
Why did the Italian army suffer a crushing defeat in Ethiopia?

Why did the Italian army suffer a crushing defeat in Ethiopia?

Lv Haifeng

In April 1941, Ethiopian domestic guerrillas finally defeated the Italian invading army and occupied Siababa. Then, the Ethiopian leader, Emperor Selassie, returned from Sudan with more than 2,000 guerrillas to the capital of Ethiopia, where Ethiopia declared its official independence. At the same time, of course, it also meant that the Italian army had suffered a complete defeat in the war in Ethiopia. So, what's going on here? Let's take a look.

First, let's turn our attention to October 12, 1935, when a farce was being staged in Rome, Italy. With the sound of "bang bang" drums, many Italian fascists are walking briskly towards a square. One of them, with his chin cocked, walked up to a review table in the middle of the square. Then I saw him begin a speech in a hoarse voice to the effect that" was: "Now we have reached the time when we need to solve Ethiopia!" ”

Why did the Italian army suffer a crushing defeat in Ethiopia?

So, who is this speaker? He was the supreme leader of the Italian fascists at that time called Mussolini. So why did he propose to solve Ethiopia? It turned out that the Italian Expeditionary Force had suffered a defeat in Ethiopia many years ago, so in Mussolini's view, it was time for revenge.

So, the day after Mussolini's speech, about 300,000 Italian troops launched a powerful attack on Ethiopia from the north, east and south. So what about Ethiopia, the country under attack? Located in the northeast of Africa, it is extremely poor, but it is very rich in natural resources, and all kinds of minerals are available. It is precisely because of this that Ethiopia has become a beautiful meal in the eyes of many powerful countries.

However, what the Italian invading army never dreamed of was that Ethiopia at this time was no longer the weak and small appearance it had before, and their fighting spirit was very tenacious. Even teenage children took up spears and sticks and fought to the death with the Italian army. Even The Emperor of Ethiopia, Selassie, personally went to battle, along with his people and soldiers, against the Italian army.

Ethiopian herders, on the other hand, often took the initiative to deliver water and food to those who fought from far away, and the military and civilians of the country presented an unprecedented unity. Obviously, in this case, what good fruit can the Italian army eat? The process of their aggression has been difficult. Every step forward costs enormous casualties. So, in desperation, The Italian Mussolini dispatched his air force, hoping to use his advanced weapons to eliminate these Ethiopian resisters. For a time, some of Ethiopia's major cities were almost bombed into a scorched earth.

However, despite this, it was only on November 8, 1935, that the Italian army had occupied one-eighth of Ethiopia's territory. Therefore, in order to occupy Ethiopia as soon as possible and reduce his own casualties, the distraught Mussolini actually used poison gas on the Ethiopian military and civilians. Only then, with so many casualties, that Emperor Selassie had to retreat to Sudan by plane, and Italian troops soon captured the ethiopian capital, Siababa. At this point, Ethiopia became a colony of Italian colonists.

However, "justice may be late, but it will never be absent." "Although the Italian army has a permanent presence of 250,000 troops in Ethiopia, the local people are still not willing to be humiliated, and various guerrilla groups and guerrilla warfare are in full swing. In turn, the Italian army was often in a passive state of being beaten, even "miserable". Eventually, in April 1941, Ethiopia regained its independence and Italy's aggression failed.

In short, why did the Italian army suffer a crushing defeat in Ethiopia? That is, the people will win, and justice will win! (Lv Haifeng)

Why did the Italian army suffer a crushing defeat in Ethiopia?

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