
Westbrook and Bradley triggered a health and safety agreement, and the Lakers plan to sign Thomas Jr. with a difficult exception

Westbrook and Bradley triggered a health and safety agreement, and the Lakers plan to sign Thomas Jr. with a difficult exception

Westbrook and Bradley join forces to save the "strongest 170 on the surface"! | US media: The Lakers plan to sign Thomas Jr. on a 10-day contract, in your opinion, can Thomas Jr. play a full season with the Lakers?

Westbrook and Bradley triggered a health and safety agreement, and the Lakers plan to sign Thomas Jr. with a difficult exception

1, impossible, once Westbrook and Bradley can play, Thomas Jr. will return to where he should stay!

2) Possibly; as long as Thomas Jr.'s performance in these 10 days is enough to amaze the world, then he can be left behind.

【Lakers Schedule/10 Days】

1. Timberwolves

2. Bull

3. The sun

4. Spurs

5. Nets

6. Grizzly Bear

7. Trailblazers

Tip: These ten days of play have been quite critical for Thomas Jr., but fortunately, only the Suns and Grizzlies are defensively strong teams, and the other teams are of average defensive quality.

Westbrook and Bradley triggered a health and safety agreement, and the Lakers plan to sign Thomas Jr. with a difficult exception

【Thomas Jr.】

The last time he played for an NBA team was in the 20-21 season, he only played three games, averaging 7.7 points per game and shooting 33% from the field.

2. Thomas averaged 18 points, 2.4 rebounds and 4.9 assists per game in his career, shooting 43.5% from the field and 36.3% from three-point range.

3. Thomas averaged 28.9 points, 2.7 rebounds and 5.9 assists per game in the peak season, shooting 46.3% from the field and 37.9% from three-point range.

Westbrook and Bradley triggered a health and safety agreement, and the Lakers plan to sign Thomas Jr. with a difficult exception

【Personal Opinion】

1, the Lakers signed Thomas Jr. to use him for up to ten days, the contract expires will not be renewed with him.

2, the Lakers this season's outside defense is already poor, Thomas Jr. limited by height, arm span is originally a defensive loophole; now the Lakers do not lack offensive players, the difference is the defensive top soldiers.

Westbrook and Bradley triggered a health and safety agreement, and the Lakers plan to sign Thomas Jr. with a difficult exception

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