
The most mysterious treasure in the West, surrounded by evil dragons, has always thought it is a legend but has been discovered

The Nibelungen Treasure has attracted the interest of many archaeologists, many of whom have contributed a great deal of time, energy and wealth to it. Unfortunately, to this day, the mysterious veil of the Nibelungen treasure has not been revealed. It is said that someone once discovered this treasure.

Regarding this mysterious treasure, it is precisely because we have not yet revealed its veil that there will be many mysterious legends surrounding it. The most typical is the "Song of the Nibelungen". It is an epic poem written around 1200. As for its author, we can't be sure today, except that he was a knight from Austria and not famous.

The most mysterious treasure in the West, surrounded by evil dragons, has always thought it is a legend but has been discovered

However, the "Song of the Nibelungen" he composed was widely circulated by later generations. Both the first "Death of Siegfried" and the second "Klinghilde's Revenge" are very attractive.

The Song of the Nibelungen tells the story of the war between Burgundy and the Huns. The story begins with Siegfried, prince of nibelungen, who hears that there is a very beautiful princess in Burgundy named Klinghilde, who wants to marry her. At the time, Burgundy was experiencing an invasion.

In order to quell the war, King Gunter used his beautiful daughter Klingheld as a weight, and if Prince Siegfried of nibelungen could help him, drive out the invaders, and help him win the favor of Queen Brinnhilde of Iceland and facilitate the marriage between the two, then Gunter agreed to marry his daughter Klinghild to Siegfried.

The most mysterious treasure in the West, surrounded by evil dragons, has always thought it is a legend but has been discovered

After that, Siegfried did help Gunte quell the war and gained the favor of the Queen of Iceland. So he married the beautiful princess Klinghilde. Unfortunately, the Queen of Iceland later learned that she was not subdued by tribute, but by Siegfried, so she sent her servant Hagen to kill Siegfried. Klinghilde, who had lost her husband, was so upset that she decided to avenge her husband.

In this history book, the secret of the treasure of the Nibelungen is recorded. So in reality, do these treasures really exist as recorded in the history books? Some people will say that the history books are still dominated by legends and stories, and the records of history are not very credible.

The most mysterious treasure in the West, surrounded by evil dragons, has always thought it is a legend but has been discovered

Some people also say that the causes of the war are recorded in detail in the history books, and the ins and outs of the treasure are also very clear, which should be used as important information for treasure hunting.

In this history book, the treasure of nibelungen is guarded by a dragon, and although there are many people who hope to get the treasure, but under the protection of the dragon, people cannot approach it. And Prince Siegfried of Nibelungen was a brave and powerful man who liked to go around looking for interesting things and collecting them.

The Nibelungen Treasure was one of the riches he had collected. In order to make himself stronger, Siegfried also killed the dragon and smeared it on his body with the dragon's blood. Unfortunately, he did not cover his body with the blood of the dragon, because a leaf of the Bodhi tree fell on Siegfried's shoulder. It was this small piece of skin that was not smeared with the blood of the dragon, and it became the only weakness in Siegfried's whole body.

The most mysterious treasure in the West, surrounded by evil dragons, has always thought it is a legend but has been discovered

Siegfried knew that Princess Klingschild was beautiful because he heard the birds. After that, Siegfried was bent on marrying the beautiful princess. At that time, the princess's home country was undergoing a foreign invasion, and the powerful prince Siegfried helped the princess's mother country win the war. When the Queen of Iceland married the Princess's father, King Gonte, she was very cold to King Gunter on her wedding night. Later, it was Siegfried who subdued the competitive Queen of Iceland and took her belt and ring.

Later, the Queen of Iceland, who learned the truth, was furious that she had not been conquered by King Gonte, and he ruled out her servant Hagen from killing Siegfried. How is Hagen a rival to Siegfried? However, the cunning Hagen used his means to know the weaknesses of Siegfried and marked his clothes, so he attacked him from Siegfried's back, taking the prince's treasure and throwing it into the Rhine.

The most mysterious treasure in the West, surrounded by evil dragons, has always thought it is a legend but has been discovered

The princess is from Burgundy. The Burgundians, also known as the Nibelungens, first lived in the northwestern peninsula of Europe. As the years passed, they gradually migrated to the Rhine region. Later, Burgundy fought fiercely with the Huns and was almost exterminated.

The surviving Burgundians moved to Geneva and southeastern France, while the Hun king Attila died the night he married a Germanic woman. This is perfectly consistent with the experience of Klinghilde in the epic.

The Nibelungen Treasure is the dream of many archaeology enthusiasts. It is said that this treasure was a Byzantine offering. It is also reported that in 1837 two people discovered some of these treasures. Unfortunately, in the flow of time, these treasures have been circulated several times, and now, they have been lost.