
XYG lost the dragon is only the appearance, "external strength in the middle" is the reason for the loss, Daisen: the whole team has problems

XYG lost to Guangzhou TTG in the playoffs losers group semifinals, ending their entire schedule for this fall season. For XYG, this season is destined to be unforgettable, looking back on their mental journey along the way, a few wins are far more meaningful than the defeats after the defeat, because no one can imagine that they can go to the final four, which is a real ranking of strong teams, and they have done it when they first arrived, and they are constantly learning: in the process of continuous improvement, it is not easy to improve step by step!

XYG lost the dragon is only the appearance, "external strength in the middle" is the reason for the loss, Daisen: the whole team has problems

XYG's loss to TTG is not surprising, but the picture of the players' related status and mistakes in the process is difficult for many fans to accept. "I can accept them losing, but I can't accept them losing like this", some fans said, XYG is not as aggressive and resilient as the previous games, there are frequent problems in the coordination, the players have made many more mistakes, TTG's mistakes are actually quite a few, but four of the six games XYG was robbed of the dragon by TTG, setting a new record for the KPL.

XYG lost the dragon is only the appearance, "external strength in the middle" is the reason for the loss, Daisen: the whole team has problems

After the game, many people blamed XYG's loss on "losing too many dragons", and the spearhead pointed directly at Xyg to play wild September, because it was obvious that September was not in the state this time, and it was difficult not to carry the pot! However, Daxian still loves his brothers, and he also knows that XYG faces the huge pressure that TTG has to bear, and before the game, he said that he was ready to lose, and after seeing XYG being robbed of dragons continuously on the live broadcast, he helped the team members talk.

XYG lost the dragon is only the appearance, "external strength in the middle" is the reason for the loss, Daisen: the whole team has problems

Daisen first comforted the fans with a joke, saying that this time it was the Storm Dragon who took care of TTG, and then helped September to say good things, he said that he could not blame the wild because he lost the game and was robbed of the dragon, this (being robbed of the dragon) is not only a problem of one person, but a problem of the whole team! Daxian really saw through at this point, six games, lost four dragons, two of which are storm dragon kings who can control the battle situation, the most embarrassing thing is that the other side played wild singles into the XYG crowd to grab, if the other dragons were robbed are lucky, then this one is really a problem for the whole team!

XYG lost the dragon is only the appearance, "external strength in the middle" is the reason for the loss, Daisen: the whole team has problems

XYG has been learning and improving all the way, turning the experience learned in the game into their own things, such as at the beginning they were not good at operation, and later learned, at the beginning to get the advantage of the economy is lower than the opposite, and then also learned to play rhythm... However, they only have no experience in "fighting dragon punishment", the coaching team may not have carried out special training at this point, many people think that grabbing dragons is pure luck, in fact, grasping the target "killing line" is the key, followed by teammates to control the vision around, card position, and leave skills to fight damage, if you have thought about this problem before, maybe you will not lose so many dragons.

XYG lost the dragon is only the appearance, "external strength in the middle" is the reason for the loss, Daisen: the whole team has problems

In general, behind XYG's seemingly strong, there are actually a lot of small flaws and problems, they can play with TTG back and forth enough to prove that there is a foundation of strength, but in the late stage of the game processing is still not mature enough, while lack of details, TTG global are implementing a "drag" word, fully utilize XYG's weaknesses. However, I believe that with this defeat, XYG will make up for some flaws in time, they are originally a team that "learns from each other's strengths", and the next time they will definitely do better!

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