
In this special branch of the Second World War, even the demon Hitler did not want to kill, but japan singled them out

As we all know, China in the late Qing Dynasty was seriously injured after the Battle of Jiawu and China, and Since then, Japan has begun to blatantly attack our country. With the outbreak of the Lugou Bridge Incident in 1937, Japan embarked on its ambitious plan to annex China and dominate the world. The Japanese who invaded China almost poured out of their nests, burning and looting on the territory of our country, doing no evil, and having no humanity to speak of.

In this special branch of the Second World War, even the demon Hitler did not want to kill, but japan singled them out

During World War II, Japan's ambitions continued to expand, while invading China, but also did not forget to covet Burma, Southeast Asia and other countries, seeing that the United States threatened its own status, Japan and crazy to make the decision to sneak attack Pearl Harbor, although this operation they were able to sneak attack successfully, but such good luck did not last long, Japan ushered in the Retaliation of the United States.

After the reorganization, the United States immediately intervened in the Pacific War, and in the "Battle of Iwo Jima", the Japanese army died more than 20,000 people, and only more than a thousand prisoners survived, which severely thwarted Japan's vigor.

In this special branch of the Second World War, even the demon Hitler did not want to kill, but japan singled them out

However, despite this, the number of US casualties was also quite large, a total of more than 6,000 soldiers were killed, and more than 20,000 wounded were wounded, and it was precisely after the heavy casualties and casualties of this battle that the United States made the decision to drop two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and finally defeated Japan unconditionally. But having said that, the question arises, from the perspective of comprehensive strength such as comprehensive weapons, military, and logistics, the disparity between Japan and the United States is relatively large, so how did Japan cause the United States to pay such a heavy price?

Speaking of this problem, we have to introduce the classification of soldiers on the battlefield at that time, in layman's terms, the soldiers on the modern battlefield at that time were mainly divided into combat classes and auxiliary arms, and there was a type of soldier in the auxiliary arms called medical soldiers, who were mainly responsible for treating wounded soldiers, and had a pivotal position on the battlefield, and medical guards could sometimes even decide the outcome or loss of a war.

In this special branch of the Second World War, even the demon Hitler did not want to kill, but japan singled them out

In the international regulations at that time, not killing medical soldiers had become the consensus of all countries, and during World War II, the countries participating in the war were abiding by this agreement. In order to distinguish the difference between the medic and other classes, the medic will also wear a red cross on the left arm with an armband and a helmet with a red cross on the head, with these red eye-catching signs, once these medics appear on the battlefield to treat casualties, all countries will carefully abide by the rules and do not kill the medics.

However, the Japanese violated this rule on the battlefield of World War II, once they saw the unarmed medical soldiers, they would not hesitate to shoot and kill, no one expected that the Japanese would do such a shameless act, in this way, the eye-catching helmets originally used to protect the medical soldiers became a living target in the eyes of the Japanese Kou, and they saw one to kill one. It was in this situation that American medics suffered heavy casualties. The medics were undermanned, and the mortality rate of wounded soldiers on the battlefield immediately plummeted.

In this special branch of the Second World War, even the demon Hitler did not want to kill, but japan singled them out

In terms of the treatment of enemy medical soldiers, even the combat maniac Hitler did not dare to act so recklessly. Also during World War II, Germany strictly adhered to this rule during its confrontation with Britain. On 25 May 1940, Britain was forced to retreat under a strong German offensive.

Unexpectedly, however, the two German and British ships met unexpectedly on the sea, and just when everyone thought that the battle was inevitable, the German soldiers suddenly noticed the Red Cross flag hanging on the British ships, so the German fleet chose to abandon the attack and let the two British sanitary ships pass smoothly.

In this special branch of the Second World War, even the demon Hitler did not want to kill, but japan singled them out

This move made the personnel on the British ship very moved, and when the two sides met, the medical soldiers on the British ship took the initiative to pay tribute to the German soldiers, and the German side also honked their horns after seeing it. Such a scene may seem out of place in times of war, but it is this conscience that makes the cruel war full of warmth.

Not long after the end of the Second World War, Germany immediately stood up to apologize to the people of the whole world, and went to the cemetery every year to confess to the souls of the war, and German Chancellor Polant even knelt down in front of the tomb to apologize, not only that, Germany also took various actions in good faith to make up for the mistakes made in the past, such acts were quickly forgiven by the people of the world.

In this special branch of the Second World War, even the demon Hitler did not want to kill, but japan singled them out

On the other hand, Japan not only has no remorse for the mistakes it made in the past, but has tried to cover up history by revising textbooks and other despicable means, so that many young people in Japan believe that the Nanjing Massacre and other tragic crimes are crimes imposed on Japan by China. For such a shameless act, we must remember this tragic history and be determined to revitalize the motherland.

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