
Unwilling to take the initiative to say the four zodiac signs of the breakup, obviously do not love, do not admit it, let people guess the mind

In a relationship, if you have found that two people are not suitable, there is no way to continue, breaking up is the best choice. But in real life, there are many people who are unwilling to take the initiative to say break up, on the one hand, they feel that breaking up will hurt each other, and on the other hand, they may not want to be this bad person.

However, two people obviously have no feelings, or you have no feelings for each other, and dragging on like this is the biggest harm to others. There are also a few such people in the zodiac, who obviously no longer love and are not willing to take the initiative to break up.

Unwilling to take the initiative to say the four zodiac signs of the breakup, obviously do not love, do not admit it, let people guess the mind

Zodiac Mouse: I'm really afraid of hurting you

People who belong to the zodiac rat are very responsible in their feelings, and they will not easily say break up. Sometimes even if two people have irreconcilable conflicts, they are not willing to say such cruel words as breaking up. Probably the hearts of rats are relatively soft, and they are afraid that once they say break up, they will cause great harm to each other.

As everyone knows, when you have begun to dislike each other, you have already hurt each other. At this point, telling the other person what you really think can make the damage end as soon as possible. If you don't say it all the time, it's another kind of harm to you and him.

Unwilling to take the initiative to say the four zodiac signs of the breakup, obviously do not love, do not admit it, let people guess the mind

Zodiac Snake: How could I possibly take the initiative

People who belong to the snake of the zodiac have high IQ and emotional intelligence, and in the feelings, they are often the party that occupies the initiative, possibly because they are indeed better, so the other party will blindly accommodate them. In the process of falling in love, the zodiac snake has clearly touched the temperament and personality of the other party, and they know how to achieve their goals.

When a snake person wants to break up, he will not take the initiative to say it, but he will show it through many details, let the other party know that he does not love him anymore, and wait for the other party to break up. You see, the snake person is so arrogant, even the breakup of this kind of thing must be let the other party say.

Unwilling to take the initiative to say the four zodiac signs of the breakup, obviously do not love, do not admit it, let people guess the mind

Zodiac Tiger: Maybe we can hold on a little longer

People who belong to the tiger of the zodiac are very serious about feelings, and once they fall in love with someone, they will want to live with each other for a lifetime. But not every relationship can be smooth sailing, once two people have to go to the point of breaking up for some reason, tiger people will not take the initiative to break up.

Zodiac tiger people have a particularly strong sense of responsibility, they always feel that since this relationship has begun, it can not be ended so casually, so they always hope to stick to it again, maybe the two people can find their previous feelings, but the result is often not satisfactory, and finally hurt others and hurt themselves.

Unwilling to take the initiative to say the four zodiac signs of the breakup, obviously do not love, do not admit it, let people guess the mind

Zodiac Dragon: I don't want to be that bad guy

People who belong to the dragon of the zodiac may be accustomed to the feeling of being on top and like to hold everything they do, so they are unlikely to be the bad guy who said break up. People who belong to the dragon feel that if they take the initiative to break up, they are disappointing each other, so it is not very good to say it outside, and it is simply damaging to their reputation.

But the dragon's human nature is relatively straight, they do not like to hide, if it is really time to break up, they will be all kinds of cold violence against you, so that you from the beginning of the inexplicable to the later intolerable, and finally have to take the initiative to break up. To be honest, this practice is still quite annoying.

Unwilling to take the initiative to say the four zodiac signs of the breakup, obviously do not love, do not admit it, let people guess the mind


Two people can come together is fate, to separate is only because the fate is not enough, there is nothing to complain about. When a relationship cannot continue, only when the opportunity to split up can the harm to each other be minimized.

Therefore, the words of the breakup must be said by one of the parties on their own initiative, and only when they are said out, can the two people slowly put it down and find new love and life. If you keep holding back, how long can a relationship without feelings last? Wait until one day, both parties are tormented by love and do not look good before separating?

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