
TTG advanced to the finals, after Wolves eliminated, Fly's state was worrying, AG Moonlight posted bluntly very happy

Wolves were eliminated 2-4 against the TTTG team, which was an upset situation, neither insiders nor outside the audience expected wolves to lose to Tttg's hands. The two teams from the second half of this autumn season from the situation, the Wolves are in operation and fighting side by side, the team is relatively stable, ttg is a veteran strong team belonging to last season, because the team players are relatively strong, the coaching staff training ability is also good, ttg in the second half of the embodiment is that there is an upper limit, but there are more mistakes, the lower limit is lower, but if the normal play, the Wolves will definitely not lose, and the accident will occur.

TTG advanced to the finals, after Wolves eliminated, Fly's state was worrying, AG Moonlight posted bluntly very happy

This autumn playoffs themselves are particularly exciting, HY is also launched some time ago "King of the Tournament Coach Activity", the purpose is to help the game, the audience can become a coach in the event, predict their favorite BP lineup, then if correct, there are a variety of game props and hand-made and other rewards, which is to add a lot of fun to the game.

TTG advanced to the finals, after Wolves eliminated, Fly's state was worrying, AG Moonlight posted bluntly very happy

Although it is said that ten years offstage, one minute on stage, in the e-sports game, due to the personal status of the players, including the bp selection of the head coach, it affects the situation of a game. First of all, let's talk about the reasons why the tttg team won, the most important point is the momentum, this team from the second round of the loser group to the finals, in the previous day's game, and then snatched four dragons in a row to beat xyg, the team's state and feel good. Otherwise, in the game, the embodiment is very strong, Lan, Mirror, Pei Huhu, the three wild nuclear heroes, a hero eats a point, plus nine tails, pulled out the accuracy of the hundred mile covenant, even if it did not eat enough economy, but the deterrent for the back row and the front row is still in place, to help teammates get another point, success is to win four games. This is the second reason why the ttg team can win, the five players have their own signature hero techniques, the operation is not bad, take out the unique work, the hero performance is good to eat points.

TTG advanced to the finals, after Wolves eliminated, Fly's state was worrying, AG Moonlight posted bluntly very happy

Wolves in the game, three positions are obviously worse, that is, on, in the middle, auxiliary three positions, Fly whether it is the war side or the Tan side, the performance is not satisfactory, the most impressive is Guan Yu, a variety of irrational entry timing, into, it is controlled, there is no chance of countering, including in the winner group final against eStar, Fly two take out Guan Yu The effect is also the same, before it was said that Fly regular season and playoffs judged two people, then according to the situation of this playoff, Quite the opposite.

TTG advanced to the finals, after Wolves eliminated, Fly's state was worrying, AG Moonlight posted bluntly very happy

Coupled with the unstable play of Xiang Yu, the unknown fire dance of the first game, two consecutive drop points were single killed, and the auxiliary player of Sail Sail entered the playoffs was also judged by two people, who made many mistakes in this game and did not play at the peak level.

TTG advanced to the finals, after Wolves eliminated, Fly's state was worrying, AG Moonlight posted bluntly very happy

What's more funny is that after the end of the game, ag super play club coach Moonlight also released a dynamic, saying "like the claws of a kangaroo", Moonlight has always liked to take the rhythm, before the qg control points, moonlight was also washed over because of the rhythm, after the Wolves were eliminated, it was also publicly stated that their mood was very happy.

Overall, Kear, the god of the loser group in this finals, played against "Autumn SK", and Kear also said all kinds of cruel words to turn eStar 4-0, making this final full of highlights.

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