
TouchPal (CTK.US) is up more than 6% in pre-market to establish a long-term metacosmation plan

Grunghub December 21丨 TouchPal (CTK. US) U.S. stocks rose 6.7 percent at $0.535.

TouchPal (CTK.US) is up more than 6% in pre-market to establish a long-term metacosmation plan

TouchPal recently announced that it will combine its strengths in mobile games and online literature with support from multiple sources to build a long-term plan for a metaverse. At the same time, one of the company's game studios in Shanghai has begun to develop a meta-universe game for female users.

TouchPal believes that targeting the female market is a wise first step in building a metacosm. According to the data, there are currently 1.2 billion female gamers worldwide, accounting for 45% of the market.

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