
Chenghua Ploughing Court: Ming Xianzong "absolutely variety" to the Jianzhou Jurchens, playing a hundred years of peace

Chenghua Ploughing Court: Ming Xianzong "absolutely variety" to the Jianzhou Jurchens, playing a hundred years of peace

Jianzhou Jurchen, a term now known, is mainly due to the rise of Nurhaci; his son Emperor Taiji inherited his father's legacy, established the Qing Dynasty, changed the Jurchen clan to Manchu; and the feat of dingding the Central Plains during the Shunzhi Emperor. With an ethnic minority ruling the great China, throughout the ages, there have only been the Yuan Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty.

But in fact, as one of the three major tribes of the Jurchen clan, jianzhou Jurchen has a long history. The Jurchen people, originating from more than 3,000 years of solemnity, in the early years of the Ming Dynasty, the Jurchens were divided into Jianzhou Jurchens, Haixi Jurchens, and Donghai Jurchens because of geographical problems. Jianzhou Jurchen, mostly living in mudanjiang, Suifenhe and Changbai Mountain.

Chenghua Ploughing Court: Ming Xianzong "absolutely variety" to the Jianzhou Jurchens, playing a hundred years of peace

During the reign of Emperor Ming Chengzu Zhu Di, a Jianzhou Wei was set up to administer the area. Thanks to the geographical advantages close to the Ming Dynasty, through the mutual market with the Ming Dynasty, the Jianzhou Jurchen began to realize the transformation from fishing and hunting to farming, compared with the Haixi Jurchen and the East China Sea Jurchen, the Jianzhou Jurchen also became stronger step by step, because the Ming Dynasty at that time adopted a policy of restraint on the minorities that belonged to it, and in order to prevent the Jianzhou Jurchen family from dominating, it adopted a divide-and-rule strategy, and on the basis of the Jianzhou Wei, it was divided into the Jianzhou Left Guard and the Jianzhou Right Guard, which is also the origin of the Jianzhou Three Guards.

In fact, the policy of bondage played a certain positive role in maintaining the central government and the border areas in the early days of the dynasty, but due to the maintenance of the social organization and management form of ethnic minorities, the lack of control over these areas also led to the weakening of the central government, which inevitably showed an independent and semi-independent state in these areas.

Chenghua Ploughing Court: Ming Xianzong "absolutely variety" to the Jianzhou Jurchens, playing a hundred years of peace

This state of affairs had already become a boiling trend when Emperor Mingxianzong zhu saw the depths. In the fourteenth year of orthodoxy (1449), a Waterloo-style civil fort change in the town of Zhu Qi of Emperor Ming Yingzong lost the three most elite battalions cultivated by several dynasties, but thanks to the rescue of Yu Qian, the prime minister of the time, he turned the tide and won the victory in the defense of Beijing, so that the Ming Dynasty would not collapse.

But the marginal effect of this great reduction in strength was that the Ming Dynasty lacked deterrence over the ethnic minorities in the border areas. They, who were simply dependent on interests, were also eager to move.

Although this crisis was slightly alleviated by Zhu Qiyu, and Yu Qian also rebuilt the twelve battalions, with the change of the gate, Zhu Qizhen once again ascended to the throne, and the negative effect of a dark prince on a dynasty could be said to be exposed.

Chenghua Ploughing Court: Ming Xianzong "absolutely variety" to the Jianzhou Jurchens, playing a hundred years of peace

By the time Emperor Mingxianzong Zhu Jianshen ascended the throne, there were a million displaced people in Jingxiang rebelling, the Dayeng Gorge rebellion, and the corruption of the officials; externally, the Mongol tribes robbed Ningxia and other places, the Turpan Khanate's attack on Hamiwei, and of course, the rise of the Jianzhou Jurchens.

This situation is no less than that of the Chongzhen Dynasty. However, compared with his father Zhu Qizhen and the Chongzhen Emperor, Zhu Jianshen was much more virtuous.

"Dong Shan has a lot of pity, Haixi Zhuyi, and there is no false moon on the side of theft." - "Jianyi Kao"

Chenghua Ploughing Court: Ming Xianzong "absolutely variety" to the Jianzhou Jurchens, playing a hundred years of peace

At this time, the Jianzhou Jurchen, taking advantage of the chenghua emperor's first ascension to the throne, repeatedly violated the border and plundered in the situation of "hitting the grass valley". What should be done about Zhu Jianshen?

Zhu Mi was deeply angry! In the third year of Chenghua, in the face of Dong Shan's endless plunder, he issued an edict to "smash its nest and eliminate its kind." From the perspective of this strategy, Xianzong intends to completely eliminate it once and for all. Subsequently, the great general Zhao Fu led 50,000 troops and divided his troops into three ways to suppress the Jurchens of Jianzhou. At that time, because of dongshan's troubles, the vassal state of Korea was also deeply affected, so Myeongseonjong also ordered The Korean army to assist.

After some encirclement and suppression, the Ming army won a complete victory. More than 630 Jianzhou Jurchens were beheaded, and Dong Shan and Li Manzhu were all beheaded. Dong Shan also has an identity, the fifth ancestor of Nurhaci.

Chenghua Ploughing Court: Ming Xianzong "absolutely variety" to the Jianzhou Jurchens, playing a hundred years of peace

After this blow, the Jianzhou Jurchen finally stopped for several years. However, with the recovery of vitality, the Jianzhou Jurchen once again made a comeback under the influence of lust for profit.

At that time, the court was in war and uncertain. Ma Wensheng advocated generous rewards and appeasement, while Wang Zhi advocated fighting for war. In the end, after an investigation, Zhu Jianshen once again decided to eliminate the Jianzhou Jurchens. Under the leadership of Wang Zhi, the Ming army cut another 695 ranks, captured 486 people, broke more than 450 villages, and obtained more than 1,000 cattle and horses. After the military operation of Chenghua Ploughing, the arrogant Jurchen of Jianzhou finally suffered a heavy blow, and thus stopped for nearly a hundred years, until Nurhaci rose again.

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