
Ultra three missing one! The Xiaomi Mi 12 series begins warming up next week

According to the latest news from well-known bloggers @i Ice Universe, Xiaomi 12 should officially open the warm-up mode next week, and it is likely to be officially announced at 10 o'clock on Monday morning.

Ultra three missing one! The Xiaomi Mi 12 series begins warming up next week

From the perspective of time, Xiaomi Mi 12 should be released within a few days at the end of the month, and it is likely to be December 28, which was also mentioned in the previous revelations.

According to previous news, this conference will launch three new flagships of Xiaomi 12, Xiaomi 12 Pro and Xiaomi 12X. Among them, Xiaomi Mi 12 and Xiaomi Mi 12 Pro are equipped with Qualcomm's new generation Snapdragon 8 platform, using a hyperboloid flexible OLED screen, the front camera is centered, and the form is a digging screen.


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