
People who have a relationship can be fixed for life at a glance

author:Luo Zhiyuan
People who have a relationship can be fixed for life at a glance

Time is the answer to life. There is only one time in life, and the enthusiasm without answers ends up becoming sadness. The answer is not the meaning of life, but the purpose of life. Why to live, how to live better, is the question you have to ask yourself.

In life, there are many things, there are no answers, only processes. When a person is lonely, there are always memories that cannot be forgotten, and there are also some sad emotions. Most of the feelings of the past have become memories hidden in the snow, some people have always been in their hearts, and some people, as if they never existed.

In a person's life, you will meet many people, there are few who really stay for you, and it is even more rare to really understand you. The end of life, whether it is a deserted ferry or a glorious caravanserai, you can only really see it when you reach the end.

In fact, we are all passers-by in life. Of all the thousands of people, you just look at me one more time, and I'm just passing through your world. People who have a relationship can be fixed for life at a glance, while people who have no luck, when they meet every day, they just pass by.

Drifting away is not ruthless, but unprovoked. If everything is providential, we should cherish fate. The love of destiny is cherished, and the destined parting is also a good goodbye. Everyone has to learn to be independent, because no one will accompany you forever.

Remember: time will give you the answer to life, all you have to do is live in the moment and enjoy the good time given by God.

People who have a relationship can be fixed for life at a glance