
"Warmth in a Snowflake" cheers for Manchuria

The epidemic in Manzhouli has touched the hearts of literary and art workers, and the poet Agulatai joined hands with young literary and art workers to compose the song "Warmth in a Snowflake" to boost morale and inspire people.

During this time, Agulatai always paid attention to the dynamics of the epidemic in Manchuria, and through news reports, he saw many heart-warming stories, especially the scenes of anti-epidemic personnel working in the snow and wind, which made him very touched and completed the lyrics of "Warmth in a Snowflake" in one go.

"Warmth in a Snowflake" cheers for Manchuria

Agulatai poet and lyricist

Suddenly seeing you, who is whiter than snow, is actually not only talking about the white-clad soldiers, but also saying that our party members and cadres and the masses of the people are standing tall in the wind, blocking the cold, our country, our people's kind of Chinese national spirit, the great anti-epidemic spirit.

Agulatai invited young musicians Qingge Letu to compose music, and its Gema and Bayin Mengke sang, and the Anda group and children's voice accompaniment also joined, and the tune was both popular music style and Inner Mongolian characteristics. From recording, arranging, filming, editing, nearly 20 people completed the recording of the work in less than 4 days.

"Warmth in a Snowflake" cheers for Manchuria

That kind of dedication, that passion, regardless of any remuneration, our young artists work day and night, and some children who don't want to disperse until 11 p.m. Some dreams are seen because I believe, why I am saying that the snow is still falling, we have entered the spring, and victory is in sight.

@Tengger News

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