
Go to see menstrual irregularities, but the doctor prescribed contraceptives, what is this operation?

{"info":{"title":{"content":"去看月经不调,医生却开了避孕药,这是什么操作?","en":"Go to see menstrual irregularities, but the doctor prescribed contraceptives, what is this operation?"},"description":{"content":"根本没有这方面需求,因为其它病去看医生,医生却给我开了避孕药,这难道是遇到了庸医?别急!不要被“避孕”这两个字误导了。这...","en":"There is no need for this at all, because other patients go to the doctor, but the doctor prescribes me contraceptives. Don't worry! Don't be misled by the word \"contraception.\" this..."}},"items":[]}