
Wu Peifu ordered that smoking large cigarettes was strictly prohibited, and this common man not only did not listen, but also dared to smoke in an open and upright manner

When people have no trace, they are especially eager to meet noble people. Whether or not you meet your destiny is sometimes the key to success. Wu Peifu was waiting for a nobleman.

Wu Peifu ordered that smoking large cigarettes was strictly prohibited, and this common man not only did not listen, but also dared to smoke in an open and upright manner

When Wu Peifu first joined the army, he served as Ghoshha at a pipe belt. The so-called Ghoshal is the leader's attendant and guard, ostensibly the leader's sidekick, but the specific work is laborious to run errands, either to issue notices or to pass documents. Although Wu Peifu failed to pass the examination, there was still some ink in his stomach, and he felt that he was really depressed all day with those small soldiers who mixed food and drink.

As soon as people are depressed, they want to change; when they want to change, they look forward to noble people. Fortunately, Wu Peifu looked forward to the stars and the moon, and finally looked forward to the nobles. The nobleman's name is Guo Xudong, a copywriter, and he is considered to be Wu Peifu's boss. At first, Guo Xudong thought that Wu Peifu was a small soldier who didn't understand anything, until one day, he asked Wu Peifu to send official documents, Wu Peifu first itched his hands, flipped through the official documents drafted by the leaders, and then itched his mouth, saying that the leaders had made mistakes in using the codes, and quoted the scriptures and talked about it.

Unexpectedly, Wu Peifu's itch was still itchy, and Guo Xudong was convinced of him, and concluded that Wu Peifu was full of economy, ambitions were extraordinary, and would be able to achieve something great, so he sponsored Wu Peifu to enter the Baoding Military Academy for further study and help him embark on the road of soaring yellow and Tengda. Of course, Wu Peifu was also very competitive, and in just 20 years, he was promoted to a first-class general of the National Revolutionary Army, an official to the inspector of the two lakes of Zhilu and Yu, and the commander-in-chief of the Fourteen Provinces Thief Coalition Army.

Wu Peifu ordered that smoking large cigarettes was strictly prohibited, and this common man not only did not listen, but also dared to smoke in an open and upright manner

Since Wu Peifu has developed, it is indispensable to repay his benefactors. When there is no power and no power, the reward can only rely on verbal promises, good words, and gratitude; when there is power and power, the reward must be practical action, and the grace and the public want gold to give gold, and silver to silver. Wu Peifu is not generally powerful and powerful, and the way of repaying favors is not ordinary.

Wu Peifu had ordered that smoking opium was strictly prohibited, but Guo Xudong was a "double-gun general", and officials could not do it, and smoke could not be smoked. The so-called benefactor's business is no small matter. Wu Peifu then issued a special warrant, "All opium smokers are punished according to the law, but Guo Gong can be addicted", so that the benefactor can smoke in a bright and upright manner, and justifiably enjoy it.

Food and clothing think of lust, smoke is full of official desires. Guo Xudong had enough of his addiction to smoking, and his addiction to the government had risen again. He proposed to Wu Peifu, you can honor your ancestors, and I want to return to my hometown. In fact, returning to the hometown is not important, but the clothes are important. After all, if you are dressed in official clothes and do not return to your hometown, it is equivalent to being busy in vain.

Wu Peifu was a wise man, and immediately implemented Engong's request and planned to appoint Guo Xudong as the envoy of Shandong Salt Transport. This is a first-class fat shortage, but also allows Guo Xudong to return to his hometown in a justified way, and Wu Peifu can be described as well-intentioned and well-intentioned, killing two birds with one stone. Guo Xudong was not happy when he heard it. It turned out that he was a small official, and he felt that with his ability to discern people and the ability of Bole Soma, especially the merit of recommending Wu Peifu, there was no problem in being a provincial governor.

Wu Peifu ordered that smoking large cigarettes was strictly prohibited, and this common man not only did not listen, but also dared to smoke in an open and upright manner

The benefactor's business is a big deal. There was no way, Wu Peifu had to rush to do self-criticism, ran to Cao Kun, soft and hard bubbles, stalked, so that for half a year, he finally got the position of governor of Shandong Province and gave it to Guo Xudong.

Wu Peifu's routine of repaying favors can be summarized in one sentence: Communiqué private favors. In fact, whether it is a private vendetta or a communiqué of private enmity, the two are of the same nature, the difference is not big, nothing more than the use of the convenience of the position, happy personal enmity. Because of the grace of one man, for one's own selfishness, the public power has become a private right, and in the smallest case, it is for the sake of small grace and the abandonment of great righteousness; in the greater case, it is by no means the blessing of the country or the blessing of the people. Throughout history, there have been countless such enmity and hatred and the scourge on the people of the country, and we should really take this as a warning.

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