
The emperor pretended to be blind for 3 years in order to survive, and his wife was ashamed when he faced people and opened his eyes

The emperor pretended to be blind for 3 years in order to survive, and his wife was ashamed when he faced people and opened his eyes

Since ancient times, there have been more than 400 emperors on the throne, among these benevolent brothers, there are those who are diligent and love their posts, of course, there are also faint and incompetent, but the most excessive is those absurd and harmful slaughtering fathers and sons, in order to become emperors. And even if some people become emperors, they must always be vigilant against the wind and grass around them, which shows that being an emperor is also a very difficult thing.

The emperor pretended to be blind for 3 years in order to survive, and his wife was ashamed when he faced people and opened his eyes

This emperor is Yang Xingmi, the King of Wu, after Yang Xingmi became emperor, he took great care of his brother-in-law Zhu Yanshou, not only gave him an official and knighthood, but also rewarded him with a lot of gold and silver jewelry He had to pretend to be blind for 3 years in order to save his life, but he did not expect that his wife actually attracted bees and butterflies in front of him, and immediately after he opened his eyes, he executed his wife and brothers and sisters, the emperor was named Yang Xingmi.

The emperor pretended to be blind for 3 years in order to survive, and his wife was ashamed when he faced people and opened his eyes

Because this is Zhu Yanshou's power is already very large, and Yang Xingmi can not find evidence about Zhu Yanshou's rebellion, so in order to save his life, Yang Xingmi said that he had an eye disease, and he was also blind Because he had just established the country, the emperor married Zhu Yanshou's sister home as a wife in order to win people's hearts, but unexpectedly, this Zhu Yanshou had other thoughts.

The emperor pretended to be blind for 3 years in order to survive, and his wife was ashamed when he faced people and opened his eyes

So he thought of a good idea, at that time, he declared that because of the incompetence of the doctor, his eyes were completely blind, in order to pretend to be more realistic, he let the guards help him walk every day, and once he even took the initiative to hit the pillar This person was hot-tempered, capable and ambitious. At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, in order to stabilize the power, he married Zhu Yanshou's sister, but he did not expect that Zhu Yanshou had other thoughts.

The emperor pretended to be blind for 3 years in order to survive, and his wife was ashamed when he faced people and opened his eyes

It turned out that this man had always felt that his ability was far superior to that of the emperor, so why could his brother-in-law be the emperor, but he himself could only be a subordinate? Therefore, I have always had the idea of usurping the throne and seizing power in my heart. The emperor knew everything about his ambitions, but at that time, the most important thing for the emperor was to stabilize people's hearts and minds, and he could not kill the heroes at will, so he always let him go.

The emperor pretended to be blind for 3 years in order to survive, and his wife was ashamed when he faced people and opened his eyes

Finally, after being blind for three years, Yang Xingmi began to tell his wife that his time might be running out, so he wanted to talk to Zhu Yanshou about something, yang Xingmi's wife did not suspect it, so she quickly let Zhu Yanshou rush back to the palace and his wife's true face was revealed. His wife thought he couldn't see it, but went to attract bees and butterflies in front of him, and these acts were all seen by him, but he could not react in any way.

The emperor pretended to be blind for 3 years in order to survive, and his wife was ashamed when he faced people and opened his eyes

For all this, although Yang Xingmi was very angry, he finally put up with it, and finally when the time was ripe, he killed Zhu Yanshou on the spot as soon as he opened his eyes, and then he divorced his wife Yang Xingmi immediately opened his eyes and took out a hammer to beat Zhu Yanshou to death, and also announced his guilt to the people of the world.

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