
In the summer, it is often beneficial to drink chrysanthemum tea, reduce the fire and prevent constipation, but 5 kinds of people take it beware of big things

author:Bright Net

Ancient Chinese physicians, Taoists and health scientists believe that chrysanthemums have a health and prolongative effect. As early as the "Shennong Materia Medica", there is a record of "long service to benefit the flesh, light body and old age". It is also very common in life, most people will say, dry mouth, fire constipation, hurry up to drink a cup of chrysanthemum tea! At that time, in fact, chrysanthemum tea is also a taste of traditional Chinese medicine, drinking too much may also have side effects, let's see which types of people are not suitable for drinking chrysanthemum tea?

1. Typhoid fever and flu

Under normal circumstances, typhoid fever and flu people are caused by colds, because chrysanthemums themselves are a cool food, and such people will aggravate their symptoms by drinking chrysanthemum tea, resulting in a great increase in the recovery time of the disease.

2. People with cold constitution

People with cold are afraid of cold, weak body, weak spleen and stomach, low immunity, especially in winter, cold hands and feet. Most of these people have poor spleen and stomach function, and after drinking chrysanthemum tea, it is likely to cause discomfort in the stomach, which is likely to cause diarrhea. Sweet and slightly cold chrysanthemum tea is not suitable for people with cold, which will only aggravate the disease and endanger health.

3. Pregnant women

Pregnant women have a special physique, and they should also eat it with caution. Chrysanthemum tea is cold and sweet, and has an excellent effect on removing fire qi. If the spleen and stomach of pregnant women are weak and their physique is poor, it is not advisable to drink chrysanthemums. At this time, the consumption of chrysanthemum tea is easy to stimulate the stomach and intestines, causing stomach pain and diarrhea, which is not conducive to the healthy growth of the fetus for a long time, and is extremely harmful to the fetus! If you like chrysanthemum tea, it is still recommended to drink it after giving birth to a baby!

4. A man who sweats

Chrysanthemum is originally a wind and pyrolytic drug, which has a certain sweating effect. For qi deficiency, yang deficiency, and table deficiency, it is not suitable for those who are prone to sweating.

5. People who suffer from low blood pressure

Because chrysanthemum tea has a certain antihypertensive effect. People with low blood pressure drink chrysanthemum tea will cause their own low blood pressure to become lower and lower, which is very detrimental to the health of the patient. Such people should pay attention to avoid drinking chrysanthemum tea.

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