
When we all still have it, we must learn to cherish it

December 17, 2021

When we all still have it, we must learn to cherish it


Recent days feel confused, do not know what they have done, in addition to work life seems to be a blank, sometimes want to make their own life more fulfilling, but always can not lift the energy, I don't know if it is with the age of more and more like quiet, friends do not go out, in addition to like to stay at home outside of the nowhere do not want to go, just have time to talk with the family on the phone, and then look at the book shopping down the street, many friends around have begun to test a variety of certificates, and then look at themselves, It seems that there is no interest in anything, before it was fine, I will also learn something useful to me, but in recent times, I feel that I just want to be quiet and quiet, because it is close to the New Year, so a lot of anxiety also comes? Or because I can't even see myself clearly lately.

There will always be a time when I will fall into some anxiety that I don't know why, maybe because I think too much, or maybe because of other reasons. But I've always believed that we're always getting better and sunnier.

When we all still have it, we must learn to cherish it


Yesterday my friend talked to me about some of her past, from the beginning to social work to marriage and children, life is just a white colt gap, a blink of an eye. So when we all still have it, we must learn to cherish it. After all, everyone's time is the same, no more or less than anyone, only when we can still live in the present, do more meaningful things, this meaning of everyone's definition is different, but as long as you feel that it is worth it and like it, then do it.

Yesterday, it was the only time I gave myself a quiet time in so many years, I chose not to do anything and not to think, just give myself a day, that day, I never tried the boredom on that day to play to the fullest, because I did not know that the original do not do anything will be so boring, no work and friends or other hobbies, you will find: I have been wasting time, so since yesterday, I understand that what I have at the moment is the best, lucky.

When we all still have it, we must learn to cherish it


Cherish everything we have now, be grateful for everything we have now, because the existence of all kinds makes our lives have fun, have expectations, understand the joys and sorrows, and experience the special and different life, whether it is work or relatives or friends or hobbies, these make us full and meaningful.

So if one day, when you feel tired, you may wish to try to give yourself a day alone, do nothing and do nothing, you will find that life is really meaningless, you will become extra cherish the moment, cherish the healthy body, and different people and things appear or happen around you, because their existence adds different colors to our lives, colorful and brilliant, you will no longer complain or have confusion.

When we all still have it, we must learn to cherish it


Yesterday for me, although nothing was done, it seemed to have done a lot of things that I had not done for so many years, because yesterday, let me understand what I had never seen before, experienced an experience that I had never had before, I was grateful for everything now, good or bad, I was full of gratitude, and every day after that, I thought, I would live an extremely meaningful and colorful life. I hope that everyone is the same, and it is extremely meaningful to live every day full of expectations at the same time.

When we all still have it, we must learn to cherish it