
The popularity of jelly bean people has declined, and NetEase has taken the lead in the new tour "Egg Boy" to take the lead and stage an alternative whole job!

In recent years, there have been many interesting and interesting games, but which one is suitable for casual parties to team up and open the black, all kinds of whole work? "Jelly Bean Man: Ultimate Knockout" must have a name ~ Last August, Jelly Bean Man exploded around the world, achieving 700w sales in one month, and the revenue in September was 185 million US dollars, and the peak number of online people once exceeded 170,000, which is also the highest downloaded game in the history of Sony PS+ subscription services.

The popularity of jelly bean people has declined, and NetEase has taken the lead in the new tour "Egg Boy" to take the lead and stage an alternative whole job!

However, with the development of the game, plug-ins such as flying hangings and one-click crowns have staged "fairy fights", which seriously affects the normal player experience, coupled with the fading of the popularity of gameplay, the number of online games has begun to plummet. At the same time, as the difficulty of the map gradually increases, the big guys left behind are well versed in the gameplay routines, and it is difficult for novices to integrate, and this "slaughtering" situation also affects the entry of fresh blood in the game to a certain extent. Compared with the beginning, today's jelly bean people are indeed shrinking in heat

The popularity of jelly bean people has declined, and NetEase has taken the lead in the new tour "Egg Boy" to take the lead and stage an alternative whole job!

As for the Jelly Bean people mobile game, understand all understand, the delay in seeing the progress has long made the player tired and not love, taptap on the game progress of the crotch of the sound is not in the minority, but the pig factory is ready to go "Egg Boy Party" caused a lot of attention, and now "Egg Boy Party" has already entered the public beta reservation stage, according to the plan will soon meet with the player, and this wave of preemptive layout, leading the operation of the Jelly Bean people is also a favorite for players who like to break through the casual play.

The popularity of jelly bean people has declined, and NetEase has taken the lead in the new tour "Egg Boy" to take the lead and stage an alternative whole job!
The popularity of jelly bean people has declined, and NetEase has taken the lead in the new tour "Egg Boy" to take the lead and stage an alternative whole job!

And this painting style Q Meng, as well as a unique world view background of the new tour does have a dazzling "capital", funny and vivid RPG elements have a good sense of substitution, the blind box machine world created by the heart is also full of brain holes, very cater to the appetite of current players. And the character's various fashionable skins, such as cool interstellar series, cute fruit dumplings, cute pets and blind boxes, are also well versed in the taste preferences of the current young group, making people's DNA move again and again!

The popularity of jelly bean people has declined, and NetEase has taken the lead in the new tour "Egg Boy" to take the lead and stage an alternative whole job!
The popularity of jelly bean people has declined, and NetEase has taken the lead in the new tour "Egg Boy" to take the lead and stage an alternative whole job!

As for the core level play, "Egg Boy Party" has built-in more than 40 levels, different clearance mechanisms bring different sensory fun, the same style of theme track is fascinating, rainbow sprint, graffiti battlefield, flip crisis and other levels bring interesting challenges, players manipulate the character to run, jump, roll during the period, can continue to feel the novel features presented in this new tour, realistic and vivid action interaction and collision feedback is to add a little funny and joyful ~ ~

The popularity of jelly bean people has declined, and NetEase has taken the lead in the new tour "Egg Boy" to take the lead and stage an alternative whole job!
The popularity of jelly bean people has declined, and NetEase has taken the lead in the new tour "Egg Boy" to take the lead and stage an alternative whole job!

In addition to the ready-made map of the level, players can also use the level editor to freely play the brain hole creativity, edit their own level, create their own map layout, in which the functional components and props can be placed according to their own wishes, the degree of game freedom and playability can be seen. Through the editor, players can easily achieve a personalized game experience and harvest more brain-hole and fun level mechanics!

The popularity of jelly bean people has declined, and NetEase has taken the lead in the new tour "Egg Boy" to take the lead and stage an alternative whole job!

At present, "Egg Boy Party" will open the "open box test" on December 24, when there will be more updates and tricks waiting to be unlocked, and friends who like to casually break through the game can also pay attention to a wave to see what surprises this "egg boy" will bring!

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