
These numbers are huge beyond human thinking! Is there a bigger number than Tree 3?


When you are faced with these gigantic and chilling and then awe-inspiring numbers, perhaps even the greatest difficulties become insignificant!

Umemori Prime Number

We know that prime numbers are numbers that can only be divisible by 1 and their own in integers greater than 1. There are infinitely many primes, but by the end of 2018, only 51 prime numbers were found to be expressed in the form of 2p-1 (p is prime), which is the Mersenne prime number (such as 3, 7, 31, 127, etc.). It can also express a class of numbers shaped such as 2p-1, where exponent p is prime, often denoted as Mp. If the Mason number is prime, it is called a Mersenne prime number. Mersenne primes are a class of numbers that become larger over a short period of time. These prime numbers are equal to the prime number of 2 - to the power of 1. As the prime number grows larger, its growth will be unimaginable. Until 1951, only 12 of these primes were known, but by this year, 48 were known primes.

These numbers are huge beyond human thinking! Is there a bigger number than Tree 3?

To solve these huge numbers, the scientists used the large Internet Mason Prime Number Search (GIMPS), which uses the computing power of thousands of Internet users to search for elusive prime numbers. The largest known prime number before 2013 was 2^ 57885161- 1, which has more than 17 million digits, but now that record has been refreshed, only 51 Mersenne primes have been found, the largest being M82589933, which is 2 to the 82589933 power minus 1, with 24862048 digits.

Gregorian number

It's so big that the whole universe can't be written. We know that there are infinite numbers, and we generally deal only with the smaller of them, because there is no use of large numbers in life, and for some ridiculously large numbers, the vast majority of human beings have never been exposed to them.

These numbers are huge beyond human thinking! Is there a bigger number than Tree 3?

But in the 1970s, an American mathematician Ronald Graham did a job that proved to be very large. He tried to solve a problem related to a cube of higher dimensions, and when he finally got the answer, he found that the answer involved so many numbers that we couldn't write it down—if we wrote 2,000 numbers on a page according to the thickness of the A4 paper, the whole universe would not be enough to write! It is the Glitzum number, which is so large that it cannot be represented by scientific notation, not even a^ (b^(c^(...))) Such an exponential tower form is useless, and even mathematicians have difficulty understanding it.

For example, if you convert all the known matter in the universe into ink and put it in a fountain pen, there is not enough ink to write down all the digits of this number on paper. The last ten digits of the known Glitchon number are 24641 95387.


Although the number of Gramson is large, there is a larger number than it. Yes, TREE (3) is such a terrifying existence! Tree (3) is much larger than the Number of Gram. The ratio of the Gliheng number to the TREE (3) is negligible, and even if the Gretens number is iterated over to the Gramlaton several times, it is still infinitesimal compared to THETREE(3). So what exactly is Tree 3? Smart netizens should literally be able to see that it is actually related to trees.

These numbers are huge beyond human thinking! Is there a bigger number than Tree 3?

The simple point is that you draw such a tree, start from the root to draw the first node, and then add a node to each tree branch, requiring that the number of new nodes cannot be greater than its total number of nodes, and also requiring that the node color from the second stroke cannot be the same as that of the first tree. Okay, starttree(1) first, and you'll find that you can't draw the first node anymore, because only one color is allowed, and no matter how you draw the node, it has to be the same as the first tree node. Then start tree (2), you will find that if you draw the first tree is a red node, then the node of the upper branch can only be painted in green, but then go up to the third layer, you use green to repeat it with the following, you can not change to red, because this and the second layer is also repeated, so you can only draw 3 strokes, that is, red nodes, two green nodes.

The Gregorian number was once considered the largest number ever appeared in formal mathematical proofs, and although it was awarded the Guinness Book of World Records, it was later replaced by TREE(3).