
What consumes our lives?

There is no basis for thinking that you can live peacefully for a long time. ——" The Cultivation of the Heartland of Forward Notes"

What consumes our lives?

Text: ShiaRongbo Khenpo

There are fewer births and more deaths. In saying this, it is not that we insist on looking at the problem with a pessimistic eye and scaring ourselves. This is true. There is no basis for thinking that you can live peacefully for a long time. Huazhi Rinpoche said: In this world, there are very few causes of birth, and there are many causes of death, such as water, fire, poison, danger, wild people, beasts of prey, etc., all of which can cause death, but the cause of life is very small, and it may be transformed into a dead cause at any time. Eating and drinking water is supposed to be life-sustaining, but it may also cause death due to choking, food poisoning and other reasons.

More than a hundred years ago, when Rinpoche lived, there was no such common and serious life pressure, environmental pollution, and various crises, and if there were fewer births and more deaths, then the current situation would not be better, if not worse.

The development of science and technology and materials has solved many problems and made life more comfortable and convenient, but at the same time it has created many new needs and new problems. When these needs are met, newer needs appear again, and so on and so on, endlessly.

Much of the vitality of modern man is consumed in the pursuit and satisfaction of these perhaps unnecessary needs. On the outside is the deterioration of the living environment, inside is the unnecessary consumption of their own energy, and the resistance is weakened. There is no need for sudden accidents or disasters, just people's daily diet and living, has hidden too many fatal factors.

Sometimes I don't feel it, but work, family, economy, feelings, all aspects to take care of but difficult to be thoughtful, under high pressure of the body and mind has long been in a critical state, small events can trigger big problems. Many people are killed by sudden cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases because of overwork and overwork. In addition, there are all kinds of strange and vicious diseases that suddenly erupt, regardless of gender or age.

--Shia Rongbo Khenpo, "The Cultivation of the Heartland of The Forward Notes"

What consumes our lives?

[Our hearts are an acre of land, what to sow and what to reap.] Modern life brings abundant material pleasures, but it makes our hearts dry and desolate as never before, and the more we have, the more impetuous and empty we become. Combined with traditional meditation methods, "Forward Notes on cultivating the Heart Field" explores how to achieve physical and mental peace in the right way in modern society, like a lamp, guiding us to discover the source of inner happiness. 】