
As a grassroots person, I was both a confidant of one emperor and a benefactor of another emperor

This article is divided into 5 parts

Part 1 speaks

Bloodline of Constantius III

Part 2

The struggle of Constantius III

Part 3 speaks

Territory of Constantine III

Part 4

Constantine III allied with Hornorius

5 parts

The generals under Constantine III rebelled


Speaking of Constantius, those who are more familiar with Roman history may think of Constantius I (250 to 306 AD) or Constantius II (317-361 AD).

This time we are not talking about Constantius I or II, but Constantius III (died 421 AD).

According to historical records,

Constantius III may have been a man of somewhat barbarian origin, so his origins were very low.

As a grassroots person, I was both a confidant of one emperor and a benefactor of another emperor

But fortunately, he only had a little barbarian blood, otherwise he would never have become an emperor later.

Why did he have only one and not all of his barbarian blood? this

Mainly because his father was Roman.


Roman descent

Constantius III could only be reused after the merits of the army.

If there were no Roman blood, Constantius III would have received at most a little gold and silver treasure, no matter how much merit he had done.

At this point, everyone must have a question, was the Western Roman army not run by the barbarian Stilico in the past? Why can't barbarian blood be reused now?

This is mainly because of the many events produced by Stylico (described in previous articles, and he was finally sentenced to record obliteration in addition to his execution) which frightened Honorius (the Western Roman Emperor),

As a result, he never reused the barbarians in the army.


In the previous article, we said that a man named Heraclian (Count of Afrikaners) led a fleet of 3,200 ships to attack Rome, but he was ultimately defeated by the Western Roman army.

As a grassroots person, I was both a confidant of one emperor and a benefactor of another emperor

So who were the generals of this Western Roman army?

The answer is Constantius III.

Constantius III's overthrow of Heraclian can be said to be a double gain of fame and fortune,

Not only did he impress Honoryu, but he also received Heraclian's private property (nearly four thousand pounds of gold).

In addition to winning this battle, Constantius III also won many battles, large and small.

Of course

These battles were nominally won by Hornorius.

Why did Honoryu stay in his royal palace in Ravenna, where all the credit was nominally attributed to him?

This is because most of the emperors of the Roman Empire even Theodosius (Honorliu's father) led his troops to fight many times, but Honorius did not learn to lead his father to fight when he grew up, but chose to live a leisurely life in the palace.

As a grassroots person, I was both a confidant of one emperor and a benefactor of another emperor

Hornorius wanted fame, so he credited his generals with credit for him.


Next, let's talk about Constantine III, who, along with Honoryu, is known as the Emperor of the Western Romans.

Constantine III became Emperor of the Western Romans not because of Hornorius's appointment, but because of the support of the British (British) legions.

Thus Constantine III and Hornorius can be said

In a relationship of water and fire

However, Hono stayed at the beginning because he had no strength, so he did not send an army to destroy him, but continued to live his own life as a Buddhist.

After Constantine III accepted the endorsement of the Legion of Britain,

Instead of staying in Britain, he came to Gaul to expand his territory.

After several years of expansion,

His territory stretched from Britain to the southernmost part of Spain (thousands of kilometers from north to south).

But these territories ruled by Constantine III were not peaceful, because the whole of Western Rome was in chaos at that time.

As a result, Gaul and Spain under his rule were often invaded by barbarians.

As a grassroots person, I was both a confidant of one emperor and a benefactor of another emperor

Due to the decline of the Western Roman Empire, the rate of barbarian invasions was greatly accelerated.

The roman empire, which had not yet decayed, was blocked by the Rhine and the Pyrenees, which could prevent barbarians from invading.

But now the Rhine and the Pyrenees were for the barbarians

Just like the decorations, you can come and go as you want.


Constantine III was probably a very optimistic man, his own territory was still in a state where the barbarians could invade at any time, but he did not want to run away from the barbarians who invaded his territory, but chose to establish relations with Hornorius.

Establishing a relationship with Hornorius was not an easy task for Constantine III, because in Hornorius's eyes, Constantine III was a thorn in his side.

As a grassroots person, I was both a confidant of one emperor and a benefactor of another emperor

In addition to being a thorn in Hornorius's eye, Constantine III also did something to make his relationship with Hornorius very stiff.

This was the fact that he slaughtered all of Horno's relatives left in Gaul (because these relatives of Hornorius rebelled against him).

Constantine III had to say that since he had slaughtered all of Hornorius's relatives, how could he still think of having a good relationship with Hornorius, rather than thinking about how to destroy Hornorius.

Constantine III, through secret contact,

Successfully established an alliance with Hornorius.

With this relationship, Constantine III assured Hornorius that he would liberate Italy from the Goths. (This was 409 AD, and Alaric was still alive) (Alaric was the Gothic king who invaded Rome three times)

As a grassroots person, I was both a confidant of one emperor and a benefactor of another emperor

When I saw the assurance of Constantine III, I really had an idea in my heart, and this idea was

You can't even protect your own territory, and you still think about protecting other people's territory, isn't this the rhythm of finding death?


In order to fulfill his promise of the liberation of Italy from the Goths, Constantine III led his army to the edge of the Po River (the largest river in Italy).

At that time, Hornorius had already learned in advance that the Goths wanted to take out Constantine III's army, and kindly reminded Constantine III.

As a grassroots person, I was both a confidant of one emperor and a benefactor of another emperor

But Constantine III did not retreat, but went on,

Want to be tough with the Goths.

The outcome of the hard gang is estimated to be less than ideal, because Constantine III retreated very quickly after the hard steel to his royal palace in Arles (a city in southeastern France).

In the royal palace of Arles, Constantine III, presumably trying to cover up his defeat, chose to stage a grand triumph without restraint and frantically flaunt his victory.

A few days after this triumph, one of Constantine III's generals rebelled.

The general quickly took control of Spain after his rebellion, and then made Maximus (his friend) emperor.

Did this general defeat Constantine III after his rebellion? The answer is no (otherwise Constantine III would have been gone because of the assistance of Constantius III), but at this time there were not many days when Constantine III could become emperor.

As a grassroots person, I was both a confidant of one emperor and a benefactor of another emperor

At this point, this article will be the end of the content.


History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, The Story of the Romans

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