
"Doggy bag" is not a dog's bag! Don't make jokes!

author:Wall Street English
"Doggy bag" is not a dog's bag! Don't make jokes!

Hope for the meaning of literature is a big trap in learning foreign languages, the simpler the expression, the deeper the routine. Today Xiaobian takes you around these small traps and lets you go further on the road of English bulls

1 doggy bag

Dog bag ×

Packing box/bag √

The servings here are huge, I have to ask for a doggy bag.

The portions here were so large that I had to pack them.

May I have a doggy bag?

Can I pack?

2 dog eat dog

Dogs eat dogs ×

Brutal, vicious competition √

With shrinking markets, it's dog eat dog for every company in this field.

As the market tightens, every company in the industry is caught up in brutal competition.

3 the top dog

Lead dog ×

The boss and the leader √

The so-called "leader" here may be a business executive, or a government leader, or maybe just the head of a family, anyway, any group of people probably always have a lot of power, and such a person can be called top dog in English

Harry is the top dog in our team.

Harry was the boss of our team.

4Dog-ear (as a verb)

Dog ears ×

Folding book corner √

(The folded triangle image is not like the puppy ears that are buttoned down, more image)

I really hate it when people dog-ear their books.

I'm particularly annoyed that people bend corners on books.

5 Puppy love

Puppy Love ×

Early love √

They wanted to prove that their relationship was more than puppy love.

They want to prove that this relationship is not a childish early love.

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