
"Cadres do not exceed 100 yuan with gifts" The Tao is ruthless and more affectionate
"Cadres do not exceed 100 yuan with gifts" The Tao is ruthless and more affectionate

On May 29, the surging news learned from the Propaganda Department of the Lishui Municipal Party Committee in Zhejiang Province that the Lishui Municipal Government recently issued a notice saying that the city-wide management of marriage and funeral bad habits required non-relatives to accompany gifts of no more than 100 yuan, and no more than 6 vehicles passed through urban and rural roads for wedding and funeral convoys. Where Party members, cadres, and all public employees exercising public power violate regulations, in addition to being punished in accordance with laws and regulations, they must also be given organizational handling or Party discipline and government affairs sanctions, and a notice shall be made. The Circular came into effect on July 1 this year. (The Paper, May 29)

Recently, the Lishui Municipal Government issued a notice saying that once the city's party members and cadres encounter marriage and funeral matters, the party members and cadres who are not relatives cannot exceed 100 yuan with gifts. If party members and cadres violate regulations in this regard, in addition to being punished in accordance with laws and regulations, they must also be given organizational handling or party discipline and government affairs sanctions, and they will be notified. This is undoubtedly to put a "tight hoop" on the gifts of party members and cadres, so that the maximum number of gifts they can give is fixed at 100 yuan.

Sending only 100 yuan, in today's highly developed economy, it does seem a little less, it is estimated that many party members and cadres will be difficult to adapt to for a while and a half, so it is not surprising that different voices appear on the Internet. However, the author believes that such a provision is very meaningful for the management of marriage and funeral bad habits. It is possible to fundamentally control the large-scale behavior of marriage and funeral.

"The hustle and bustle of the world is for the benefit of the future, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for the benefit of the future." The reason why some party members and cadres have repeatedly forbidden marriages and funerals in a big way is certainly very complicated, but among them, seeking benefits is certainly the careful thinking of a large number of them. Some party members and cadres who hold public power are keen to make big deals of things, and their fundamental purpose is to hope that their service recipients, subordinates, and stakeholders can send themselves thick red envelopes in a dignified manner. With the excuse of marriage and funeral, the giver is not embarrassed, the recipient is also at ease, the two tacitly, and the power and money transaction is reached.

At present, the local party committee and government have made a hard and strict stipulation that non-pro-party members and cadres should not exceed 100 yuan in gifts, and these 100 yuan stipulations allow party members and cadres to make a big fuss and collect a gift of 100 yuan, and if they are not careful, not only can they not make money, but they may also lose money and make money, which may dispel the heart of party members and cadres to do wedding and funeral affairs in a big way, so that they dare not, do not want to, and do not want to do a big job, over time, thrifty and over-the-top wedding and funeral affairs will become the norm, and the improvement of the party's work style and government style will be just around the corner. Such a provision is indeed very meaningful.

Party members and cadres must not exceed 100 yuan in gifts, so that party members and cadres can refuse to do a lot of weddings and funerals, so that they can say no with a straight face.

Source: Jingchu Network

Author: Jiang Wen