
What type of boy will a 12 zodiac sign woman marry?

When girls choose a partner, it is important to have the same view. Living with people who do not agree with the three views will be very tired and may be in danger of emotional breakdown. In this issue, what type of boy will the 12 zodiac sign woman marry?

What type of boy will a 12 zodiac sign woman marry?

Aries: March 21 to April 19 in the solar calendar

Aries girls themselves are very righteous, so they look down on men who do not have courage. If a man is as timid as a rat, how can he beg him to protect himself?

Taurus: April 20 to May 20 in the solar calendar

Taurus girls don't look up to "braggart-loving" boys. In the values of the Taurus woman, as much as you can do, it is really offensive for boys to brag at every turn.

What type of boy will a 12 zodiac sign woman marry?

Gemini: May 21 to June 21 in the gregorian calendar

Gemini girls do not like too unsysteed boys, Gemini personality is more changeable, if the other party is also a no main heart, it will make Gemini very headache.

Cancer: June 22 to July 22 in the solar calendar

Cancer girls like strong and independent boys, and don't like boys who are only non-committal, have no main heart, and shrink back when things go wrong.

What type of boy will a 12 zodiac sign woman marry?

Leo: July 23 to August 22 in the solar calendar

Leo girls want their partner to be a person who can improve with themselves, so Leo women don't like unmotivated boys.

Virgo: August 23 to September 22 in the solar calendar

Virgo women are very good and smart, so it is not easy to conquer them. Virgo girls hate boys who don't learn.

What type of boy will a 12 zodiac sign woman marry?

Libra: September 23 to October 23 in the gregorian calendar

Libra girls, duties, kindness. They don't like that their other half is a greedy, cheap, bullying boy.

Scorpio: October 24 to November 22 in the gregorian calendar

Scorpio girls have a slower personality and are more vigilant. So Scorpio women like enthusiastic boys, and don't like types with dull and melancholy personalities.

What type of boy will a 12 zodiac sign woman marry?

Sagittarius: November 23 to December 21 in the gregorian calendar

Sagittarius girls have a bit of a feminine personality, they are decisive and helpful, so they don't like spineless boys.

Capricorn: December 22 to January 19 in the gregorian calendar

Capricorn girls are more yearning for a down-to-earth life and do not like to live every day in fear. So they don't like boys with flamboyant personalities and fierce fighting spirits.

What type of boy will a 12 zodiac sign woman marry?

Aquarius: January 20 to February 18 in the gregorian calendar

Aquarius girls have more practical requirements for feelings, and they hope that the other half is a down-to-earth person who hates boys who "just talk and don't practice".

Pisces: February 19 to March 20 in the solar calendar

Pisces girls have higher expectations of love and pay more attention to the sense of ceremony in love. So they don't like men who are too old-fashioned and boring.

What type of boy will a 12 zodiac sign woman marry?

This article is for entertainment only, the picture comes from By_ River Swallowing Eggs.