
How to take good care of your child's tonsil inflammation

Acute tonsillitis is a common disease in life, can occur at any age, especially in children under 3 years of age is the most common, tonsil inflammation will bring serious effects and discomfort to children, this must be well cared for.

How to take good care of your child's tonsil inflammation

The course of treatment for acute tonsillitis is generally about 7 to 10 days, during which time, we must do a good job of nursing measures for children:

Daily care: pay attention to children to let the bed rest, the indoor temperature should not be too high, to not feel cold is appropriate, the stove should put basin water, sprinkle some water on the ground, so that the air to maintain a certain humidity, in order to keep the nasopharynx of the sick child moist. In the case of keeping warm, open the doors and windows regularly for ventilation to keep the indoor air fresh and reduce pharyngeal irritation.

Fever care: When the body temperature is too high, physical cooling can be used, such as cold compresses on the forehead: warm water wipe bath, alcohol wipe bath, etc.

How to take good care of your child's tonsil inflammation

Medication nursing: During treatment, parents should follow the doctor's instructions and give medicines and injections to the sick children on time. During the medication process, if the child has a rash, a sudden increase in body temperature, abdominal pain or early symptoms of shock, the drug should be stopped immediately and go to the hospital for rescue as soon as possible.

Oral care: Before and after eating, the sick child should be gargled with warm salt water, and 2% baking soda or 3% boric acid water should be used 4 to 5 times a day.

Dietary care: In the acute stage, the sick child should be given a light and digestible and nutritious liquid food or semi-liquid food. To be recovered, you can change to eating normal meals. In the acute phase, the sick child should be allowed to drink more boiled water or various juices to replenish the water in the body.

How to take good care of your child's tonsil inflammation

Finally, if there is oliguria and edema in the eye risk within 2 to 3 weeks after the child's illness is cured, it may be combined with nephritis; if fever, joint pain, and palpitation occur, and the pulse is increased, it may be combined with rheumatic fever.