
How high is Puyi's education level? Scholar: True academic qualifications, you may not believe it when you say it

How high is Puyi's education level? Scholar: True academic qualifications, you may not believe it when you say it

In 1959, Puyi, who had been in labor for ten years, was pardoned and regained his freedom. Bidding farewell to the war criminals' office, Puyi encountered the first problem, that is, to go to the hukou. At this time, the new Chinese people need to go to the household registration, even Puyi is no exception, accompanied by his family, Puyi came to the household registration office and filled in 29 items in turn.

How high is Puyi's education level? Scholar: True academic qualifications, you may not believe it when you say it

During this period, he also made a lot of jokes, such as when the staff asked him about his home address, Puyi casually said: "Forbidden City" made the staff completely confused. In addition, Puyi's academic qualifications have also become a problem, he has not received school education since he was a child, but he has been guided by many famous teachers, and finally filled in the "junior high school" education under the advice of the staff. So is Puyi's education level really only junior high school?

How high is Puyi's education level? Scholar: True academic qualifications, you may not believe it when you say it

Of course not, Puyi as an emperor has a very deep literary foundation, as can be seen from his book "The First Half of My Life", in addition, he has also received guidance from many famous teachers. Puyi's first teacher was Lu Runxiu, who was the leader of Tongzhi for thirteen years. In addition to the domestic champions, Puyi also has a foreign language teacher from Oxford University - Johnston.

How high is Puyi's education level? Scholar: True academic qualifications, you may not believe it when you say it

From the time she can remember, Puyi studied Manchu, Chinese and English under the strict requirements of several concubines and Empress Longyu. When he was young, Puyi received an excellent foreign language education, so that he could easily communicate with foreigners in English, and it should be known that after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Puyi was interrogated and acted as a witness in the International Military Tribunal, and used English throughout the whole process.

In the military court, he could speak this beautiful English to the judges, and let the jurors believe his words, which showed that he not only had a high level of English, but also had excellent use of English and logical thinking. It is understood that in addition to English, Puyi is also very proficient in Russian and French. So linguistically, he's just at the level of a graduate student in a foreign language department.

How high is Puyi's education level? Scholar: True academic qualifications, you may not believe it when you say it

Not to mention traditional Chinese culture, the Qing Dynasty is the most stringent dynasty in all generations to the emperor, and the plot of the Qing Dynasty prince talking about love all day on the TV series is completely fictional. People who know the history of the Qing Dynasty know that the Qing Dynasty prince had to get up at 5 o'clock in the morning to read, and there was almost no time to rest and play all day, until he grew up to have his own allocated time.

Although Puyi collapsed shortly after he ascended the throne, he still received a good education, not only proficient in Confucian classics, but also wrote a beautiful brush. When he was a teacher in Johnston, in addition to English, he also taught him mathematics, history, geography and other subjects, and the most important thing is that Johnston attaches great importance to the education of ideological concepts and lifestyles, so that Puyi can take the lead in cutting braids and help Puyi establish a complete world view.

How high is Puyi's education level? Scholar: True academic qualifications, you may not believe it when you say it

In addition to the above serious knowledge, Puyi is also very proficient in "strange tricks and tricks", likes to ride bicycles, likes to take pictures, likes to play tennis, and is particularly good at appreciating cultural relics. It is said that it is possible to distinguish the authenticity of cultural relics by appearance and weight alone. From this point of view, Puyi's real education is far more than the junior high school level, and even some experts and scholars believe that Puyi's comprehensive quality level is comparable to a doctoral degree.

Chen Baochen, a Manchu Qing scholar, once said: "A child like Puyi will definitely be able to make the Great Qing flourish again." Although there is excessive appreciation for the emperor, it also reflects Puyi's high talent and wide learning from the side. It is a pity that his life is full of tragedies, and he has suffered all the glory and humiliation in the ups and downs of history, and finally can only end his life with a self-described work.

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