
Debut 42+6+8! Thomas Jr. joined the Lakers

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Thomas Jr. joined the G League and made his debut with 42 points, 6 rebounds and 8 assists. The G-League official tweet was excited: he was back. It also comes with a GOAT emoticon.

Debut 42+6+8! Thomas Jr. joined the Lakers
Debut 42+6+8! Thomas Jr. joined the Lakers

In the G League, Thomas Jr. does have a big killer taste. Whether it is competition experience or scoring skills, it is appropriately a level higher.

Directly dry pull three points

Debut 42+6+8! Thomas Jr. joined the Lakers

One person challenged the opposing defense, advanced from the middle of the road, carried the defenders in, and the small steel cannon full of explosive power seemed to be back.

Debut 42+6+8! Thomas Jr. joined the Lakers

There is a ball worth mentioning, Thomas Jr. rode in the dust, received a long pass from the backcourt, and scored a quick layup. The passer was stevenson. He had a triple-double for the game — 18 points, 15 rebounds and 10 assists.

Debut 42+6+8! Thomas Jr. joined the Lakers

Both are looking for an opportunity to return to the NBA. Thomas Jr. took the lead in completing the goal.

Waking up in the morning, Westbrook and Bradley trigger a health and safety agreement, along with Howard and Tucker in quarantine.

Debut 42+6+8! Thomas Jr. joined the Lakers

According to ESPN, 63 players and 2 coaches have triggered health and safety agreements this season, and shortly after the report was issued, multiple players have triggered them, and now nearly 70 players and coaches have triggered agreements, and the number is still increasing.

The NBA will not stop until it is absolutely necessary, so there is a difficult special case of this product.

The Lakers, who lacked major generals, signed Thomas Jr. with a difficult exception, and the contract was a short contract of 10 days.

Debut 42+6+8! Thomas Jr. joined the Lakers

Thomas Jr. got a chance, but whether he could stay or not depended on his performance. His problem is still strong attack and weak defense, no one to cover the bottom, then the defense becomes a cash machine.

However, after dreaming for so long, I finally saw the dawn and blessed little Thomas.

Debut 42+6+8! Thomas Jr. joined the Lakers

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