough.

These "superheroes" and couples are unknown behind the screen