
After the injury, the thick eyebrow brother was interviewed for the first time! He said the cause of the injury was strange and gave a comeback time

On December 20, Beijing time, the Lakers today ushered in the last opponent of the three consecutive guests - the Chicago Bulls! In the case of multiple players on both sides triggering the league's safety and health agreement, the score has been in a state of anxiety, but in the last quarter deRozan scored 19 points in a single quarter, hit the middle distance multiple times at key moments, and finally the Lakers lost to the Bulls 110:105, suffered a double kill from the opponent this season, and the Lakers' record also fell to seventh in the West.

After the injury, the thick eyebrow brother was interviewed for the first time! He said the cause of the injury was strange and gave a comeback time

Brother Thick Brow did not have the opportunity to play the game because of a knee injury, and was interviewed by reporters after the game, which was also the first time he was interviewed after the injury. Talking about his injury, The thick eyebrow brother said: "The good news is that I don't have to undergo surgery, this is already a blessing in disguise, the feeling of needing a truce is too bad, the Lakers have a lot of leaders, will continue to keep the team on track during their absence." When it comes to his comeback time, the answer given by The thick eyebrow brother is that it will take several weeks.

After the injury, the thick eyebrow brother was interviewed for the first time! He said the cause of the injury was strange and gave a comeback time

Speaking about the moment of his injury, The thick eyebrow brother said: "At that time, I saw beasley about to fall with the afterglow, but everything happened too quickly, this situation is very strange, when I returned to the dressing room, my knee was very painful, making it difficult for me to walk, I felt that this was a very serious injury, fortunately it was not a ligament tear. At the same time, the thick eyebrow brother said that he would use these weeks as a mini offseason and return to the court as soon as possible.

After the injury, the thick eyebrow brother was interviewed for the first time! He said the cause of the injury was strange and gave a comeback time

According to the lakers' official release yesterday, the thick eyebrow brother suffered a ligament sprain in his left knee and will be re-evaluated after 4 weeks. But sports injury analyst Evan Jeffries said that the injury of the thick eyebrow brother will take at least 6 weeks to recover, and the latest 10 weeks will take the Lakers' Dudley to suffer a similar injury last season and take 10 weeks to recover.

After the injury, the thick eyebrow brother was interviewed for the first time! He said the cause of the injury was strange and gave a comeback time

ESPN then released an interesting statistic, the Lakers net win 27 points in the time james singles led the team this season; the Lakers netted 4 points in the time james and the thick eyebrow brother were on the court at the same time; and the lakers won 52 points in the time when the thick eyebrow brother led the team. This shows that James's singles lead the team is better, but it is undeniable that the thick eyebrow brother is an important member of the Lakers' road to the championship, and I hope he can recover soon!

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