
From takeaway guys to off-road elites, my goal is world champion!

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From takeaway guys to off-road elites, my goal is world champion!

Thailand's cross-country race was won by 2 Chinese?

At a time when domestic races have been postponed and suspended, this news is like a needle of chicken blood into the hearts of Chinese runners.

Thailand's UTMB cross-country race was held last weekend, and the champion was won by China's elite cross-country racers Zhao Jiaju and Xiang Fu.

Zhao Jiaju won the men's 100 miles with a time of 21 hours, 56 minutes and 28 seconds, and improved the track record by as much as 4 hours!

Xiang Fuzhao won the women's 100 miles championship with a time of 26 hours, 01 minutes and 23 seconds, more than 1.5 hours ahead of the second place, and also broke the men's record of previous years.

From takeaway guys to off-road elites, my goal is world champion!

The 2021 Thailand by UTMB Supercross is one of the series of UTMB, the leading race in the trail running arena.

The actual distance of the race is 169.9 kilometers, the climb is more than 7500 meters, and the participants need to run from day to night and then meet the dawn.

As the only Chinese player invited by the organizing committee, Zhao Jiaju said: "Although the time span is relatively long, I still choose to meet the challenge. Because every new track is a new challenge, I'm looking forward to it."

From takeaway guys to off-road elites, my goal is world champion!

01 Start with the takeaway guy

From takeaway guys to off-road elites, my goal is world champion!

Zhao Jiaju has won a number of cross-country championships before this, as the only Chinese to win the Spartan Warrior Beast and Super Championships, many people are curious about his origins, and everyone has speculated that such a strong physical fitness must be a professional athlete.

But Zhao Jiaju's answer surprised everyone: "I am a grassroots through and through, my parents work in the factory, I have done everything, and the delivery man used to be my favorite job."

Like all young boys, Zhao Jiaju liked Bruce Lee very much since he was a child, and he wanted to learn martial arts in Wudang with a passion, but he was turned away.

Later, he studied free fighting for 4 years, and wanted to make a living from boxing, until he saw the running competition in the back: "When I saw the poster of Hangma by the West Lake, I knew that there was still this kind of competition!" ”。

Without professional learning methods and systematic training, Zhao Jiaju thought of a good way to exercise and take care of life: takeaway brother!

From takeaway guys to off-road elites, my goal is world champion!

It's just that others deliver food and ride in an electric car, and he uses his legs.

On the streets of Wuhan, Zhao Jiaju carried takeaways and ran through the streets, alleys, overpasses and tunnels, "There are about 1500 orders per month, each single average is about 2-5 kilometers, I run to deliver takeaway often faster than others ride electric vehicles!" ”。

At that time, Zhao Jiaju was less than 20 years old, but his view of things had surpassed that of many of his peers, and he seemed exceptionally calm, not in a hurry to run out of achievements, but first silently accumulated and laid a good foundation.

02 All the way to the battle

From takeaway guys to off-road elites, my goal is world champion!

In 2014, Zhao Jiaju, who had never received a day of professional training, began to participate in the marathon, and as he participated in more and more events, Zhao Jiaju's professionalism became higher and higher, and slowly the prize money of the race could support his life, and he no longer had to do odd jobs.

Since 2017, he has 30-40 races a year, Zhao Jiaju did not flinch in the face of such intensity, but became more and more excited: "I found that I can carry long distances, more to hone myself, more than 100 kilometers, in fact, mentally ready, after running physically I do not feel tired." 」

From takeaway guys to off-road elites, my goal is world champion!

In the past few years, Zhao Jiaju has won numerous honors and won a number of domestic awards:

2018 800 Quicksand Extreme Race Runner-up

2018 Maoming Electric White International 100km Off-Road Champion

2018 Spartan Warrior Super Championship Beijing Champion

2018 Spartan Warrior Beast Race Beijing Champion

2018 Mountain Crossing Yumen Magic Mountain 100km Off-Road Champion

2019 Shennongjia 100 km champion

2019 Chongqing 100 International Off-Road Challenge Champion

2019 Mont Blanc Endurance Race CCC Group 11th

2020 Gangnam 100 Miles Record-Breaking Challenge

2021 Thailand by UTMB Supercross Champion

What impressed him the most was the 2018 Eight Hundred Quicksand Extreme Race, Zhao Jiaju admitted that after the 400-kilometer-long track, after experiencing self-supply, self-navigation, and crossing no one next door, the suffering encountered later was not difficult in his eyes.

"The experience was completely beyond sports and it felt like it wasn't a game anymore. At that time, I believe that I could not have it in this lifetime. I've seen the sun rise in the morning and set again in the evening, and I've seen the wind and rain, which is very good."

From takeaway guys to off-road elites, my goal is world champion!

In November 2019, as spartan's only male athlete in China, Zhao Jiaju will depart Sweden for the Spartan 24 Hours World Championships, and since then, his goal has changed from Chinese champion to world champion.

15 years away from home, 10 years have passed, Zhao Jiaju's road is all by his own step by step down, from takeaway brothers to off-road elites, from domestic competitions to international events, Zhao Jiaju has been constantly breaking through himself, the same is the firmness of the champion.

It is certain that in the future international competitions, Zhao Jiaju's name will make the world applaud!

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