
Fruitful! Hulke 2021 Trophy Collection "I Hid in the Corner crying and thanking God"

Fruitful! Hulke 2021 Trophy Collection "I Hid in the Corner crying and thanking God"

Live bar December 17, Hulk posted his 2021 fruitful personal trophy at INS.

Hulk writes, "I can write the greatest praise in the world, but I cannot express my gratitude for god's care." ”

"Yesterday I ended the last game of the year and I started crying in the corner, thanking God for everything I had given me. I wondered if I deserved everything God had given me. Whether it's on the personal side or as a player, I'm forever grateful to God. ”

"The picture shows all the individual awards I've won in 2021, and thanks to my teammates, you guys are indispensable to me and have helped me tremendously."

Hulk 2021 Honors:

Copa Dopa Dole Brasil

Copa Brasil Player of the Year & Golden Boot (8 goals in 10 games)

Baliga champion

Best Player & Golden Boot in the Baja League (19 goals in 35 games)


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