
Colonists enslaved Indian girls, producing large amounts of mixed blood, but also bringing in deadly sexual viruses

In modern times, after the opening of new shipping routes, European colonists began to seize colonies all over the world, and now the Americas, Oceania, Africa, etc. are basically colonies of European countries. However, there is a very peculiar phenomenon that all the colonies that were originally British and French are now very white, such as Canada and the United States. But in all the Spanish colonies, there are many mixed races, such as Mexico, Argentina, and so on. Why is that?

Colonists enslaved Indian girls, producing large amounts of mixed blood, but also bringing in deadly sexual viruses

In fact, this is different from their attitude and strategy towards the colonies. The British, French and other colonists, who were firmly on the theory of racial superiority, were reluctant to intermarry with local blacks or Indians. Therefore, their treatment of the natives was generally to kill them, such as the British in North America, directly slaughtering Indians, and then carrying out large-scale white immigration.

Colonists enslaved Indian girls, producing large amounts of mixed blood, but also bringing in deadly sexual viruses

But Spain's attitude was completely different, because the expansion of Spain's colonies at that time was completely laid down by a bunch of outlaws. These people were all bachelors, mighty and powerful, such as 600 people who took the Aztec kingdom with a population of several million; 147 people occupied the Inca Empire with a population of 10 million people, and so on. These outlaws can be said to be quite fierce, and in order to maintain colonial rule, the Spanish rulers needed these people to settle down here.

Colonists enslaved Indian girls, producing large amounts of mixed blood, but also bringing in deadly sexual viruses

Therefore, the King of Spain issued an order encouraging spaniards to intermarry with native Indians, and this intermarriage was a combination of Spanish men marrying Indian women. However, when this order came down to the colonies, it changed. These colonists began a bloody campaign, killing Indian men in large numbers and then looting their wives and daughters as their harem. During this period, a large number of Indian men were killed, while a large number of Indian girls were divided.

Colonists enslaved Indian girls, producing large amounts of mixed blood, but also bringing in deadly sexual viruses

Many Spanish colonists built their own harems, and during the day these maidens were slave girls who had to work for their masters, and at night, these Indian women were trampled on arbitrarily. The effect of this policy is still obvious, and the explosive growth of mixed-race children in Latin America has laid the foundation for the current number of mixed-race children in these regions. Unfortunately, however, the mass production of mixed-race children has also brought with it a serious infectious disease, that is, syphilis.

Colonists enslaved Indian girls, producing large amounts of mixed blood, but also bringing in deadly sexual viruses

From the perspective of the production of syphilis, it was first found in Spain, where the virus was infected, covered with pustules, flakes of flesh and blood, and finally died painfully. The Tongzhi Emperor of the Qing Dynasty was also infected by syphilis imported from Europe and died tragically. For the Indians, who had no immunity or resistance, the syphilis virus was devastating, causing a large number of deaths. Humans were helpless about syphilis until 1905, when scientists found a solution. But before that, tens of millions of people had suffered, all of which were the work of the Spanish colonists.

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