
One Piece 1035 words: In addition to being the second only imperial vice of Kaido, the ember is also a combination of the three major Kanbans

Hello everyone, I'm a little spider.

Sauron has already defeated Ember in 1035 words, and although Ember lost not so decently, he can also show that Ember's strength as the three major Kanban is very strong.

Before, because we didn't know what the strength of the three major Kanban boards themselves was, we were only at the initial stage of the embers.

One Piece 1035 words: In addition to being the second only imperial vice of Kaido, the ember is also a combination of the three major Kanbans

But as Ember's strength and the strength of others are exposed, it will be discovered that Ember has a reason to be the first person, after all, he is the strongest monster in all the big kanban.

1. Race-blessed Drought Jack

Drought Jack is the earliest character in the Big Kanban, who only appeared after Mingo was captured by the Navy, and originally wanted to defeat the Navy through his own ability and rescue Mingo.

But he seemed to have underestimated the Navy's capabilities and was eventually driven to the bottom of the sea by a shipwreck. However, Jack, who was a demon fruit ability, miraculously survived in the end, mainly because of Jack's racial superiority.

One Piece 1035 words: In addition to being the second only imperial vice of Kaido, the ember is also a combination of the three major Kanbans

As we all know, every Demon Fruit Ability is a dry duck, but Drought Jack has his superiority, yes, he is a fishman.

As a fishman, Drought Jack, even if he becomes a dry duck, he can still survive in the water with his own ability, and finally summon the fish to save himself.

But that's about it. Jack's Mammoth Fruit + Fishman Bloodline eventually made him the Trifecta, but also the weakest. After all, compared to the next two, he is indeed very weak.

One Piece 1035 words: In addition to being the second only imperial vice of Kaido, the ember is also a combination of the three major Kanbans

2. The epidemic quinn supported by science and technology

Quinn was once a very well-known scientist and had a close relationship with Bergapunk, and of course with Gaj. Quinn is also a fruit power, and when he was in Rabbit Bowl Prison, he once transformed into a brachiosaurus and directly dealt a critical blow to Big Mama. Of course, this is not Quinn's strongest ability.

Quinn's strongest ability is still his own scientific and technological power, Quinn directly modified his body, so that his entire body has become a weapon.

One Piece 1035 words: In addition to being the second only imperial vice of Kaido, the ember is also a combination of the three major Kanbans

In addition, due to the reason that he worked with Gaji before, all the moves of Djerma 66, Quinn was also blessed on his body, so it would make Yamaji have an illusion, but fortunately, in the end, Yamaji also successfully defeated Quinn.

Although Quinn is a scientist, he looks more like a plagiarist on closer inspection, after all, he is much similar to the strength of Jerma 66.

One Piece 1035 words: In addition to being the second only imperial vice of Kaido, the ember is also a combination of the three major Kanbans

3. Racial blessing and technological assistance

The true face of the ember has been fully exposed, before many people still think that the appearance of the ember will be very strange and ugly, after all, according to Oda's bad taste, sometimes what is disguised, in fact, it is to explain where it is insufficient, just like Mingo's Pika, the voice is incomparably sharp, and his burly appearance is completely different.

One Piece 1035 words: In addition to being the second only imperial vice of Kaido, the ember is also a combination of the three major Kanbans

However, when it comes to embers, the race of embers themselves is very unusual, the Lunalia clan, once known as the "god" race, the heavens and the earth are omnipotent, the original red earth continent above, that is, now the holy land Mary Joa, is the ash race where the life of the ember race, obviously, now the ember race is also very few left.

Maybe he was left alone. Speaking of the power and status of the race, it seems that the racial power of the embers is stronger than Jack's fish people.

One Piece 1035 words: In addition to being the second only imperial vice of Kaido, the ember is also a combination of the three major Kanbans

Ember can send out his head like a cannonball, which means that this is the ancient toothless pterosaur hunting move. But how did the little spider think that Quinn had modified Ember's body? Of course, it's not a complete makeover.

Therefore, in fact, there is still the shadow of Quinn Technology in the body of embers. In this way, embers also have the power of science and technology on their bodies.

One Piece 1035 words: In addition to being the second only imperial vice of Kaido, the ember is also a combination of the three major Kanbans

The main reason why Kaido was able to know Ember was that in the Navy's laboratory, it was caused by the Navy as an experimental object, and in addition to Kaido, there were embers in the experiment, after all, the special race of embers was indeed a very good experimental object for the Navy Headquarters.

Through Gaj's bloodline factor experiment, it can be learned that the Navy must have studied the power of special races before, and it is this coincidence that has created kaido and his own big board.

One Piece 1035 words: In addition to being the second only imperial vice of Kaido, the ember is also a combination of the three major Kanbans

To sum up: the ability of embers is very prominent, but as Sauron said, the shortcomings of embers are also very prominent.

In the end, Ember was defeated by Sauron, and although the outcome of the defeat was so vulgar, it did not affect Ember's deep impression on us, he was indeed a veritable imperial vice-chancellor.

That's all there is to it, and fans who have different opinions on this can also leave a message to discuss. I'm a little spider, a fan who likes to talk about anime and collect handmade, like to pay attention to me, we'll see you next time! Text: Little Spider

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