
Unconsciously, the rocket is back in contention

Unconsciously, the rocket is back in contention

Recently, the Rockets have played 5 games in 7 days, 5 games and 4 losses, coupled with the fact that there are not many players in the team, it can be seen that the remaining group of young men is also insufficient, and it is expected to lose the game. Recently, the entire NBA league has not been peaceful, a large number of players have triggered security agreements, and the pattern of the entire league has undergone some changes. The Rockets are relatively good, there has been no personnel change, the team's players such as Porter Jr., Jaylen Green and other players are expected to return, and the whole team has also played a strengthening injection.

In response to the recent changes in the league's epidemic, the league has tested players who have not yet received a booster injection, and the NBA currently has a vaccination rate of 97%, and 60% of players have a booster injection, which is actually good. At the same time, the Raptors were the first to reduce the number of fans entering the home stadium to 50%, in order to prevent the epidemic;

Unconsciously, the rocket is back in contention

The Rockets recovered some of their form in the game and didn't dig a big hole early, as they did against the Cavaliers. The Rockets are now in the same state as before, playing with anyone, and they don't look like a weak chicken team.

In this game, Wood + Green + Porter Jr. + House continued to be truce due to injury, and Gordon returned from the line of fire. The 9 players in the normal rotation of the whole team, although Garruba returned to the top, but the game against the Eagles looked down, the technology was slightly rough, in addition to the strong play that OK, the running position defense is still a bit chaotic. And Nouaba in today's game, the state is not very good, Silas did not give too many opportunities, coupled with Brooks's injury, the actual Rockets today against the Knicks is 8-man rotation, 4 of which are still in their rookie year;

Unconsciously, the rocket is back in contention

Today Gordon came back in the line of fire, the fight was not very good, and it was understandable. Shen Jing, who played brilliantly recently, played the worst game, playing 15 minutes, 0 of 3, contributing 1 point, 2 rebounds and 1 assist, and losing 23 points against his opponents. In the Knicks such an inner line group, the short board of nerves is becoming more and more obvious, the figure is weak, and the position of Noel, Gibson and even Randall and Robinson does not have any advantage, and the shaking of Shen Jing's inner line footsteps, Robinson's footsteps do not move at all close to Shen Jing, after all, you can use the shape and weight to defend. In the last quarter of the game, Silas still gave Shin Kyung 15 minutes, the performance was still very poor, in addition to strength, he also needed to improve his shooting ability, so as to really make the Rockets' internal line stand firm.

The best performer today was Theiss, who finally finished the outburst after a period of abandonment and slump. Against the Knicks, Theis had 22 points, 10 rebounds, two three-pointers, and consecutive inside dunks. Theis has been rumored to have been leaking out of the trade, and before the game it was rumored that the Knicks were interested in Gordon, and Gordon played poorly in this game, which is still more interesting.

Unconsciously, the rocket is back in contention

In addition to Theis, Tate is also the main player of the Rockets to play relatively well, with 20 points and 6 assists in the whole game, and provoked a beam in the Rockets team that lacked major generals. The next game Rockets against the Eastern Fish Belly Team Pistons, this game the Rockets are expected to end the losing streak, if the head of the jaylen Green can come back, then it will be the head of the game, is bound to cause a lot of attention;

Unconsciously, the Rockets' win-loss difference is consistent with the Thunder, the first-to-last in the West, 0.5 more games than the Pelicans, and the original nest fire has been swimming within the range of the champion.

Last sentence: "Never underestimate the heart of a champion"

Unconsciously, the rocket is back in contention

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