
Temperature · AI anchor | cold air join hands with "winter typhoon" to create wind and rain, and Guangzhou will drop to 9 °C

author:Yangcheng faction

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all-media reporter Liang Zeming

Live-action AI synthetic anchors say the weather

If someone asks "hot enough to wear short sleeves" is the weather in Guangdong in what months? The answer given by the editor will be: every month!

After all, it is December, and many friends can still be seen wearing short sleeves on the streets of Guangdong. Yesterday, were you heated up?

For the small partners in Guangdong, it does not matter what season it is now, they just want to know: how far is the next "cool" cold air in the future?

Don't worry! Don't worry! Isn't that coming...

Temperature · AI anchor | cold air join hands with "winter typhoon" to create wind and rain, and Guangzhou will drop to 9 °C

According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, a new cold air is preparing to develop, affected by it, from the night of December 15 to the 18th, the temperature in most parts of the central and eastern regions will drop by 6 to 10 °C, and the northeast, east China and other local areas can reach more than 12 °C.

Temperature · AI anchor | cold air join hands with "winter typhoon" to create wind and rain, and Guangzhou will drop to 9 °C

Don't get too excited! Our great Guangdong is not in this range...

The cold air process in Guangdong looks here ↓↓↓

According to @ Guangdong Weather, the night of the 16th affected northern Guangdong, and arrived at the coast during the day on the 17th; most of the temperature in Guangdong plummeted, feeling cold; the lowest temperature of the process will appear in the early morning of the 19th: 5 °C in the central and northern regions (about 2 °C in alpine mountains), about 9 °C in Guangzhou.

Temperature · AI anchor | cold air join hands with "winter typhoon" to create wind and rain, and Guangzhou will drop to 9 °C

In addition to cold air, typhoons are also the weather protagonists that have attracted much attention recently.

This year's No. 22 typhoon "Rey" (super typhoon level) has made landfall (super typhoon level) off the coast of Siagao Island in Mindanao, The Philippines, at about 2:30 p.m. on the 16th (super typhoon level, 16, 55 m/s), and then weakened to a strong typhoon level. It is expected that "Rey" will move in a westerly direction at a speed of 25-30 kilometers per hour, will pass through the central Philippine Islands on the night of the 16th, move into the southeast sea surface of the South China Sea on the evening of the 17th, and gradually approach the south sea surface of China's Paracel Islands, and will gradually turn to the north around the 19th, and the intensity will gradually weaken.

Temperature · AI anchor | cold air join hands with "winter typhoon" to create wind and rain, and Guangzhou will drop to 9 °C

Typhoon and cold air join forces, the north wind increases the temperature drop, the body feels cold; looking forward to the 20-21st, affected by the "Rey" and the south branch, the precipitation in Guangdong Province tends to be obvious, and the situation of thirst is expected to ease.

In addition to the two days of a little "moisturizing rain" free delivery, some time ago Guangdong's dryness was comparable to the desert. Why has the South been so dry lately?

In early December, most of the weather in the south was sunny and dry, especially in the southern part of Jiangnan and south China, almost no rain fell, and there was a mild to moderate meteorological drought in eastern Guangxi and most of Guangdong, and the relative humidity of the afternoon air in many places was unusually low compared with the usual year.

In provincial capital cities such as Guangzhou, Nanning, Changsha, Nanchang, Wuhan, Hefei and Nanjing, the average minimum humidity in early December hovered around 30%. In particular, Nanning and Hefei have a minimum relative humidity of less than 25% for 6 consecutive days (December 1 to 6), which is very rare in history, of which Hefei has the most consecutive dry days in the past 30 years, and Nanning can also rank in the top five in the history of December observation.

Temperature · AI anchor | cold air join hands with "winter typhoon" to create wind and rain, and Guangzhou will drop to 9 °C

Southern cities are even drier than they are in the north. For example, on December 1, the minimum relative humidity in Lanzhou was 20%, Yinchuan was 23%, and Hohhot was 34%, while the minimum relative humidity in Hefei and Wuhan was only 19%, which was unusually dry.

Shi Yan, an analyst at China Weather Network, analyzed that the recent dryness of the southern region is mainly due to the fact that most areas have been sunny and cloudy since December, and rainfall is scarce; at the same time, the dry and cold air in the north has blown away the few water vapors in most of the southern part (including the coastal areas of Fujian and Guangdong), resulting in drier air. (For more news, please pay attention to Yangcheng Pie

Source | Yangcheng Evening News • Yangcheng Pie @ Guangdong Weather @ Guangzhou Weather @ Shenzhen Weather @ China Weather Network, etc

Editor-in-charge | Liang Zeming

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