
KDD announced the 2019 Awards, and Cornell's team won the best paper


KDD today announced the KDD Awards 2019. As the top international conference on data mining, KDD has reached a record number of registered participants this year. However, the high requirements of the organizing committee for the quality of papers, especially reproducibility, have also set a new low for the inclusion ratio of papers this year.

This year, KDD has about 1900 papers submitted worldwide, ADS track received about 700 submissions, 45 Oral papers, 100 Poster papers, and Research track received about 1200 papers, 110 Oral papers, 60 Poster papers, and the acceptance rate was only 14%.

KDD announced the 2019 Awards, and Cornell's team won the best paper

Among them, the best paper in the Research track was won by a research team headed by Dong Kun, a Chinese doctoral student at Cornell. The paper, titled Network Density of States, aims to solve difficult computational and interpretable problems that exist within the real-world graphic spectrum.

KDD announced the 2019 Awards, and Cornell's team won the best paper

(来源:Network Density of States)

In this paper, the research team delved into the spectral density of the real-world atlas, borrowed tools developed in condensed matter, and added new adaptability to handle the spectral characteristics of ordinary pattern patterns, enabling more efficient analysis. Other authors of the paper include Austin R. Benson, an assistant professor of computer science, and David Bindel, a corresponding author in the Department of Applied Mathematics.

KDD announced the 2019 Awards, and Cornell's team won the best paper

(来源:Actions Speak Louder then Goals:Valuing Player Actions in Soccer)

The best paper for ADS track is Actions Speak Louder then Goals: Valuing Player Actions in Soccer, a collaboration between the University of Leuven in Belgium and SciSports. The study proposes new ways to quantify the performance of footballers, including a new language for describing the movements of individual players and a new framework for assessing player movements based on their impact on the outcome of the game.

In terms of corporate engagement, this year's KDD also appeared in the presence of many Chinese companies, including Alibaba, Today's Headlines, Didi and many other Chinese technology companies participated in the submission and selection.

KDD's Startup Research Awards were received by RealAI, Tianyancha, Arkive and Deepair, the first two of which are Chinese companies. RealAI is built by the Tsinghua background team, which is committed to building an AI basic platform based on safe, reliable and explainable probabilistic machine learning methods to empower AI upgrades in vertical industries; Tianyancha is a well-known big data platform company in China, providing enterprises with a variety of data services.

KDD announced the 2019 Awards, and Cornell's team won the best paper

(Source: KDD)

KDD is coordinated and organized by the ACM (Association of Computing Machinery) Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Committee (SIGKDD), and was recommended as a Category A conference by the China Computer Association. The KDD Conference is known for its rigorous acceptance of papers, with an annual acceptance rate of no more than 20%, so it is quite popular in the industry.