
Gule Mountain Under the Righteous Dog House - Why the Manchus forbade dog meat

author:Unknown old lawyer Chen Weiguo
Gule Mountain Under the Righteous Dog House - Why the Manchus forbade dog meat

In the Changbai Mountains of northeast China, people have had the custom of eating dog meat since ancient times. A long time ago, in the Manchu Tong Jia clan under the Gule Mountains in the Changbai Mountains, there was a scholar Tong Jia Zhengyu (Tong Jia Clan), who was studious since childhood, had a pure temperament, and was kind. Although he was not a disciple of the Buddhist family, he opposed killing. If he encounters a situation of slaughtering pigs and slaughtering cattle, horses and sheep, he will avoid far away and dissuade people from killing. He believes that any life should be respected, not killed.

One year during the Dragon Boat Festival, Tong Jia Zhengyu obeyed his father's order to go out to collect the accounts, and after recovering 50 taels of silver from the debtor's family, he walked along the official road to his home. Suddenly encountering heavy rain on the road, Tong Jia Zhengyu went to the ancient temple on the side of the road to avoid the rain. As soon as he entered the temple, he found a yellow dog tied to the ground. Two beggars were holding a knife and preparing to kill the dog. The yellow dog kept his eyes open and kept dripping tears, and the dog's mouth was strangled by the rope, and he kept making a "whining" sound.

Tong Jia Zhengyu saw that the dog was pitiful, so he asked, "Why did you two kill it?" ”

The beggar said, "We are the beggars, and this is the unowned dog that has followed us for many days." Now it rains every day in the Changbai Mountains, we have nowhere to beg, we have been hungry for three days, and we can only slaughter this dog. ”

Tong Jia Zhengyu hurriedly opened the package, took out the dry food eaten on the road, and said, "I have something edible here that can relieve the hunger of the two." Shall I give two taels of silver to redeem the life of this dog? ”

The two beggars were very happy, and since they had food, they could quench their hunger. And if you have money to spend, you can buy more food. He untied the yellow dog and said to the dog, "This prince has bought your life, and you will go with him." ”

The yellow dog seemed to speak well, so he walked over to Tong Jia Zhengyu and lay down. Tong Jia Zhengyu said, "Dog, I am a person who walks the road, I can't take you, I can't take you with me, I will run for my life." ”

The yellow dog bent in front of Tong Jia Zhengyu, nodded three times, as if to kneel, and then disappeared when he left the temple gate.

After the rain stopped, Tong Jia Zhengyu went out of the temple gate to continue the road, and just walked not far away, he saw Tong Deng in the tribe leading his newly released yellow dog with a rope.

Tong Jia Zhengyu asked, "Why did Brother Deng lead this dog?" ”

Tong Deng said, "In the year of the famine, there is no food, but this is the dog without a master, and I have caught it." Lead him back to the village, and after the slaughter, I can spend a few days with my family. ”

Tong Jia Zhengyu said: "Dogs have spirituality, Su Ri is the main caretaker of the home, and now he has lost the main family and wandered around, just released by me, er should not kill him." I will give Brother Deng 10 taels of silver, you can buy grain to support your family, please release this dog. ”

After saying that, Tong Jia Zhengyu took out 10 taels of silver and handed it to Tong Deng. ”

Tong Deng took the silver and replied, "So good." ”

At this time, the yellow dog knelt on the ground on two front legs, and tears fell like rain. Tong Jia Zhengyu untied the rope, and the yellow dog ran to the mountain forest, and after a while, he disappeared.

After the disaster year, after Tong Jia Zhengyuqiu tried to obtain Xiucai, he proposed to the beautiful woman Fuchadar of the neighboring Fucha tribe and was granted. Fuchadar is beautiful and is a famous beauty. After Tong Jia Zhengyu's parents received the dowry, they agreed to marry their daughter at the end of the year of the Tong family.

Gule Mountain Under the Righteous Dog House - Why the Manchus forbade dog meat

On the tenth day of the first lunar month, Tong Jia Zhengyu's wedding day feasted on guests. The banquet was in full swing, and a family member came to report: "There is a yellow dog outside the door, and it cannot be driven away." ”

Tong Jia Zhengyu went out to take a look and recognized that it was the yellow dog he had released. At this time, the yellow dog's coat was smooth and very energetic, and when it saw Tong Jia Zhengyu, it immediately prostrated itself, lying on top of Tong Jia Zhengyu's feet, and seemed to say: "You are my master, I will never go again." ”

Tong Jia Zhengyu was happy and said, "Dog, since you found my house, let me take care of the nursing home." From today onwards, give you the name Rhubarb. ”

The yellow dog immediately stood up, shook his head and rubbed it in front of Tong Jia Zhengyu's feet. Tong Jia Zhengyu asked his family to take the yellow dog to the backyard and was not allowed to be tethered. Strange to say, the yellow dog did not go anywhere, guarding the big wall in the backyard, not moving a step.

It was late at night, Tong Jia Zhengyu and the bride entered the cave room, and the family members also rested in peace. Just in the dead of night, a few bricks suddenly fell under the big wall in the backyard, and in a short while, the big wall was dug by people outside. It turned out that a group of thieves planned to go to Tong Jia Zhengyu's house this evening to dig a hole and steal, and they chose to commit a crime tonight in order to take advantage of the convenience of people letting down their vigilance.

The thief had just come in through the hole in the wall, and the rhubarb who was guarding the courtyard rushed up with a loud cry, and threw the first person who came in to the ground, and the people outside heard the sound of dogs barking in the wall, knew that the matter was exposed, and the thief who threw himself into the courtyard fled. The family heard the barking of the dogs in the yard, hurriedly lit the lantern and went to the backyard to check, and found that the thief who had come first had been bitten by the big yellow dog and could not move.

Tong Jia Zhengyu rushed to hear the sound and said very touchedly: "The dog has the grace of the Savior, and we must treat this dog well in the future." ”

Tong Jia Zhengyu asked his family to hand over the thief who was bitten by a dog to the government, because the thief did not steal the property, and the government sentenced the thief to serve for half a year.

Half a year passed, and the released thief was very angry with Tong Jia Zhengyu, so he gathered a group of thieves to take revenge. They were crowded, first using one person to attract yellow dogs, and the other group set fire to the front yard. When the fire burned, the thieves scattered. Because of the quiet of the night, people are asleep. The big yellow dog scurried around in the yard, barking, from the front yard to the backyard, and from the backyard to the front yard, shouting people from sleep.

The big yellow dog found that there was no Tong Jia Zhengyu and his wife among the people standing in the courtyard, so he immediately rushed into the house on fire. Tong Jia Zhengyu and his wife had been choked by the smoke, and the big yellow dog first dragged Tong Jia Zhengyu out of the burning house, and then dragged Tong Jia Zhengyu's wife out of the fire.

Gule Mountain Under the Righteous Dog House - Why the Manchus forbade dog meat

When Tong Jia Zhengyu woke up, he found that his mother had not yet come out, and he cried and shouted to rush into the fire.

The big yellow dog bit down on Tong Jia Zhengyu's pants and dragged him to safety. Then, the big yellow dog rushed into the fiery upper room, which was the house where Tong Jia Zhengyu's mother lived.

In the light of the fire, people saw that the big yellow dog was struggling to drag an old man outside, and when it dragged the person to the door, the roof "smacked" and collapsed, the flames burst out, the Mars flew around, and in the fire, the big yellow dog screamed bitterly, and there was no news.

After the fire was extinguished, the remains of yellow dogs were found in the ruins. The yellow dog pressed an old man underneath him, but the old man had lost his life.

After the fire, Tong Jia Zhengyu built a yellow dog tomb next to his mother's grave at the same time as burying his mother, and in front of the tomb was engraved with several large characters in a large bluestone in the shape of a dog, "Tomb of the Righteous Dog Rhubarb". It is said that this righteous dog has a spirit, and when the Manchu Qing ancestor Nurhaci raised an army to raise an incident, the righteous dog disguised himself as a guard dog to protect him. At the beginning of the uprising, Nurhaci's soldiers were defeated to escape the Ming army's pursuit and hiding in the reeds, and when the Ming army ignited the reeds and was about to burn Nurhaci to death, this righteous dog named Rhubarb used its body hair to dip water to extinguish the fire, saving Nurhaci's life. After the establishment of the Manchu Qing Dynasty, it was explicitly forbidden to eat dog meat, and its customs have been preserved to this day.

It is said that this large dog-shaped bluestone is still under the Gule Mountain in Xinbin County, Liaoning Province.