
Another 5 games were postponed and dozens of people were quarantined! The NBA wants to sign more temporary workers to avoid a shutdown

author:Red Star News

Recently, in addition to the Premier League, sports leagues affected by the epidemic include the NBA. Early in the morning of December 20, Beijing time, the NBA officially announced that the next 5 games will be postponed! Due to the full outbreak of the epidemic crisis, dozens of people in the NBA League have been quarantined in the past 24 hours, and the Nets, Cavaliers, 76ers and other teams have been unable to make up enough for 8 people to play, and the league has to announce that it will postpone five games. Coupled with the fact that the Bulls have been postponed twice, the NBA has had 7 games postponed so far.

According to statistics, the NBA league has added a double number of quarantines for four consecutive days, while 64 players and 1 coach have been quarantined in the past 6 days. According to the AMERICAN media "Sports World", the NBA League found the first case of Aomi Kerong in the player pool last week!

But in this case, the league is still reluctant to suspend the season, and they are discussing a new plan with the players' union - to allow teams to sign more temporary contracts to ensure that more games can be played normally, and the league will not be brought to the point of suspension.

The outline of the plan to increase temporary contracts was approved by the board at a meeting on Saturday. In the NBA's original difficult exception, there must be 4 players who cannot play to be allowed to sign temporary contract players, but the new temporary contract players are limited to three. In the new plan, once the team has the first confirmed case of covid-19, it will be allowed to add a player with a temporary contract for 10 days. After the second, third and fourth cases are confirmed, the team can add a 10-day temporary contract player.

The new plan is designed to keep NBA teams in a sufficient number of entries so that the league doesn't have to cancel or postpone games because some teams don't have 8 healthy players to play. Under the program, new substitutes will not be counted in the team's salary cap or luxury tax.

Another 5 games were postponed and dozens of people were quarantined! The NBA wants to sign more temporary workers to avoid a shutdown

The net team, which barely managed to get the number of participants, was outnumbered by the magic team that had previously lost consecutively

The Nets, the team most affected by the pandemic in recent times, have a total of 10 players triggered health and safety agreements, including Irving, who is about to return to the team. Count the injured Joe Harris and Clarkston. So before the Nets and Magic game yesterday, the Nets have signed 3 temporary contract players with difficult exceptions, namely Harrison, Galloway and Ennis, who all got a $500,000 10-day temporary contract, which made up 8 people to play yesterday's game with the Magic. As a result, the Nets lost 93-100 at home to the Magic, who had lost seven consecutive games, and their four-game winning streak was also ended.

So many fans are also worried that although the addition of temporary contract players can continue the game, the quality of the game will decline a lot, "The NBA is going to become a development league!" Some fans said so. Indeed, if the NBA league signs a growing number of temporary contract players, the regular season will become an "exhibition game," which will also affect the NBA's ratings.

In the case of the league's reluctance to shut down, many media and fans have also asked whether they can choose to enter the park again under the situation of such a serious epidemic. And that's what players who don't want to be vaccinated is what they most want to see, and it's reported that more than 95 percent of the NBA players have been vaccinated, but 5 percent are still not vaccinated, like Irving. Because there will be no home-and-away divisions in the park matches, players who are not vaccinated will be allowed to participate in all matches in this case.

Red Star News reporter Jiang Shan

Edit Bao Chengli

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Another 5 games were postponed and dozens of people were quarantined! The NBA wants to sign more temporary workers to avoid a shutdown