
Serre: Dembele told Xavi that he wanted to stay in the squad and renew his contract, and the agent thought Barca's offer was too low

Serre: Dembele told Xavi that he wanted to stay in the squad and renew his contract, and the agent thought Barca's offer was too low

According to Searle Radio, Dembele wants to stay at Barca, but his agent believes that barca's offer is too low.

Earlier, Barca sports director Alemani said that he looked forward to solving Dembele's contract renewal before the end of the year, and revealed that Dembele always told Barca that he wanted to stay in the team.

Searle Radio reported that during Harvey's conversation with Dembele, Dembele told Harvey that he wanted to stay with the team and renew his contract with the team because the team's plans inspired him. But at the same time, Dembele's agent believes that Barca's offer for renewal is a bit too low.

(Iron Fist)

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