
Successfully signed! Thomas Jr. rushed to the aid of the Lakers, and his debut was awarded a 42-point pitch

Before tomorrow's game against the Timberwolves, the Lakers will pass on the bad news, Tucker and Howard have not yet lifted the quarantine, Wei Shao and Bradley have joined the health and safety agreement, counting the injured Ariza and Nunn, the Lakers have 6 people hanging up the free card.

Successfully signed! Thomas Jr. rushed to the aid of the Lakers, and his debut was awarded a 42-point pitch

Salary expert Bobby Max revealed that in the current situation, the Lakers have two difficulty exceptions to use. Soon, Pelinka locked in a signing candidate, and he was Thomas Jr., who was eager to return to the NBA.

Successfully signed! Thomas Jr. rushed to the aid of the Lakers, and his debut was awarded a 42-point pitch

The Lakers will finalize a 10-day contract with Thomas Jr. Thomas Jr. tweeted at the first time, "Give all glory to God." Interestingly, isaiah Thomas, a football player with the same name as Thomas Jr., who also ran to rub the heat, "Thank you Lakers for giving me the opportunity to prove that everyone is wrong, let's open the whole!" ”

Successfully signed! Thomas Jr. rushed to the aid of the Lakers, and his debut was awarded a 42-point pitch

The reason why Thomas Jr. can win the favor of the Lakers is inseparable from his own efforts. In the development league debut, Thomas Jr. blasted down 42 points, 6 boards and 8 assists, almost the director reversed the good play, it can be seen that the strongest 175 on the surface is still a good combat force.

Successfully signed! Thomas Jr. rushed to the aid of the Lakers, and his debut was awarded a 42-point pitch

The epidemic rebounded, and more and more teams suffered from downsizing. Many veterans and fringe players have been given the opportunity to show their skills, as early as the Lakers signed Thomas Jr., the Nets have taken the lead in using difficult exceptions, and signed Langston Galloway through it, and next, they also plan to sign James Ennis and Shaquil Harrison.

Successfully signed! Thomas Jr. rushed to the aid of the Lakers, and his debut was awarded a 42-point pitch

Opportunities and challenges coexist, and I hope that the little Thomases will take advantage of the hard-won opportunity to prove themselves in the league again.

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